I always think the Asian martial art fantasy fictions to be really interesting and thought it be fun to try bring it into a more western setting.

Hence, I present to you "The Egyptian Pharaoh" I hope you like it :)

Book One: The Legacy of Ishtar Mother of Heaven and Earth

~ Inspired by Egyptian mythology

(Genera: Fiction, Fantasy, Martial Art, Romance)

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Book 1 Prologue: The Coup

Osiris the King of the world enters the palace of his brother Seth. Seth is a great warrior and a great General. Osiris trust Seth more than anybody else and made Seth the General of his army. Seth is Osiris' big brother. It was a festive and Seth waste no time, putting on a good party.

There were soldiers standing guard, everywhere.

"Seem a little bit too serious for a festive, brother" Osiris jokes, seen all the soldiers standing guard

"This is still a military base, you cannot be too careful, brother." Seth replied

There was a lot of food.

"All of this to celebrate you, my brother, the god of agriculture, for without you, most of this world would still be starving." Seth laughed

"You overestimate me, I won't dare to compare myself to a god?" Osiris said

"My brother, you are too humble." Seth said

As the night progress, Seth took out a shiny golden coffin and shows it to the entire guest.

"My dear friends, as much as we want to live forever, sooner or later, we must all meet our end, one day. As much as that is sad, I say, if we must go, we go in style. Whoever can fit into this coffin made by pure gold, I should make it, my gift to him." Seth said

Many people tried out for the coffin, none could fit.

"Aren't you a bit too obsessed with death, my brother?" Osiris said

"Well, why not let our great Pharaoh tries out for it?" Seth yelled, it seems a bit inappropriate, consider Osiris is the pharaoh and this almost sound like cursing the head of state to die. But Osiris didn't think much about it, it is an informal gathering and Seth is his brother.

Osiris enters the coffin and it fits him perfectly.

"I guess our coffin has met its owner." Seth yelled

Osiris smiled and prepares to get out of the coffin. Suddenly, Seth's appearance started to get really serious and heavily pushed Osiris back into the coffin with one hand, the soldiers standing there started the hassle the guest shoving them into a corner of the room.

Osiris frowned "What is the meaning of this, brother?" he asked

"As I said, when you move to the afterlife, you should go in style." Seth said, Seth moved back and let go of Osiris' chest, but before Osiris can get up, a golden lid cover the coffin.

"Get me out of here!" Osiris bang on the lid of the coffin

"You will meet our parents, in the afterlife." Seth whispered, as eight soldiers lifted the coffin and threw it into the Nile River.


Outside the party Min the Captain of Osiris' body guards waited, he doesn't like waiting out here, he guts told him, something will go wrong in this party. But the Pharaoh gave strict orders, for his bodyguards to wait outside, saying that he trusts his brother completely. Equipped with bronze armor, bronze sword and bronze shield, they were some of the best equip soldiers of Egypt. Most soldiers are still using wooden lance and wooden shield, armor, they would be lucky to have animal skin for slight protections.

There were thirty bodyguards, including Min. In a few minutes, a young woman came forward to bring water to the body guards.

Min took a look at the water and quickly realized it is poison.

"Wait!" Min yelled, too late, eight bodyguards already drank the water. The water was poison by the venom of the deadliest serpents. The soldiers that drank the water died right away. Seen she been found out, the young woman grabbed her stone made knife and tried stabbing Min, but Min was faster and killed the young woman with his sword.

"Battle formation!" Min yelled archers that was hiding in the forest, jumped out and fired their arrows. They aim for the legs, with no bronze armor, the archers numbered in hundred, two more bodyguards were shot, the rest were quick to form rank and lock shields, revealing only their eyes. The archers aimed their arrows at the two body guards that are on the ground, shot with arrows, they fire more arrows killing them.

"Stay in formation, enter the party. The Pharaoh might be in danger." Min said. In battle formation, Min and the rest of the body guards slowly enter the party, they locked shield to form a circle and saw how the soldiers have already killed half the guests.

"Stay in formation, killed as many as you could." Min said

The enemy soldiers were also quick to lock shield, only they are using wooden shields. Min and his men are much better train and got the advantage of having bronze weapons. They strike their spears against the enemy shield, sometimes managed to break the enemy's wooden shield. But the enemy outnumber them greatly. Yet, none of the Pharaoh's body guards fall.

Suddenly, all of Seth's soldiers moved back.

"Min, a great protector like you, should not stay at the losing side. Join me, your new Pharaoh." Seth said

"What you did to the Pharaoh?" Min asked

"Still so stubborn." Seth said, he shook his head "Kill them"

Hot oil fall from the roof of the palace, burning many of the body guards. The shield wall was broken. Archer moved forward and fires their arrows, more bodyguards fall. The remaining eight bodyguards again came together and locked shield and kill any enemy soldier that came their way.

"What did you do to the Pharaoh!?" Min yelled angrily.

Seth shook his head with disappointment and pointed at the bottom of the water.

Min took a look and saw the golden coffin, at the bottom of the water, the Pharaoh already drawn in it. The lid of most coffins should be able to seal tight, but this coffin its lid, is more like a golden fence, when Osiris was dropped into the water with the coffin, he drawn.

Min could see Osiris is dead. "I am so sorry, my Lord" Min said

Min knows this is a full-scale military coup. The Queen and the prince would be the next point of attack.

"We need to get to the Queen, stay in formation and walk out slowly." Min ordered,

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