I always think the Asian martial art fantasy fictions to be really interesting and thought it be fun to try bring it into a more western setting.

Hence, I present to you "The Egyptian Pharaoh" I hope you like it :)

Book One: The Legacy of Ishtar Mother of Heaven and Earth

~ Inspired by Egyptian mythology

(Genera: Fiction, Fantasy, Martial Art, Romance)

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Book 1 Chapter One Part 1: Ishtar

It was around twelve o'clock at midnight, soldiers carry wooden spears and wooden shield enter the palace. Each soldier had a flaming torch in his hand. The palace guards were massacred by the soldiers.

A group of thirty soldiers enter the room of eighteen years old Queen Ishtar. Their orders were to capture the Queen alive, Seth wants to humiliate his brother by forcing Osiris' wife, to become his mistress. It is rumored, Ishtar is the most beautiful woman in the world.

The soldiers enter the room, a giant fan blew out the soldier’ flaming torches.

Queen Ishtar was sitting behind a curtain. The fire behind the curtain allows you to see, she got a beautiful figure.

"In the name of Pharaoh, you are under arrest." these soldiers’ leader said

"Arrest me? The Pharaoh is my husband, why would he arrest me?" Ishtar replied, still sitting behind the curtain.

"The Pharaoh Osiris is dead. The Pharaoh Seth is now the Pharaoh." The soldiers’ leader replied

"The Pharaoh Seth? My son Horus, is next in line and by law, if the Pharaoh is under the age of sixteen, his mother rule on his behalf. It is my orders for you to stand down. Would you not obey the law?" Ishtar said

"Like hell, I am going to listen to you woman." the soldiers’ leader said, and signal for two soldiers to arrest the Queen.

Two darts, poisoned by the venom of the most poisonous serpents penetrate the curtain and hit the two soldiers that were to arrest her. The two soldiers that got hit by the dart, died in a few seconds. A giant fan blew out the flame behind the Queen, as the fan blow out that flame, the curtain flew up for a second, giving the soldiers a glimpse of what the Queen look like. She is a shorter woman, around 160cm in height, she is slightly skinny, but fit, she isn't masculine, but you can see she got abs and no body fat. She was wearing a silky white dress. She had pale brown skin. She was wearing jeweler upon her head and neck.

As the fire got blown out, a line of fire started emerging behind the soldiers. The fire was lit by oil. Now, the soldiers can no longer see the shadow figure behind the curtain. Two arrows float out from behind the curtain and killed two more soldiers. Another two arrows flew out from behind the curtain killing another two soldiers.

"Get that demon!" the leader of the soldiers said

Two more arrows flew out from behind the curtain and killed another two soldiers. Behind the curtain, there was a box room. Ishtar and her two handmaids were inside the box room, behind the curtain. There was only one side door, to enter the box room. The size of the box room makes the passage to that door, entering the box room a narrow passage. Three spears penetrated the curtain and killed the first four soldiers that tried to get close. Five more soldiers tried to get close, they tried to fight the lance penetrating the curtain, but they cannot see the figures behind the curtain, while those behind the curtain can see them. The first three soldiers got stabbed. The other two soldiers moved back, but two more arrows flew out from behind the curtain and killed both of them.

Two more arrows fired killing two more soldiers.

The leader of this group of soldiers had enough of this.

"Lock shield!" the leader of this group of soldiers order.

The remaining thirteen soldiers locked shields and moved closer towards the curtain. Now, it is harder for these women behind the curtain to kill them.

The leader of the soldiers signals one soldier to move around behind them, to get to the door behind the curtain, while their shield wall, provide him with cover. That soldier quickly ran behind the curtain, but after a minute, there was no response. The leader of this group of soldiers signals two more soldiers to check it out. These two soldiers walked behind the curtain, only see their dead comrade lying there. The Queen, had a spear in her hand, in only six moves, she killed both soldiers. From the other side of the curtain, the leader of this group of soldiers waited, still not able to await the return of his men, he ordered his soldiers to carefully use their spears to open up the curtain. But when they open up the curtain, they found, behind the box room, the women close up another curtain and they saw the three dead soldiers. The leader of this team of soldiers is now furious. He and his soldiers stay in lock shield formation trying to stab the women behind the curtain, but they cannot see them, only the spears that were stabbing towards their direction, from behind the curtain. The soldiers’ leader orders his men to move back, still locking shield, but somehow, two more arrows from behind the curtain, killed two more soldiers.

"KILL THEM ALL!" The leader of the soldiers said

"Sir, our order is to capture her alive." a soldier replied

"I don't care what the orders says." the leader of the soldiers said and signal two more soldiers to light their torches again. But another two darts flew out from behind the curtain and killed two more soldiers. Now, only six of them left.

"Wait, I'll come out." the Queen said. The Queen walked out from the box room behind. She looks as beautiful as people describe, she had a spear in one hand and worn bow and arrow behind, in her pocket there was her darts and poison for her darts. But in a swift move, the Queen fired two more arrows and killed two more soldiers. She grabbed her lance to engage the soldiers, in a few moves three more soldiers fall one by one. Now, only their leader is left. The leader dropped his shield and engaged the Queen in 1 vs. 1 combat. They spin around the room, each holding their weapon, not taking their eyes off each other, finally the soldier charged, and tried to stab the Queen, Ishtar blocked the attack and try to stab the soldiers, the soldiers jump backwards and try to stab Ishtar again, the Queen again block the spear attack and this time she managed to stab the soldiers, right his throat.

The two handmaids of the Queen came out from behind.

"My lady" one of the handmaids said, she handed the Queen more arrows for her quiver and hand the Queen her shield. Ishtar was equipped like a warrior, but dressed like a beautiful and elegant princess. Her silky white coat, was see through, underneath it, was another white rob that cannot been seen through. She didn't realize she was still wearing her golden necklace and tiara. She wore two golden bracelets, one on each arm.

"Come, we need to go." The Queen said. The two handmaids, each also equipped with a spear and a shield.

Ishtar predict this would happen, she insists on training her handmaids in fighting technique, in case she is right, she never wishes she would be right about the possible military coup. The three of them walked towards the nursery where the baby prince was held

"Hide!" Ishtar said when she saw ten archers standing in front of them. Ishtar was fast and quickly hides for cover, her two handmaids were slower and got shot by arrows and died on the spot. Ishtar re-emerged, remembering the exact location where each enemy archer is standing, she fired two arrows, killing two enemy archers, before she again hides behind the wall again. The arrows of the enemy archers missed her. Ishtar used the side of her eye to view the location of another two enemy archers. She re-emerged firing three more arrows, before again hiding behind the wall, and dogged the arrows of the other archers. She realized she got a limited number of arrows in her quiver, Ishtar grabbed her shield and lance, when the remaining five enemy archers fire their arrows, she used her shield to block it, when they are close enough Ishtar dropped her shield, so she can use both her hands to operate her lance. She was able to swiftly blocked the last five arrows fired towards her and then used her lance to stab and tripped the remaining five soldiers, they managed to fire two more arrows at the Queen, but Ishtar dogged the arrow and killed that archer. The last two archers ran away. Ishtar didn't go after them, she got no time for it


Ishtar (ancient Egyptian version)
Inside the palace nursery, a horrified nanny collapsed to the ground, "Please don't kill me" the nanny said

"All hail Lord Seth" the soldier said before he stabbed the nanny with his spear. They turned to the baby in the crib, little crown Prince Horus.

The soldiers moved to kill the little prince, but two more darts flew towards them and killed both soldiers. The two remaining soldiers turned around and attack their Queen. Ishtar grabbed her lance and took down both soldiers.

In the crib the little baby Horus was terrified. Ishtar grabbed her son to her chest "That is alright, mummy is here." Ishtar said.

Ishtar grabbed her son, wrapped him in a blanket and places him in front of her chest. She grabbed her lance and shield and started walking out of the room.

Ishtar heard the sound of more soldiers gathering, suddenly she heard the sound of fighting and then it was all quiet. It was Min, her husband's loyal bodyguard.

"My Lady" Min said

"Where is the Pharaoh?" Ishtar asked

"The Pharaoh is dead. It is my fault." Min said.

Ishtar and Min walked out of the room there were three more of her husband's body guards there.

"Where are the rest?" Ishtar said

"We are all there is left" Min replied.

"My lady" Min said, giving the bronze shield and bronze sword of a dead body guard of the Pharaoh, to the Queen.

Ishtar grabbed the weapon as she and the body guards started walking out of the palace, a line of soldiers was in front.

"Lock shields!" Ishtar said, soon enough the Queen and the four bodyguards form a shield wall, shield in one hand, lance in another.

Another group of enemies emerged from behind

"Back to back!" Ishtar yelled.

Ishtar and Min turned around, their shield locked, facing the enemy from behind, the other three bodyguards locked shield again.

Ishtar (ancient Babylonian version)

"My Lady, take the prince and get out of here. We will handle it here." Min said

Ishtar hesitated

"My Lady, as long as the Prince lives, there is hope. You need to get him out of here now!" Min said

Ishtar nodded and escaped into the bushes. As she was doing so, another bodyguard turned around and locked shield with Min.

Ishtar disappeared into the bushes. The bush is safety. She grew up in the jungle. The fierce Amazonian warrior women, they were called, so the legion goes. Ishtar quickly climbs onto a tree and disappeared into the night

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