I always think the Asian martial art fantasy fictions to be really interesting and thought it be fun to try bring it into a more western setting.

Hence, I present to you "The Egyptian Pharaoh" I hope you like it :)

Book One: The Legacy of Ishtar Mother of Heaven and Earth

~ Inspired by Egyptian mythology

(Genera: Fiction, Fantasy, Martial Art, Romance)

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Book 1 Chapter Eight Part 1: Osiris corps

(Roman God of Sun: Raise by his later
wife, Diana goddess of the moon, in Roman
(Christian Demon: Later re-wrote
into a demon in Christianity,
after the Catholic Church ruled Europe)

So, after retrieving the body of Osiris, Ishtar and Nephthys sneaked it back to Rome where its Chieftain gave him a proper burial. As much as Ishtar hopes to stay with Osiris, she knows that she needs to be with her son and left and return to her farm, close to the red sea.

Before leaving, Ishtar gave the people of Rome, her blessing for them to one day become a mighty nation that lasted for a thousand years for their good deed.

All should have gone well with this, but the Chieftain’s jealous brother, secretly inform the authority of Seth, about giving Osiris burial.

The Prefect of Vitalia send soldiers to attack Rome.

The army structure of Seth and Osiris is still very similar. When Osiris was in power, five soldiers led by a corporal form a team, five team led by a sergeant form a sector, fifty soldiers with two sectors form a Platoon, two hundred and fifty soldiers led by a Captain form a Company. Five Companies with one thousand soldiers, form a regiment, five regiments form a Division, above the Division commanders, are six Lieutenant Generals and above the six Lieutenant Generals, is the General of the Army. The six Lieutenant Generals and the General of the Army, rotate command on a one day a week basis. The Pharaoh is the Commander in Chief. In addition to that there are the Sahara defense Legion oversight, which are to oversight the Divisions that was defending against the Apep from the Sarah Dessert. The Regional Guards serve a duty similar to the later US National Guards and Police forces.

Under Seth's rule, in Egypt, Persia and Babylon, the territory was first divided into Towns, each governed by a Mayor. In Europe it was divided into villages, under the governing of its own Chieftain. In Egypt, Persia, Babylon and Europe, a city State contain multiple Towns or villages governed by a Prefect. A District governed by a District Magistrate contain multiple city States and then, each District would belong to Egypt, Babylon or Persia, it would have a Governor. However, Egypt got no Governor, as it is governed directly by Seth. Egypt is divided into two District, Northern Egypt and Southern Egypt, Southern Egypt got no District Magistrate, as Seth rule it directly.

Each Town can have one Platoon of Town Guard, under the command of the city State Prefect, each city State got one Regiment of city guard, under the command of the District Magistrate, each District got one Division of District Guard directly under the Governor of Europe, Persia or Babylon or directly under the command of Seth, if it is Egypt. Babylon, Europe, Egypt and Persia Regional Guards are under the direct command of Seth, each composed of one Legion of soldiers that contain up to fifty thousand soldiers.

When knowing that the news of Osiris been buried here has been found out by Seth and Seth plan to attack them, the people of Rome rebelled, first attacking the unsuspecting guards of the village.

The Chief of Rome, recruited every able body man and woman, but when the combine force of Seth army arrived, they were still outnumbered fifty to one, the Chieftain of Rome know they cannot last long, he ordered all elderly and children to flee, with a selected handful of able body woman to protect them, to flee.

Amount those who are to flee, includes the Chieftains' youngest son, twelve years old Lucifer. Fear what might happen to him, once he left, Lucifer's mother tries to find him a protector, her own handmaid, eighteen years old Diana. To ensure Diana would keep her word, the Chieftain and his wife, let twelve years old Lucifer and eighteen years old Diana get married.

The Chieftain of Rome and his army was quickly been overrun by Seth's forces. The Governor of Europe order for Lucifer and Diana to be outlaws. The Chieftain of Rome and his wife and Lucifer's two older brothers, has been punished by the Governor of Europe, by been hung upon a fire and cooked alive, but the fire is slow enough, to ensure they don't die. Afterwards, they were fed to hungry giant snakes that ate them alive.

For two years, Diana and Lucifer remain in hiding, they know that they need to get out of Europe and travel by land to Babylon, which by then, they got nothing left, to offer in trade, leading to that day, where Horus bumped into Lucifer and Diana in Israel.


“After been label as outlaw by the Governor of Europe we stay in hiding and slowly escape out of Europe, hide by day, travel by night.’ Diana said

“Because of me Diana also got label as an outlaw and was on the most wanted list.” Lucifer said

“We reached Babylon, thinking we can start a new life there. But Seth was furious and made us outlaw in all of the world. We were outlaws in Babylon also. We decided to try escape into the abyss, hoping by leaving the known world, it would lead us to safety, assuming nothing more horrible, await us, within the abyss. It is during that time, we remember the lady Ishtar and the promise that if we need help, she would help us, if she could. But we were not sure, where the lady Ishtar is, other than that once a year, she would travel to Israel for trade. By that stage we ran out of things to exchange in trade and had no choice but to steal food, to survive. It is during that time we came across Master Horus and Lord Master Baal that saved us from those slave traders. After master Horus left, Lord Master Baal helped us to get temporary work for the smugglers that was smuggling goods between Israel and Mediterranean Sea, for trade. It wasn’t anything permanent but enough for us to stay in hiding without the need to steal. We waited for a year, but the Lady Ishtar didn’t show up, till six months later, when she came to the market to trade wheat for goods. The Lady Ishtar persuade us to stay here and help her to farm the land that with more hand, a larger farmland can be cultivated and here, in this land North of the Red Sea, it is free from the rule of Seth and despite most of the land here are dessert, there are not many people here, allowing more than enough farm lands, to use.” Diana said

“But as for the body of Pharaoh Osiris. After hearing about what happened, Seth was so furious, he first order for the body of Osiris to be dug up and sent back to Egypt. Seth order for the corps of Osiris to be dragged up and be whipped with a thousand lashes and be fed to the lions. But whatever is that formula that led Osiris’ body to turn green and not decompose, also mean the lions won’t eat it, Seth then order for the body to be fed to the snakes, but snakes won’t eat it either, he order for the body to be fed to the crocodiles, but they won’t eat it also. Finally Seth order for Osiris’ body to be cut into fourteen pieces and to be hung in the city square of fourteen cities throughout Egypt, as a warning to all those who dare not to be a slave to his will above all else and won’t worship him as their one and only true god and those who dare to challenge his will.” Lucifer said

"Seth demanding the world to serve his will above all else and accused those who refuse, to be evil, even when serving his will mean their own destruction, every year I made the trip to Israel for trade, all I see is more and more people that died of starvation, due to his tax rate can be as high as 90%. To prevent people from not paying tax, starting from five year ago, those who fail to pay the minimum amount of tax, would be executed. Seth and his men live in comfort, at the cost of the rest of the world dying and he dare to call those who refuse to serve such will of their, to be conducting an act of evil?" Horus said

Horus turned to Ishtar “Mother, we cannot allow father’s body to be disgraced in such manner. Originally, I came home today, to ask for your permission to take an officer position within the fleet of master Min. But now, my priority should be to retrieve my father’s corps and to again give him a proper burial.” Horus said

Lucifer originally a sun god within ancient Roman religion, he is also known as the "bringer of the morning light" by the ancient Romans. Legion say Lucifer was married to Diana, the goddess of the moon, that also raised him. Later when the Catholic Church overthrew the roman government via the military coup of General Constancy, also known as Saint Constancy by the church, Lucifer was re-written into a demon, within the Christian faith that rebel against the rule of the Christian god and was cast into hell. The old testament of the bible specifically disallow the worshiping of any sun god, making it a capital offense that is punishable by death

If a man or woman among you in one of the towns that the LORD your God gives you is found doing evil in the sight of the LORD your God by transgressing His covenant and going to worship other gods, bowing down to them or to the sun or moon or any of the host of heaven— which I have forbidden— and if it is reported and you hear about it, you must investigate it thoroughly. If the report is true and such an abomination has happened in Israel, you must bring out to your gates that man or woman who has done this evil thing, and stone that person to death (Deuteronomy 17:2~5)

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