I always think the Asian martial art fantasy fictions to be really interesting and thought it be fun to try bring it into a more western setting.

Hence, I present to you "The Egyptian Pharaoh" I hope you like it :)

Book One: The Legacy of Ishtar Mother of Heaven and Earth

~ Inspired by Egyptian mythology

(Genera: Fiction, Fantasy, Martial Art, Romance)

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Book 1 Chapter Three Part 2: Amazonian

Amazonian drawing (440BC~410BC)

~ten years later

Nephthys and five Amazonian warriors travel far into the countryside. They heard the rumor of a male child that know how to use the fighting skill of the Amazons. They are here to investigate and if the accusation is true, to act according to the law of the Amazons by killing the child.

Nephthys and the five Amazonian warriors, travel for days, far away from the Nile river, without seeing a village in sight, until they finally come across a small village. There, Nephthys saw a few children playing. The truth is, Nephthys and the five Amazons got no idea how to identify whether a child knows the fighting style of the Amazons, it is not like they are going to see a male child fighting using Amazonian technique, just wandering around.

Nephthys decided to first see if they can find the news of any former Amazonian, living in the area.

When Nephthys and her five Amazonian warriors finally reached a village they start asking about whether there are any former Amazonians living in the area, but it then occur to Nephthys, if a former Amazon is breaking the Amazon law by teaching her son, to fight like an Amazon, chances are she is not telling people, she use to be an Amazonian and as advice by one Amazonian warrior that was with her, by asking about the present of a former Amazon, might alert her about their presents and figure out they are here to kill her son, for been taught the fighting style of the Amazons.

So, Nephthys took the advice of her warrior and start asking about whether there are any outsiders that moved to the area. This is five thousand years ago, travelling is not convenient like today, many people stay in one location their whole lives, so the arrival of an outsider, stand out. Sure enough, not for long, a person in the village inform Nephthys there is a single mother, living not far from the village.

Nephthys and her five warriors got back onto their horse and started riding towards that direction, on their way, they saw a few larger kids beating a smaller kid. After a few minutes, another kid showed up backing up the smaller kid that was been beaten by the larger kid. The five kids that were doing the beating was obviously, larger and older than the smaller kid, probably around eleven or twelve years old, the kid that was sticking up for the beaten kid, was at most ten or eight. The bigger kids weren’t afraid of the small kid and started threatening the small kid. But the small kid wasn’t scare. When the big kids started trying to rough up the small kid, the small kid in a few quick and smooth movement, knocked down all five of the big kids.

It is confirmed, every move the little boy was using is Amazonian. Nephthys grabbed her bow and arrow and aimed at the child and fired the arrow. But the little boy was quick to response he moved sideways and grabbed the arrow by its side as it flew by. Whoever is this child’s mother, she trained her son well. Even adult Amazonians, not all are able to do that.

“Pity, if it is a girl, what a great Amazonian would this kid made one day.” Nephthys thought. She grabbed her bow to fire a second arrow. But the little boy ran. Nephthys couldn’t get a shot, she and her five warriors started chasing the child on their horseback. Suddenly the kid threw a spear at them. The tip of the spear was blunt, but it hit Nephthys’ horse and Nephthys fall off horseback, but as a highly trained warrior, Nephthys land on her feet. When she stood up the child was already aiming his bow and arrow at her. Two of the other two Amazonian that was with Nephthys quickly aimed their bow at the child also. The other three, wasn’t carrying a bow

In melee combat, a kid that age, is no match against adults, but this is a range battle and in range battle, size doesn’t matter.

“Tell them to get off their horses.” The kid said in a commanding voice. “Now!”

Nephthys told her five Amazonian to get off their horses. They are still aiming their arrows at the child.

“Why did you want them to get off their horses?” Nephthys asked

“I love horses. They are the most beautiful creatures in the world. I don’t want to hurt them. You come one more step further and I will shoot.” The boy said

“Where did you learn how to fight like that.” Nephthys asked

“I get into fights everyday with those bullies, you learn stuff.” The kid lied

“Nonsense, what you showed there that is training. Who taught you?” Nephthys said

“None of your business, get back!” the kid fired an arrow towards the Amazonian that was about to take a step further. He was quick to draw another arrow from his quiver. The arrow didn’t hit the Amazonian, but grazed the side of her arm.

“That is a warning, the next one, I won’t miss.” The kid said

“Alright kid.” Nephthys try to gain the trust of the boy “Lower your weapon.” Nephthys instructed her two warriors.

The Amazonians lower their weapons “It’s OK, honey, we just want to talk.”

“I don’t believe you. You shot an arrow at me.” The boy yelled

“That was an accident, honey. We just want to talk.” Nephthys said

The boy won’t listen. Nephthys realized the bow this child is using look familiar and then Nephthys realized where she saw it, this is Ishtar’s Amazonian children bow, from when she was still a child. The range of this bow might be shorter, but it is suitable for a child to operate

“Where did you get that weapon?” Nephthys said

“Stay away from me!” the child said, he released one arrow and hit one Amazonian in the arm. The Amazonian dropped her weapon. The boy had no intention to shoot to kill.

The boy started running away.

Nephthys and her remaining four warrior started chasing after him. The kid fired another arrow, it hit another Amazonian in the leg. The kid fires another arrow at Nephthys, but Nephthys dogged the arrow easily. Suddenly, a woman jumped out from the woods.

“Mummy” the kid said

The woman took a look at the two Amazonian and looked at her son “Honey, go grab mummy’s sword.”

The boy ran off to grab his mother’s sword.

“Whoever, is going to hurt my son, go through me.” The woman said, she was covering the lower part of her face, with a white silk scarf.

The three remaining Amazonian engaged the woman, but they were obviously no match against her, under a few minutes, all three Amazonian was defeated by this unarmed woman.

Nephthys took a look at the woman, her fighting skill, obviously Amazonian and a highly trained one. Nephthys as an Amazonian elite, carry a bronze sword. She grabbed her sword, but by custom, Nephthys cover her lower face with a scarf, in a sword fight, revealing only her eyes and forehead.

The boy returned with his mother’s sword.

“Good boy, stand back.” The boy’s mother said, she grabbed her bronze sword and prepare to engage.

Nephthys right away realized, this is no ordinary woman, few people can afford bronze tools, let alone bronze weapons. Nephthys was covering her face with a black scarf

“Covering your face with a scarf in a sword fight, obviously you are an Amazonian. Why did you break our law?” Nephthys asked

“Circumstances, call for difference.” The woman replied

Nephthys and the woman engaged in a sword fight. They exchanged over twelve moves, but neither one can win. They break apart and face each other again. They engaged again, another eight moves, still can’t find a victor.

Suddenly Nephthys jumped backwards, “Who are you?” Nephthys asked, Nephthys lower her weapon and took off her scarf.

“I’ve shown my face, now show me your.” Nephthys said

The woman covering her face with white scarf, also lower her sword and reveal her face. Just as Nephthys expected, this woman is Ishtar.

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