I always think the Asian martial art fantasy fictions to be really interesting and thought it be fun to try bring it into a more western setting.

Hence, I present to you "The Egyptian Pharaoh" I hope you like it :)

Book One: The Legacy of Ishtar Mother of Heaven and Earth

~ Inspired by Egyptian mythology

(Genera: Fiction, Fantasy, Martial Art, Romance)

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Book 1 Chapter Three Part 1: Insanity

Egyptian Infantry (2055BC~1650BC)
Seth sat on his throne room within palace Yahweh, around him was Thoth, Ma’at, the General of his army and the six Lieutenant Generals of his army . Seth is angry, very angry.

“I am pharaoh and they still won’t obey me. They must be punished.” Seth said.

“Those loyal to Osiris still rebels against you, My Lord. We must find and kill Ishtar and Horus.” The Generals said

“We acknowledge they are alive more will come to their cause.” Thoth said

“Take a look around you Thoth, how many people are still rebelling in Osiris, name.” That General said

“And how many more, would rise, if we acknowledge they are alive?” Thoth said “Do you want a  full scale revolt?” Thoth said

“Who are you loyal to? Our pharaoh or Osiris?” The General stood up and yelled

“You remember who you are speaking to and don’t you DARE, question my loyalty!” Thoth also stood up and yelled back.

Thoth might be a mere academic that knows nothing about fighting, but his two bodyguards was quick to step up, behind their boss.

“ENOUGH!” Seth yelled in anger

Both Thoth and the General calmed down a bit and step back.

“Bring forward the prisoner” Seth said

Two soldiers grabbed a heavily beaten up and tortured prisoner and throw them at the foot of Seth.

“How dare you rebel against your pharaoh. You DESERVE TO DIE!” Seth yelled angrily

“My loyalty, is to the one and only true pharaoh. The pharaoh Osiris and in his death, to the Queen Ishtar and her son the prince Horus, the one and only true successor of Osiris. You are nothing but a TRAITOR!” the prisoner said

Seth was furious when he heard that, he ran towards the prisoner and start kicking and hitting him, cursing at the same time. The prisoner was seriously injured by Seth, blood fall from his lips.

Seth stood up. “So, what if Osiris found the resolution to the great famine! SO, WHAT! That nerd, that nerd, what would he be without me! I am his big brother, I protected him my entire life. When he was doing his research, into the art of agriculture, to end the great famine. Who was the one that was protecting our city state, against foreign threat? It was me, Seth! The greatest warrior of the land! He and his way of peace, is NOTHING BUT FOR COWARD! I am supposed to be the one that is the pharaoh of the world. THE GREATEST WARRIOR OF THE LAND. I conquer kingdoms, I laid nation to waste. ME NOT THAT NERD! But because he is the one that discover the art of agriculture, he is the one that end the great famine, you make him your pharaoh. The pharaoh of the WORLD! You people, the pharaoh of every nation of the world, first throughout the Nile river, then the world, his name travel even far beyond the world and into the abyss. You all applause him and make him your pharaoh. WELL, SHAME ON YOU! What that nerd ever conquered! NOTHING!!!” Seth screamed

“Osiris brought peace to the land, he brought salvation, law, order, more food then what we know to do with. What you ever did? Death and destruction…” the prisoner didn’t have a chance to finish his sentence

“SO, WHAT!!!” Seth screamed “The way of peace is for coward. It is for the weakling. You, weaklings are only worthy to be our slave. For we who are strong! You are NOTHING! Where is Osiris and he speech of peace, when my army storm his palace? What did his crops did, to end the life of my warriors? Nothing. I am just getting back what is suppose to be mine, back from Osiris. By the way the great famine was going, I could lay waste to city after city, I am always victorious in my battles, I never lost a single fight. My enemy trembled in my name. I would have conquered the world and you weaklings, will be my slave. Everybody was fighting everybody during that time, nations against nations, tribes against tribes. That is how the world is supposed to be, the strong conquer the weak and take their resources to become their own, killed their men and sons and turn their wife and daughters, into our whore. THAT IS THE WAY OF RIGHTEOUSNESS the law of the strong! But you people, you evil wicked people, speak of peace, freedom, equality, broke that rule, you won’t submit to our way, you gather together and you make that nerd your pharaoh, because he can end the wars, bring about peace, end the feminine and you laid down your weapon, in his name and unite as one, and leave me, your greatest warrior in the dust. I should have been your pharaoh all along, I am the one that should have been able to conquer your nation, leave you at suppression. You will fear me and respect me, like you should have. Not that admiration for that nerd! NEVER!” Seth screamed and almost looked as if he is close to tears in the same time.

“Let see you saying that, when a greater warrior come along and make you a slave.” The prisoner said

This just made Seth even more angry “YOU EVIL PEACE PREACHER!!!!!!!!” Seth screamed and started hitting, kicking and cursing at the prisoner again.

Seth grabbed his spear and was about to kill the prisoner, but then, Seth stopped.

“No, I won’t let you die so easily.” Seth said “I will make an example out of you and you should die in public execution.”

The prisoner took a look at Seth “Those who live by the spear, shall die by the spear. Your end, will come.”

Seth ignored him “Announce to the world, I Seth, is their one and only true Lord and Savior. There should be no Lord before me. There should be no God before me. For my way is the only way of good a righteous, for I am the alpha and the omega and all should serve me, those who refuse, must die. The weak should serve the strong. Anybody who dares to again speak of peace, or the principle of the three Horae that my brother set, will die!”

“Let see you saying that, when a greater warrior come along and make you a slave.” The prisoner said

“DAME YOU!!!!!!” Seth said in anger and gave this prisoner another beating

The three Horae is the law set by Osiris. Peace, Good Order and Justice. The principle of Justice cannot violate the principle of Good Order and the principle of Good Order, cannot violate the principle of Peace.

Seth took a look at Thoth “Spread my word, in seven day, I should remake the world in my image. In seven day, I will create the world, to become as it is! And all of those evil things that refuse to bow before me, should taste my wrath. I will KILL THEM ALL!!!! EVERY LAST ONE OF THEM!!!!” Seth looked like a mad man, as he says this.

Seth turned around and looked at his Generals “I am the greatest warrior of the land that make me, a living God! There should be no god before me! There should be no Lord before me! I am recreating the world in my image, we want war, not peace, chaos, not order, unjust, not just, free the world from that shackle of Osiris. I am…salvation” Seth whispered “I am the one and only true god, the one and only true Lord. I am the alpha and omega. All other gods are demons pretending to be god. So, worship me” Seth said

“Yes, My Lord” The General said

“And those who refuse to worship me as their one and only true god and pray to other gods. I will kill them. I will kill them. THEY WILL DIE!!!!!!!!” Seth roar

"All of the world should submit to my will. Those evil bastards that refuse to serve my WILL MUST DIE!!!  DIE!!! DIE!!! I...I WILL KILL THEM! KILL!!!!!!!! KILL!!!!!!!!" Seth yelled. "MY ARMY WE SET THEIR NATION TO RUIN! I WILL DESTROY THEM!!!!"

“Let see you saying that, when a greater warrior come along and make you a slave.” The prisoner said

“How dare you say something like that.” Seth said in anger

“Let see you saying that, when a greater warrior come along and make you a slave.” The prisoner said

“He will die” Seth said

“How are you going to defeat someone stronger?” the prisoner laughed

“How dare anybody become stronger than me, for I am the alpha and the omega that is how things are suppose to be, nobody got the right to be more powerful than me. I am the alpha and omega, those who dare to be more powerful, shall die. Those who dare to become more powerful than me, are evil and must die. Those who are more powerful than me shall surrender his power to me, so that I can retain my place as the alpha and omega, because THAT IS HOW THINGS ARE SUPPOSE TO BE!!!! Those that refuse are EVIL!!!! THEY MUST DIE!!!!!” Seth said

“Let’s see you saying that, when those more powerful comes.” the prisoner laughed

“DAME YOU!!!” Seth yelled in anger and killed the prisoner

Which actor is best to play Seth
Oded Fehr
Hrithink Roshan

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