I always think the Asian martial art fantasy fictions to be really interesting and thought it be fun to try bring it into a more western setting.

Hence, I present to you "The Egyptian Pharaoh" I hope you like it :)

Book One: The Legacy of Ishtar Mother of Heaven and Earth

~ Inspired by Egyptian mythology

(Genera: Fiction, Fantasy, Martial Art, Romance)

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Book 1 Chapter Three Part 3: Sisters

Egyptian Army calvary 11th BC
“Ishtar and Nephthys stood there looking at each other.

“Sister” Nephthys said

“Sister” Ishtar replied

“Out of all people, I never thought it’s you. You know our law. Why did you disobey it?” Nephthys said

Nephthys took a look at young Horus that was still aiming his bow.

“You trained him well, I remember when I was his age, I cannot dodge an arrow that way or fire and draw arrows so fast and accurate. Hell, my warrior cannot do it, so well. With his skills, if he is older, he can kill all four of my warriors easily.” Nephthys said.

“He is a smart kid. Talented. More talented than either of us, during his age. The first time he picked up his first training sword, without any instruction, he started swinging it around, as if he has been using it for years and with minimum instruction and only a bit of practice, it becomes like second nature to him.” Ishtar said

“I remember before you become pregnant with Horus, you say that you dream of a giant hulk flying into your stomach. Thoth expert in interpreting dream say this is a sign from the gods. It means there will be a great evil, on earth and the gods sent a great warrior, to reincarnate to earth, to lead humanity, against this enemy. I never saw a child able to operate a bow like him, it takes years of training, even if it is an Amazonian child training bow.” Nephthys said

Seen Nephthys and Ishtar talking, Horus finally lowered his bow.

“You know our law, Ishtar, no male can learn the fighting style of the Amazons. Why you must teach him?” Nephthys asked

“Whether he grew up to overthrow the rule of Seth. Will Seth not come after him, one day? The son of Osiris. The legitimate heir to the throne. Who will protect him? And if he is to overthrow the rule of Seth, who will train him, how to be a General, how to be a warrior. Horus’ father, he is a great man, but he is no warrior. He got great ideals, peace, harmony and justice, the principle of the three Horae. And for a while, he brought it back to this chaotic wolrd, through his teaching of agriculture. But against thugs, the only way to defeat them, is to have a bigger fist and to be more ruthless. And yet, out of all people to trust, Osiris made Seth the General of his army. So much faith, in their brotherly bond. But, maybe, if Osiris is even half as much of a warrior, as he is the sorcerer that discover the art of agriculture, he could have survived the treason of Seth. Maybe, he could have escape from that party that day. Maybe, he can be more hands on, in commanding his army. When I was young, I always imagined my husband to be a great warrior. I never thought I would fall in love with a wizard that knows nothing about the way of the warrior. A wizard that got a heart problem by birth that lifting a spear could kill him, with one leg longer than the other, but he can save the world with his witchcraft, when he discovered the art of agriculture.” Ishtar said

“But you know the rule of the Amazons. No, male can learn the way of the Amazons. Now, I got no choice but to kill your son.” Nephthys said

“What?” Ishtar said

Horus quickly raised his bow again.

“I am sorry, sister.” Nephthys said

Five warriors of Nephthys joined her.

One was quick to fire an arrow at Horus. But Horus again dodged the arrow and fire one back at the Amazonian, the arrow hit her on the shoulder.

“Enough” Nephthys said “Ishtar is my sister. Nobody, else get involved.”

The five Amazonians now, three are injured moved back.

“Horus, lower your bow and climb onto the trees” Ishtar said

Horus grabbed a rope, and throw it to the trees, as quick as a monkey, Horus climb the rope and onto the tree, still with his bow in one hand.

“Raise your sword, sister.” Nephthys said

Ishtar and Nephthys both raise their sword and according to the custom of the Amazonian women. They cover their face with a scarf. Ishtar’s white pants, white robe and white scarf, show distinct contrast to Nephthys whom worn dark brown leather armor and a black scarf.

The two women started fighting, but they were even match. They exchanged over fifteen moves, neither side could get the upper hand and break apart.

“Out of all people, you are the last I expect to be fighting, sister.” Nephthys said

“And out of all people, you are the last I expect, not to understand what I am doing here, sister.” Ishtar said

The two of them fought again. They exchanged sixteen moves and neither one can hurt the other. They break apart again.

“You were married to Seth. You know what is going on. How can you enforce such law at such a time?” Ishtar said

“Who are you to question the most sacred law of the Amazons.” Nephthys said and aimed her sword at Ishtar.

Ishtar dodged side way, the two of them started fighting again, twelve moves, no winner.

“Time call for a change, the law needs to adapt, to time.” Ishtar said

“That is for the high council to decide.” Nephthys said

Ishtar and Nephthys fought for another eleven moves, still neither can get the upper hand.

“The high council is out of touch. They live deep within the jungle. Do you think they got a clear idea of what is happening, out here?” Ishtar said

“It is not for us to question.” Nephthys said,

The two sisters kept on fighting, another eighteen moves, still, neither one can get the upper hand.

Suddenly, another Amazonian woman riding on horseback ride forward. The Amazonian woman on horseback was bloody and seriously injured. When she finally reached Nephthys, the horse stopped and she fell down her horse

Nephthys was quick to run by her side. Nephthys looked at the all bloody woman, her apprentice.

“Mastress” the Amazonian said weakly.

“What happened to you! Who did this to you!” Nephthys said, holding the woman in her arm.

“Seth’s…forces…attacked…Amazon…everybody…dead.” The woman said, with her last breath and then, she died.

Nephthys was shocked.

But, before she can even recover from the shocked, a wave of arrow, fired towards their direction.

“Careful!” Ishtar yelled

Two Amazonian woman was shot and killed by the wave of arrows, Ishtar, Nephthys and the other three Amazonian managed to escape, by hiding behind the trees.

Ishtar turned to look.

“I count fifty, that is a whole platoon.” Ishtar said

“Ishtar, bow” Nephthys said, throwing a bow at Ishtar.

“Horus, stay on the tree.” Ishtar whispered

Ishtar, Nephthys and a third Amazonian fired their arrows, it killed the Lieutenant in command and one of the two sergeants in command. The third Amazonian missed the other sergeant and hit a soldier.

The soldiers fired another wave of arrows, but Ishtar, Nephthys and the three Amazonians are safe behind the trees.

Three more arrows fired from the Amazonians. It killed the other sergeant and two more soldiers.

The next in command is a corporal, he ordered the soldiers to march forward

“Into the woods, two teams, Nephthys and I first team, the rest team two, rotate cover. Horus stay on the tree” Ishtar said.

Nephthys and Ishtar fired arrows and killed two enemies, while the other three Amazonian ran deeper into the woods, then, Ishtar and Nephthys threw the bow to them and ran deeper into the woods, while the three Amazonians fired two arrows. Five soldiers are dead.

Because they are in the woods, the soldiers of Seth cannot see where they are. The commander gave an order, the soldiers fired a round of arrows, blindly into the woods. Nephthys and Ishtar fired two more arrows, killing two more, while the other three ran deeper into the woods. The soldiers fire another round of arrows, this time, one Amazonian was shot and killed. Ishtar threw her bow to one of the other surviving Amazonian, she and another Amazonian each fired one arrows, killing two more, Nephthys and Ishtar ran deeper into the woods.

The original platoon of fifty soldiers and one Lieutenant, now got thirty-six left.

“Onto the trees” Ishtar said

The other two Amazonians used their rope to start climbing onto the trees. Ishtar and Nephthys fired their arrows, killing two more. Afterwards, Ishtar and Nephthys also climb up the trees.

The corporal that is in command somehow, figure out, the three Amazonians are in the trees and order the soldiers to stop and with another order, they fired their arrows wildly into the trees. Ishtar, Nephthys and the two Amazonian had no choice but to fire their arrows back, three round each killing nine soldiers, and they jumped off their trees. Ishtar and Nephthys each use their sword, to kill an enemy soldier as they do so and engaged the enemy, the other two Amazonian also jumped off the tree. The four-women was still outnumbered six to one. They engaged the enemy in melee combat, with swords and spears. After a while, the two other Amazonian were killed, but each managed to kill four enemy soldiers first. Ishtar and Nephthys both, managed to kill four, each. The remaining eleven enemy engaged, Ishtar and Nephthys. Ishtar and Nephthys managed to win the fight and killed all eleven.

Ishtar and Nephthys looked around them, they were lucky to be alive. But Nephthys rushed the other direction, to fire an arrow at tree, Horus was on. Ishtar rushed forward with her sword to stop Nephthys. Nephthys dodged sideways and grabbed her sword. The two sisters faced each other, each pointing her sword at the other.

“Are you kidding me?! After all that, this is still your action?!” Ishtar said angrily.

Nephthys walked backwards. “I am going back to the Amazons. To see what is happening there.” Nephthys started walking away and lower her sword, she climbs onto her horse and rode away.

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