I always think the Asian martial art fantasy fictions to be really interesting and thought it be fun to try bring it into a more western setting.

Hence, I present to you "The Egyptian Pharaoh" I hope you like it :)

Book One: The Legacy of Ishtar Mother of Heaven and Earth

~ Inspired by Egyptian mythology

(Genera: Fiction, Fantasy, Martial Art, Romance)

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Book 1 Chapter Ten Part 3: Sekhmet

Demon Sekhmet (ancient Egypt)
Horus and Hathor continue to travel down the road, towards Israel. It is during this time, Horus suddenly realized somebody is following them. Horus, pretend to see nothing, but he remains agile and before the hidden figure even know what is going on, Horus attacked and threw the hidden figure and made it fall to the ground.

The hidden figure fell to the ground. Horus tackled him to the ground and threw him around to see his face. This is the thug that was been tied up some days ago and been torture by the Prefect of Esna.

Back in Esna, knowing that the other thugs within his gang would kill him by ratting them out, Horus and Hathor convinced the Prefect of Esna to allow this thug, not having to go with the rest, on the quest to kill slave traders.

“You! This is how you repay Hathor, for saving your life? I should kill you right now!” Horus said angrily and was about to kill this thug.

“Wait, wait, wait” Hathor quickly came to the aid of the thug, before Horus had a chance to break the thug’s neck.

Horus let the thug go.

“Come on, give him a chance to explain himself.” Hathor said

“What is there to say? He is a thug he is here to kill me for my goods in my cart and then rape you and sell you into slavery.” Horus said, taking a look at his cart full of goods for trading use and took a look at Hathor

“I should just kill him.” Horus said, he lifts his spear and prepares to kill the thug.

“Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait” Hathor quickly stop Horus

Horus lower his spear.

“Come on, there is only one of him, his entire gang is gone, what dangerous can one thug be, without his gang? Especially, in front of a warrior like you?” Hathor said “Let’s hear him out first.”

Horus sighed “alright, speak” Horus said to the thug

“You saved my life, my Lord and they will kill me, if I stay at home. If I may, my Lord, let me travel with you and I would be of service to you my Lord and the Lady. If you allow me, my Lord.” The thug said

“Don’t believe you.” Horus said, he raised his spear and prepare to kill the thug.

“Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait” Hathor said and quickly ran forward to Horus “alright, just give me that” Hathor said as she carefully took the spear out of Horus hand and put it back onto the cart.

“I can still kill him with my hand.” Horus said and prepare to kill the thug.

“Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.” Hathor said “Just take a step back” Hathor said and pushed Horus back two steps.

“Come on, there is only one of him and he got no gang and with you around, what can he do. Let’s give him a chance” Hathor said

Horus went back to his cart and grabbed out a rope.

“Give me your hands.” Horus said

The thug raised his hands, Horus tied the thug’s hands and legs with the rope and tied the rope to his cart.

“If you are going to travel with us, this is how you are going to travel. You try anything, don’t think I won’t kill you.” Horus said to the thug

“Yes, Master.” The thug replied


Horus was at the front of the cart, driving the cart, as his horse pulling the cart along. The thug was been dragged along by the cart, tied up and walked along. Hathor sat at the back of the cart, looking at the thug.

“What is your name?” Hathor asked

The thug told Hathor his name.

“That is such a weird name.” Hathor said

“That is my gang name, it is the only name I ever got.” The thug replied

"Well, if you are going to travel with us, you cannot be a thug anymore. I will give you another name, what you say about that?” Hathor said

“As you wish, mistress” the thug said

Hathor took a look at him. “You look very strong and you promise to submit to me. So, consider you are strong and I got pale skin, from now onward, I will call you White Ox. How is that?” Hathor said

“Of course, whatever mistress you instructed.” White Ox replied

Later that night, White Ox was still tied to the cart. But Horus gave him a blanket, so that he won’t be cold.

Horus started a campfire. He and Hathor sat around the campfire “Thug can’t stand living this way, it is just a matter of time until he wants to leave, can’t wait to get rid of him.” Horus said

“Is that why you tie him up this way?” Hathor said

“To make things uncomfortable for him, so much, he would leave himself. Also, so that he cannot kill me in my sleep. Why are you so keen on trying to rehabilitate that gangster?” Horus asked

“Truth be told. My father, is also a thug. That is how me and my sisters, ended up becoming slave, when they killed him.” Hathor said

“What?” Horus was a bit surprised.

Hathor started talking about her past.

Bullying is a very abstract term. According to Cambridge Dictionary Bullying is defined as the behavior of a person who hurts or frightens someone smaller or less powerful, often forcing that person to do something they do not want to do. However, here is the problem, the cops arresting a gangster involved in a human trafficking ring and force him to reveal the name of all that are involved in human trafficking ring and their operation, so the cops are able to rescue all the girls that are to be sold into sex trafficking, that is also a situation where the cops bully the gangster into giving them those information, considering the circumstances, are the cops doing something wrong? Imagine a group of thugs, trying to rape your daughter and a semi-pro kick boxer saw it and came to rescue your daughter, by beating up the thugs that is also a situation, where the semi-pro kick boxer bully the thugs out of raping your daughter, is the semi-pro kick boxer doing anything wrong? Thus, it is not about whether it is a situation where the behavior qualifies for the definition of the term, bullying or not, it is about the exact event that has taken place and the surrounding circumstances, but too many parents, they don’t care about what happened, over protective parents that spoiled their children, all they care about is whether it qualifies as the definition of the term bullying or not and whether they can find any sort of lame excuse, to label it as their kids getting bullying or not. Image the thug, semi-pro kick boxer and the girl that almost got rape, are all fifteen years old kids that goes to the same school, once the semi-pro kick boxer got label as a bully, because what he did is “bully the thug out of raping the girl” there be a bunch of over protective parents that fear their kids been harmed by bullies, attacking the semi-pro kick boxer. Image we create an anti-bullying law with this sort of attitude, the thug might only need to spend 2 or 3 years in prison for attempt rape, maybe won’t even need to serve any time in prison, if he play the sympathy for bullying victim card, while the semi-pro kick boxer need to spend the next 20 years in prison for been a bully.

“I’ve been a slave since I am eight years old. Before that my father was the leader of the Sekhmet gang. I was the youngest of the three sisters. My father, think, it is his right to do whatever he wants, in the name of protecting his little princesses. When my sister was twelve, there was a meadow in Gaul. It was a beautiful meadow. My sister wants to play there. But the meadow was reserved by a local shepherd boy and because my sister spooks his lambs, he won’t let my sister play there. My sister was so upset and went home crying and told my father what happened. In the name of protecting his little princess, from that shepherd boy bully her out of playing on a meadow, already reserved, my father went into a great rage and went to punish the boy, when the boy still refuse to obey and refuse to let my sister play on the meadow, my father angrily, tied the boy up and beat him. Then tied him to a giant rock and drawn him in the lake. That is what my father is like, he thinks he can do anything he want, if it is in the name of protecting his little princess, even when his daughters are the ones at fault.” By this stage there was tears in Hathor’s eyes “The truth is, there is a part of me, still believe I deserve been a slave and doesn’t deserve to be saved by you that day. But I am a coward, a lifetime of been a slave, terrified me. I felt, very ashamed. Because, I don’t deserve any of this.” Hathor quickly hide her tears.

“That was your father’s fault, not yours” Horus said

“It gets more complicated.” Hathor said “When I was eight years old. There was a boy, from the nearby village, he got a necklace, with the tooth of a great beast. His grandfather is a great warrior and killed the beast that was attacking their village with his own bare hands. Before he died, his grandfather left the necklace to him, hoping that he would grow up, to be a great warrior, also. One day, when I was eight years old. I met this boy, by the river. The tooth on that necklace looked so unique. I wanted one also. I try to trade him, for the necklace, catching as many fish, as I could. But he won’t sell the necklace to me. I was so upset and was crying at home that day. My father, after learning what happened from my bodyguard, was outraged. First, my father killed the bodyguard. Then, he went to find that boy, saying he is going to teach this little brat a lesson. My father killed the child, so, I can have his tooth. If...if only I kept my mouth shut that day.” Hathor cannot stop crying now. “The boy’s mother, Tenenet, went to the Chieftain of their tribe, with the body of her dead son. The Chieftain had enough. For years the Sekhmet gang has been terrorizing villages, now, the people had enough, the Chieftain of Tenenet’s tribe gathered twelve tribes to join force, the warriors of the twelve tribes launched war against the Sekhmet gang. First, they lure the gangsters, into a false sense of victory and security. The Sekhmet gang celebrated their victory, in a drunken party, with beer. Late at night, when the members of the Sekhmet gang were drunk with beer, the warrior of the twelve tribes attack, killing and destroying the entire gang. The male member of the gang was killed the female captured. My father was been tied up and been trial for his crime. My father think he did nothing wrong, when he killed those children saying ‘what would you have done, if it is your daughter!’ and ‘what sort of father is able to stand seen his little princess cry’. I guess you can say, me and my sisters were, major spoiled brats, because of that. The judge was outraged. As a part of our punishment, my father was forced to watch, as my two older sisters was been raped, again and again. The judge says, ‘if you want to protect your daughters that much, now, I will make you watch, your daughter suffers really unjust and there is nothing you can do about it.’ I was only eight years old during that time, so, I was not raped. For every person that my father unjustly killed, in the name of ‘protecting my little princess’ we were each to be rape once, I was not raped because I was only eight, but the judge had my oldest sister, to be rape, on my behalf, so my oldest sister was been raped twice, for every person my father unjustly killed in the name of 'protecting my little princess' and my second sister was rape once for each. The judge believes, my sisters were no better, because as a teenager, they should know better than to let their father know these things happened, knowing their father would kill people unjustly, in the name of protecting my little princess. They torn my father’s limbs off and genitals and fed it to the wolves. They found twelve gay men and everyday my father would be brought out into public and be ass rape by gay men three times a day, in public display, to humiliate him. He would be rape once, during the morning, when the sun comes up, once during the noon and once in the evening before the sun goes down and the people would cheer as the gay men rape my father calling it justice and me and my sister are force to watch our father get rape. After one year, they fed my father to the wolves and let them eat him alive. Afterwards, My sister and I was sold into slavery, so was every other female member of the Sekhmet gang that survived. Any other male members of the Sekhmet gang left, most were executed, they were thrown into a fire and burned to death, twelve were kept alive, to be insulted and humiliated, the people cut off the genitals of these male members of the Sekhmet gang and then cut off their limbs, so they are not able to fight back and they gathered these twelve male members of the Sekhmet gang in a location, where they are been ass rape, everyday, the people pays the gay men to ass rape these male member of the Sekhmet gang, everyday and everytime they ass rape a man from the Sekmet gang, the people pay them with good food and beer. The Sekhmet gang did a lot of bad things and now, we are paying for our crime. The Gaul declare us as less than human. I never seen my sisters again. The most beautiful Sekhmet women are sold into brothels, to be sex slaves, the others women become slaves of harsh labor, they would be worked, till they can no longer work, where they would be killed. Male members of the Sekhmet gang under the age of sixteen, would become slaves and his genitals cut off, so he can never have children, when he reached the age of sixteen, he would be executed or to have all his limbs cut off, to be send to the same camp of other surviving Sekhmet men where gay men would be paid to ass rape them, everyday.

When I was ten years old, I was been sold out of Gaul and into Babylon. During the era of the rule of Osiris, only criminals are to be slaves, so the slavery of Sekhmet was legal, but since the rule of Seth, everything changed. When I reached Babylon, I realized so many of the slaves, are not criminals. But I didn’t escape, I guess I felt that I deserve to be here, as a slave. It was by luck that I came across you and you saved me.”

Horus took a look at Hathor “You were eight years old. You didn’t know what you are doing and your father are the ones that killed all those people, not you. What is important, is now.”

Hathor smiled “I understand that, but, if I grew up in the Sekhmet gang would I be any different today? The daughter of a thug, growing up in a gang, raised by thugs, what sort of person would she become? I guess that is why I want to rehabilitate those gangsters, when the opportunity presents. I know there are times, we got no choice but to kill the thugs, for the purpose of security. But when possible, I want to rehabilitate them. See if I can bring out the goodness in them. That is why I let White Ox travel with us. He is not a threat, without a gang and he only got one hand left. Maybe I have been far too innocent, far too optimistic. But I still would like to try, when there is a chance.” Hathor said

Horus smiled, his philosophy is “Once a gangster, always a gangster” and “a good gangster, is a dead gangster.” In his view, it takes somebody with great kindness, to want to be bothered trying to rehabilitate them, maybe it is the child like innocent of Hathor’s youth, but it is a fresh perspective.

Horus walked towards, White Ox “Show me your right hand.” Horus said

White Ox, still tied to the cart show Horus his right hand, it got no fingers.

“Show me your left hand.” Horus said

White Ox, showed Horus his left hand, all five fingers still exist.

“You see these five fingers? These are the five gifts, of Hathor. If she didn’t help you that day. These five fingers would no longer be attached to your body, just like the five fingers of your right hand, no longer exist. You remember that. Understood?” Horus said

"Yes, master.” White Ox said

In ancient Egyptian mythology Sekhmet was a demon tamed by the Goddess Tenenet, when Sekhmet went on her destructive tour upon the world, the Goddess Tenenet pour the Nile River with red beer, mistaken the beer as blood Sekhmet drank so much, she became extremely drunk and Tenenet took the chance and sealed Sekhmet away. Sekhmet later gave birth to the Goddess Bastet and the Goddess Hathor, which unlike their mother, are both kind benefiting goddess. (I know demon giving birth to god, the first time I heard of it, also)

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