I always think the Asian martial art fantasy fictions to be really interesting and thought it be fun to try bring it into a more western setting.

Hence, I present to you "The Egyptian Pharaoh" I hope you like it :)

Book One: The Legacy of Ishtar Mother of Heaven and Earth

~ Inspired by Egyptian mythology

(Genera: Fiction, Fantasy, Martial Art, Romance)

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Book 1 Chapter Eleven Part 1: Pair Lesbian Fighting style

Hesat ,The White Ox of Hathor (ancient Egypt)
Horus returned to the campfire and sat down.

“But you haven’t told me. Why are you collecting the corps of the Pharaoh Osiris?” Hathor asked

Horus got no intention to reveal his identity as the son of Osiris, the rightful heir to all of Egypt and the world. Plus, who would believe him?

“Osiris is a great pharaoh. His corps, should not be desecrated this way.” Horus replied “Plus, I know how to fraud the corps of Osiris. I steal the real one and replace it with a fake. Nobody can tell the difference.”

Hathor smiled “You are a master in trade, fighting and witchcraft, is there anything you don’t know?” Hathor said

“People call me a master, but I wouldn't call myself that. There are a lot of people that know way more than me. But that reminds me, once we reached Israel, you be safer there, there are lots more people with blond hair and a person with blond hair, won’t stand out so much. It is a good idea for you to stay there. I got many friends there. Should be able to find you a decent job.” Horus said

“You don’t want me around anymore.” Hathor said

“It is not that, you know how dangerous is Egypt for you right now. I cannot continue my quest and protect you at the same time. After returning to Israel, I will still come back to Egypt.” Horus said “I will still come to visit you, Israel is in the center of the world, Egypt, Babylon, Europe, all the trade needs to go through Israel, only Persia, a little bit further, must first goes through Babylon to Israel. I will come to visit you.” Horus said “Which remind me a further thing. In case, we come across slave traders, that want your head full of blond hair, again, you need to learn how to fight.”

“Me, fighting?” Hathor asked

Horus nod “Its Ok, you don’t need to be elite, but with me teaching you, you should be good enough to handle a few thugs that is coming to grab you, the next time.” Horus said

“Alright” Hathor said

Horus quickly grabbed a hammer and a lance, out of his cart and handed it to Hathor. Himself also grabbed his hammer and lance. The lance looked like the lance use by a medieval knight, but it is much shorter in length. The one that Horus use, is only 90 cm, half of Horus' 180 cm height. The one that Hathor use is even shorter, only 75 cm, half of her 150 cm body height.

“What I am going to tell you. You must tell no one. Do you know about the Amazonians?” Horus said

“The best female warrior training academy in the world, how would I not know about it?” Hathor said

“The law of the Amazons dictate that the fighting style of the Amazons can only be passed to women, but never to a man. Of course, the Amazon school is long gone, but some of their apprentice, insist on that tradition. But you are a woman, so that is alright.” Horus said

“Wait, wait, wait are you telling me, you’re fighting skills are from the Amazons? But...” Hathor said

“My mother, is an Amazonian. After the fall of Osiris, my mother decided, the world has become too dangerous, without knowing how to fight. It is about protecting yourself, in the chaotic world. My father is long dead, so she went against the rule of the Amazons and teach me all she knows.” Horus said

“Wow” Hathor said

“After mastering the fighting style of the Amazons, I try to improve upon it and create my own style. To avoid the complication. But for you, you are a woman. So, it is alright.” Horus said

“Alright” Hathor said

“The style I am going to teach you today, is call the pair lesbian style. A hammer in one hand. On the other hand, you hold a short lance. For each person the lance is custom made, it should be less than 10 centimeters, to your height. The lance, is used as, both a lance and a sword. Swords, are almost useless it is made of bronze, but there is certain sword combat style that can be translate, to the right spear or lance, providing if the spear or lance is short and light enough.  Swords are meant to be flexible and light and easy to operate.

You see, a lot of time, in war, when a tribe is defeated by the enemy, if the victors are thugs, they will take the beautiful women as their trophy and kill them, when the women got old. Technically speaking, the problem is with the thugs, but there are always going to be radical people and there are some of those who were once such victim, grow to hate all men, as a result. So, they support lesbianism as the alternative sexual companionship. But the balance with masculinity and femininity never change, even when it is two women. Hence, they call this fighting style pair lesbian, it is name by one of those men haters, but it is effective.

One hammer, one lance. The hammer represents the masculine aspect, it is strong and stubborn, a single strike, could kill a man, there is not much to it. The lance, represent the feminine, it is gentle and elegant is made of wood, it can break easily, but used correctly, even those who are gentle and elegant can through their own way become deadly.” Horus said

Horus started to demonstrate, first he shows Hathor the short lance fighting style that is the base for this fighting style. The fighting style is similar to Japanese Jukendo, it is a Japanese short lance fighting style, which since the nineteenth century, is chosen to become the standard bayonet fighting style of the Japanese army and is proven to be better than any western bayonet fighting style, even the US the most powerful army in the world, are sending their officers to Japan to learn it.

Horus then showed Hathor the sword fighting style that the pair lesbian fighting style is base on. It is similar to modern western fencing. Fencing, the sword is light, flexible and fast, great for women to operate, photos of fencing school from the 19th century saw women after women, going to learn this martial art forms, because the sword is so light, even a girly girl can defeat a big strong man, this way.

Both Junkendo and fencing got one thing in common, they don't block enemy attack, they flick the enemy weapon away and quickly strike back.

But the footwork associated with how you move around, in this fighting style neither reflect the style of Junkendo or fencing, instead, it looks more like Korean Taekwondo in hand to hand combat. But there are still some differences, Taekwondo just like fencing there is a front foot and one back foot and face the enemy on your side, in this fighting style, you face the enemy from your front and move from left and right. Taekwondo the foot work, allow spins that is supposed to be 180 degrees, here, it is a 90-degree spin. You first use your feet to quickly move to the side and make a 90-degree spin, so your front face your enemy's side.

But Horus also understand, weapon combat isn’t enough for Hathor to protect herself, Hathor also need to know the standard Amazonian moves, in regards to how to use your enemy’s strength against them, hand to hand combat. This is especially considering Hathor is a girly girl, only the Amazonian skills of using the enemy's strength against them, would work for her. The sixteen-basic hand to hand combat moves. It isn’t enough to deal with a real proper trained fighter, but it is more than enough, to deal with your average thugs.

Despite there have been researches into sword, spear and lance combat, the martial art advice in this story is fictional and should not be taken to be real

1. European fencing and fencing swords: 

2. US sending officers to Japan, to be trained by Japanese army in Junkendo.

Korean Taekwondo hand to hand combat British vs Germany

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