I always think the Asian martial art fantasy fictions to be really interesting and thought it be fun to try bring it into a more western setting.

Hence, I present to you "The Egyptian Pharaoh" I hope you like it :)

Book One: The Legacy of Ishtar Mother of Heaven and Earth

~ Inspired by Egyptian mythology

(Genera: Fiction, Fantasy, Martial Art, Romance)

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Book 1 Chapter Ten Part 2: Esna

The ancient city of Esna

Horus waited by Hathor’s side and help her to her feet.

“Are you alright?” Horus asked

“I am fine.” Hathor said “Thank you.”

Horus smiled “You see? I told you to stay in the inn. Egypt these days, is more unsafe for a blond girl, then we think.” Horus said.

Horus thought for a while, it is only now he noticed, whenever he sees a blond woman, on the streets, she always travels in the companionship of men. Sometimes, even blond men don’t travel along. But on the other hand, you see very few Caucasian on the streets of Egypt, even fewer that got blond hair.

A section of soldiers walked towards Horus.

“Master Horus. Our Lord invite you and your wife Hathor back to the palace." The Sergeant said

“I guess you get to see the inside of a palace, after all.” Horus said to Hathor

After returning to the palace, the Prefect was already there, upon a chair was a thug been tied up.

“This is a member of the gang that try to kidnap you. Nobody try to kill those that are my friend.” The Prefect said

The guards continue to beat and torture the gangster. Hathor might be an ex slave, but even she is finding the torture hard to see.

“How is you and your wife?” The Prefect said

Horus smiled, for a second there he was about to explain to the Prefect that Hathor isn’t his wife, but then he stopped, not knowing how he would react to Hathor, if he found out Hathor isn’t his wife.

“Thank you, my Lord, for sending troops to help us. But, then again, if the thugs that try to capture my wife, are all dead, there is no need to keep torturing that one.” Horus said, looking at Neith, who brought forward the head of the two gangsters that she killed.

“Nonsense, that gang, hurt my friend and if you hurt my friend, you hurt me.” The Prefect said

“My Lord” a soldier said to the Prefect

“Yes?” the Perfect replied

“The gangster, still won’t give us the names.” The soldier said

“Well, in that case. Lieutenant.” The Prefect said

“Yes, my Lord.” The Lieutenant said

“You know the village where this gang is located, take some men, kill everybody.” The Prefect said

“Yes, my Lord” the Lieutenant said

“Wait, wait, wait.” Hathor quickly said

“My Lord” Horus quickly said in the same time

Both Hathor and Horus want to stop this massacre

“My Lord, just because there are gangsters within this village, doesn’t mean they are all gangsters.” Horus said

“Nonsense, they hurt my friend’s wife and that gangster won’t give us the name. Kill them all.” The Prefect said

“My Lord” Hathor quickly said “As much as I appreciate what you are doing for me. I don’t wish to see an entire village to die because of me. If you would, I really would like to forgive those thugs.”

The Perfect thought for a second “Master Horus, your wife seems young, but really got a kind heart. No wonder they say, those with blond hair, brings good luck, fine. Keep beating names out of that thug. If he continues won't give us name, cut off the finger on his left hand, one by one.” The Prefect said

"My Lord, these thugs are no longer a threat to us, I would like to be able to put this behind me, if I can." Hathor said

"Little girl, it is not just about you and the thug anymore. You are my guest. Your husband is my friend. If they disrespect my friend, they disrespect me. If they disrespect me, what is there to stop them from rebelling against my rule?" The Prefect said

Hathor might be an ex slave, but she doesn't want to see, even this thug to be torture this way. Despite killing thugs might be necessary sometime, for security purpose, Hathor doesn't like pointless tortures. The thug's right hand was bleeding, every finger on his right hand, has already been cut off.

“If I may, enter my Lord.” Hathor said

The Prefect nodded his head.

Hathor walked towards the thug that was tied to the chair.

“Do you have more slaves, in your possession?” Hathor asked the thug

“No, my Lady” the thug replied

Hathor smiled “I want to help you, but you need to give me something. Or, the Perfect is just going to kill your entire village. Do you have a mother, father, son and daughter?” Hathor asked

“My mother is alive. My father is dead. I got a wife and two boys.” The thug said

“What is there to stop the Prefect from going after your family?” Hathor said “You need to give him something. I am trying to help you. Just a minute ago, he wants to kill an entire town, just to kill your gang.”

“If I speak, my family is dead.” The thug said

“If you don’t speak, your family is dead.” Hathor said

Finally, the thug gave the information regarding to the slaves been held captive by the gang and the name of the other gang members. The Prefect send men to captured the thugs and their family and wanted to kill all the thugs and their family.

Horus doesn't mind if the Prefect kill all the thugs, but their families, some of them might be good people that did nothing wrong, so Horus doesn't want to see them dead.

“My Lord” Horus quickly said

Horus remember how when he was working for Min, how Min are able to sometimes use thugs, to complete task too dangerous and doesn’t want his own men to die, providing if a family member of the thug that the thug cares about, is willing to be hostage and die on his behalf, if the thug goes AWOL. Horus didn’t tell the Prefect that he got the idea from Baal, it is unwise.

“First you get them to free the slaves, they got in their possession. Afterwards, send them to free the other slaves. If they complete their quest, their family goes free. If they died on their quest, their family goes free, but if they fail to complete their quest, their family dies. Image all the love you can get, as a result.” Horus said

The Perfect hesitate, having people love you more than Seth, can be a dangerous thing under Seth rule, especially for a Prefect.

Horus thought for a second and agree to teach the Prefect’s son, Serpent strike sword technique. The Perfect finally agreed and held the wife and children of the gangster hostage, he orders 36 members of the gang, to kill the members of the sixteen gangs in Egypt that are responsible for slave trafficking, according to the information given by Hathor and for that the gang members can live. Another 12 members of the gang was killed, by the Prefect, because they got no children the Prefect can use as leverage. Even thugs, might love their children and with no choice, the gangsters agreed, they are not professional warriors, but was given some basic training, to increase their chance of succeeding the mission. The thugs did travel and fought the local slave trader gangs, in every mission, ten of them died, but they defeated three slave trader gangs and free the slaves and by the time they are fighting the fourth gang, the last of them died, tortured and killed by having their limbs torn off, one by one

Horus as promised, taught the son of the Prefect Serpent strike, in secret, Horus asked the Prefect a favor through their friendship, the piece of Osiris’ corps hanging on the city wall.

“That is hung by the Pharaoh Seth, punishable by death, for stealing it. Seth would have my head.” The Prefect said

“Not if we can fake it.” Horus said

“How?” The Prefect said

“My Lord, I am not only a master swordsman, but I also know some witchcraft.” Horus said

Horus order to bring in the corps of a dead gangster that was executed by the Prefect. And sixteen different types of herbs. Horus first stuff the gangster flesh with the herb and dry it under the sun, until it becomes like beef jerky. Another form of herb was mixed with the color green and painted upon the flesh, after completing, it is hard to tell the difference between the two. The corps would not decay, nor be eaten by animals

The Prefect, late at night order for the corps of Osiris to be removed and replaced it with the fake one.

“I never thought that young Master Horus, also know witchcraft.” The Prefect said

“Only some easy ones.” Horus said,

Horus and Hathor left the city of Esna and continue on their way. Horus asked Hathor whether she wants to stay at Esna, but Hathor was quick to say no. Hathor isn’t stupid, the Prefect of Esna might consider them as a friend, but she know he is not a good person either, especially with his intent to kill an entire village, today he treat them well, because he think of them as his friend, tomorrow, if he no longer consider them as his friend, Hathor know it might not go so well for her. Horus understand it also and him along, is no match against all of the Prefect’s soldiers. So, he didn’t insist for Hathor to stay in Esna, when she refuse and let her go with him.

“The next town we arrive to, don’t lie to people saying we are a husband and wife. It is just too dishonest.” Horus said the Hathor.

“Where are we going next?” Hathor asks

“Israel” Horus replied

Which actress is best to play Neith

Becky G
Camille Hyde

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