I always think the Asian martial art fantasy fictions to be really interesting and thought it be fun to try bring it into a more western setting.

Hence, I present to you "The Egyptian Pharaoh" I hope you like it :)

Book One: The Legacy of Ishtar Mother of Heaven and Earth

~ Inspired by Egyptian mythology

(Genera: Fiction, Fantasy, Martial Art, Romance)

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Book 1 Chapter Ten Part 1: Neith

Neith (ancient Egyptian)
Horus left the inn. He got work to do, first, he scouts the town, to locate the piece of body of Osiris that is within this town. He got the information from Reshep, which got the intel from Qadesh. Qadesh a former prostitute that become a spy of Min through Reshep. She became the underground mistress of the Commander of Seth’s army, to provide Min with intel through Reshep, which is her handler. Why Qadesh would do this? Seth and his men, are the ones that killed her entire family when she was still a child and with no other option, by the age of sixteen Qadesh became a prostitute. The Commander of Seth army, which now share a bed with Qadesh got no idea that she is the little eight years old girl, whose entire family he killed. Qadesh provided Reshep with the information, regards all fourteen pieces of Osiris’ body, which Reshep gave a copy of the intel to Horus. Reshep is also searching for the body of Osiris under the orders of Baal.

“Can I come?” Hathor asked, excitedly.

“This is serious work I am doing.” Horus said, he hasn’t told Hathor about his quest in recovering Osiris’ body, the only thing he told Hathor is about his later meeting today, the two bronze swords that is to be sold to the Prefect of the city.

“Please, I promise to be good.” Hathor said

“I think you should familiarize yourself with the trade map. If you are going to make it as a trader, you need to familiarize yourself with the trade route and what to buy and sell at what places.” Horus said

“Please, I want to wear my new clothes.” Hathor said

“Stay” Horus replied and left, he can’t have Hathor following him in his recon work.

Horus prepared the two bronze sword that is to be sold to the Prefect later today, wrapped it into a piece of cloth and left. Horus search for Osiris’ corps and found it, hanging upon the city wall, he starts looking at the geography of the area. So, he can formulate a plan to steal the corps.

Within the inn, Hathor took some quick look at the map, she got little patient and put on her new clothes, a beautiful black dress with a silk like black head scarf. Hathor put it on and started walking down the streets, there was some homeless, sitting on the corner of the street. Hathor gave them a bit of wheat. She cannot afford to give too much. There was more homeless, but there was nothing Hathor can do for them. Hathor happily walked down to the market place and look at all the wonder. She has been to these market place before, but there is a big difference between going as a free woman and going as a slave.

Hathor accidentally bumped into the wife of the inn owner, buying supplies for the inn. She was happy to let Hathor tag along. A little while later, they bumped into Horus, which was also scouting the area. Horus lied telling them, saying that he got time to spare, after finding the Prefect’s palace, so he came to the market to survey what sells well here.

Horus smiled and took a look at the sun and said it looks late and he should return to the palace. The inn keeper’s wife got an idea and said to let Hathor follow “Not many people ever to enter the palace.” The inn keeper’s wife said.

Horus smiled it is no harm to let Hathor come to the palace with him “alright” Horus said

Horus invite the inn keeper’s wife to also come along. They went to the Prefect’s palace, but outside, the palace the guard said only those with permission badge can enter and that is Horus.

“Well, I guess we are waiting outside.” The inn keeper’s wife said

Horus enter the palace of the city of Esna and was invited to wait in the courtyard. A while later, the Perfect came out, a few people follow him, one man and two women. One of the women is a warrior, she is the bodyguard of the Prefect’s daughter. Horus present the Perfect with the two bronze swords. The Perfect is impressed with the beautiful craftsmanship.

“I heard young master Horus is an excellent swordsman.” The Prefect said

“Swords, are not the most useful weapon, not unless they are made of bronze. But bronze is too expensive, a lance would be more effective, then a sword. A long lance, got the advantage of range, but lack flexibility, a short lance is moderate in terms of range and flexibility, a sword, is greatly flexible, but lack the advantage of range.” Horus said

“Well, master Horus, we are wealthy and can equip my son and my own personal body guard with bronze sword. I heard the serpent strike style that Master Horus self-develop, is one of the best swords fighting techniques out there. It would be an honor to see you demonstrate.” The Prefect said

“Well then, as you wish my Lord.” Horus said

The Prefect took one bronze sword and handed the other bronze sword to Horus. Horus and the Prefect engaged, Horus could defeat the Prefect easily, but he holds back and defeated the Prefect after eighteen moves, quickly swing the sword out of the Prefect’s hand and had the sword against the Prefect’s throat. Horus pulled back and lower his sword.

“My apologize” Horus said

“Impressive indeed” the Prefect said “If you can stay a few months and teach my son, in this technique, I will for certain reward you well.” The Prefect put his hand on his son’s shoulder

“Thank you, my Lord. But I don’t teach.” Horus said

“What do you say, Neith?” the Perfect asked the princess’ bodyguard

“Good technique indeed.” Neith said, a secret that Neith never told anybody is that she is actually Amazonian. The style Horus used might not be from the Amazon, but Neith can tell, it is built upon the existing work, from the Amazons.

Waiting outside the palace, Hathor got bored and decided she wanted to start looking around. But the streets of a city under the governing of Seth is a dangerous place, the police are there to protect the interest of those in power, not the people. Normally, what happen in the circumstances, is that while the criminals are quick to form gang, in a lawless society, the people rally around warriors and form their own self-defense community, to protect against the thugs and usually the good people hold the upper hand, but, the Prefect of Seth might not fear the gangster thugs, but when the peasant come together to form self-defense community, that give them something to be frightened about and actively deter it. Some Prefect would do some work, to undermine gangs, just to discourage the formation of self-defense communities against the gangs, but they won’t do much.

Mean streets like these is no place for fifteen years old girl, to walk around without escort, in addition to that the fact that she got a head full of blond hair, makes her an even more desirable target. Hathor was grabbed by two thugs that started dragging her away. The inn keeper’s wife panicked and started grabbing the thugs and started screaming. The guards did nothing. Other than standing in front of the gate of the palace. One thug punched the innkeeper's wife and they started running away. The inn keeper’s wife started running the other direction, begging for the guards to let her in, to inform Horus. When the guards disagree, she started screaming. The corporal in command, within the back office, saw the kidnapping. He got a kind heart and despite cannot leave his post within the palace he decided to inform Horus.

The corporal quickly went to the front yard, when he saw the Prefect he quickly got down on his knee. “I am sorry, my Lord. I don’t know that you are in the courtyard. I just came to inform master Horus that his young wife, was been kidnap outside the palace gate.” He said.

“What?” Horus said, Horus is quick to turn to the Prefect “I apologize for cutting the meeting short, my Lord. But it is a task that I need to complete and in addition, she got blond hair. It is not good for her to be kidnapped by thugs. If I may humbly ask, for you to help me track her.”

The Perfect thought for a second, there is one golden rule, most thugs understand, you do what you want, but you don’t mess with a man of Seth, especially those in senior positions, such as a Prefect and you don’t mess with their friends and now, the Prefect of Esna consider Horus as a friend.

“Send the men, go find those gangsters.” The Prefect said

“Yes, my Lord.” The corporal said

After seen Horus left, Neith took a look at the Prefect, “May be allowed to help, my Lord”

The Prefect nodded his head and Neith left.

To get a bird's eye view, Horus jumped and flipped onto the roof top and start running from one rooftop to another, looking down upon the streets down under.

Soon, Horus found the thugs. The thugs are now been joined by four more thugs.  Horus jumped down with his hammer in his hand, Horus killed one thug on the spot and stabbed another thug with his lance. The remaining four thugs, try engaged Horus for battle, but they were no match against Horus and soon, two thugs were dead. The remaining two thugs ran. Normally, in a lawless society like this, the best thing to do, under the circumstances, is to leave no survivor, so, the thugs cannot return to his gang and call for reinforcement. When dealing with thugs, it is a war, it is killing or be killed. They might not be as tough as a real warrior, but they got numbers, when there are no police to protect the people and maintain order, if you got the upper hand upon a thug, you kill him and don't let the thug, the chance to call for reinforcement, "a good gangster, is a dead gangster" Baal used to say and he enforce those rules, within the land he rules, if the person has been arrested for a crime, is a gangster, his punishment, is always double, compared to everybody else.

However, sometime Baal give the gangster a chance to redeem them self, send them on dangerous tasks that Baal doesn't want to send him own men to. If the gangster can complete the task and survive, he can be pardon, but if he ever violates the law again, even minor offense, it is punishable by death. To ensure the gangster would be willing to comply, it required for a family of the gangster to willingly sign a contract with the government that says if he goes AWOL, that family member would be executed and the official from Baal's government is convince this person is somebody the gangster cares deeply about and won't go AWOL, as a result.

But right now, Hathor looked injured, Horus isn’t sure whether he should leave her. But, here only two gangsters know what he and Hathor look like and none knows where to find them, Horus could just lead Hathor back to the inn and everything would end. Thus, Horus decide to first led Hathor to safety. But as the two thugs ran to another street corner, they saw Neith standing there, waiting for them.

Neith is a young woman, approximately the same age as Horus, she escapes from the Amazon, after Seth’s army defeated and burned the school of the Amazons to the ground, while in hiding, she was trained by her master, in secret to become an Amazonian warrior. Neith seek the day to overthrow Seth, but for now, she works for a Prefect of Seth, which is the great irony, but it is still the dream of Neith to overthrow Seth rule, when the chance comes. Neith is a bit of a feminist type and the last thing she would stand for, is a woman been kidnap into slavery, especially consider, they might be sold to become sex slave. The thugs here want to sell girls with blond hair into brothel, because they think, penetrating a blond woman means, sucking away some of her good fortune in terms of finance, because blonde hair is the same as the color of gold.

Neith had two arrows in her hand, one in each hand. She took a look at the two thugs, they tried to attack Neith. But Neith with both her arms block the attacks and at the same time, stabbed the arrows, into the artery of the two thugs upon their neck, causing the two thugs to bleed to death

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