I always think the Asian martial art fantasy fictions to be really interesting and thought it be fun to try bring it into a more western setting.

Hence, I present to you "The Egyptian Pharaoh" I hope you like it :)

Book One: The Legacy of Ishtar Mother of Heaven and Earth

~ Inspired by Egyptian mythology

(Genera: Fiction, Fantasy, Martial Art, Romance)

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Book 1 Chapter Nine Part 3: Blond Privilege

Memphis (ancient Egypt)

Horus and Hathor reached the city of Esna. Horus started looking for an inn and Hathor was still just following him. They travel for three days.

Horus traveled to three different inns, but each inn keeper said their inn is full. This city only got three inns. It makes Horus hesitate about whether he should leave for another city.

“Wait, let me.” Hathor said

“To do what?” Horus said

“Just go in with me.” Hathor said

“Alright” Horus said, Horus return to an inn, with Hathor

“My friend won’t quit unless she heard there are no room available, herself.” Horus said

“Well, your friend got blond hair.” The innkeeper said “The lucky color” the innkeeper smiled

“Come on, you must have a room available.” Hathor said

“I am sorry, but we got only six rooms and all six rooms are booked.” The innkeeper said

“You know, blond is the color of gold and you let me stay here, legion say, it will bring you more gold, which means more people visiting your inn. That is more wheat for your storage and maybe even beans, goats, sheep, horses.” Hathor said

“Well...” the innkeeper said

“I am sure you can get somebody to change their mind.” Hathor said she cut down a bit of her blonde hair “Good luck for anybody that is willing to give us their room.” Hathor said

“Well...” the innkeeper said

“And did you just say we are friends? That is so mean.” Hathor said to Horus and then she turned to the innkeeper “I am sorry, he is still not used to the idea of having a wife. We just got married yesterday. I love my hubby so much.” Hathor said grabbing onto Horus’ arm

The innkeeper smiled “A wife with blond hair, that will for certain bring you good fortune.” The innkeeper laughed and said

“Be luckier for you, if you give us a room” Hathor said

“I will see what I can do.” The innkeeper said and grabbed the stroke of blond hair on the table.


A few minutes later, the innkeeper returned. “Two of our guests, has agreed to share a room, so there will be a spare room for you and your new wife. Blond wife.” The innkeeper said “And, consider all the money your wife might generate for us in the future, your stay, half price. Only one bag of wheat is required”

“That won’t be necessary.” Horus said

But Hathor quickly stepped in “come on, hubby, they are happy to do it.” Hathor said

“Alright, in that case, thank you for your discount.” Horus said

“It is our pleasure” the innkeeper said, but then the innkeeper took a look at Hathor’s body, “your wife look very dirty is it...”

“Oh, that I can explain it. You see, my husband is a big hero. He is a great warrior like Ra. You see, I was just walking down the streets one day, minding my own business, when suddenly a bunch of bandits tackle me and capture me and sold me into slavery. All because of my blond hair. Isn’t that evil? Then my beloved hubby came, with his mighty spear and his mighty hammer, he strikes down upon them, with the most fear and wrath. Just like that wrath of the Great and Mighty Ra, killed the slave traders and free all of us slaves. After seeing this, how can I not fall in love with my hubby. And all my blond hair good luck, I want to give it to him.” Hathor said

The innkeeper smiled “A great warrior indeed.” The innkeeper sighed “Young man, I remember those days, where the great pharaoh Osiris was in charge, there was peace in the land, his grandfather Ra brought peace also. But the great famine arrived, but then Osiris saved us from the great famine, but then, he was killed by his brother Seth. Since then, everything went to the dust, the gangs, the authority doesn’t care. I love it, when there are great warriors able to take them on, defeating them. Tell you what. Your stay with us, free of charge. Consider it as my thanks to you and all those people you saved. We are honored to have you with us.” The innkeeper said

“That won’t be necessary” Horus said

But Hathor again quickly said “Come on, hubby, that is their good will, why reject it. We should accept graciously, right?” Hathor said

“Indeed, to host a great hero, it is our honor, not to mention, he brought us a blond woman, must be good for business. A great warrior, deserve a wife that bring him good luck. I hope the two of you, many happy years to come.” The innkeeper said

Horus smiled “In that case, I will thank you again.” Horus said

The innkeeper quickly told the stable boy to pull Horus’ horse to the stable, while he led Horus and Hathor to their room.


“You see? A blond woman always brings you good luck.” Hathor smiled and said, inside the room

A few minutes later, there was a knock on the door. Horus went to open the door. It was the inn keeper’s wife

“I heard your wife just escape from slavery, a very brave thing you did, young man. Here is some clean cloth. Consider it as a gift.” The inn keeper’s wife said

“That is really not necessary” Horus said, but Hathor was quick to look at these clothes.

“Wow, look at these cloths, it is so beautiful.” Hathor said “And look, it is even in color.”

“This is way too much. We cannot possibly accept it.” Horus said

“Nonsense, how can the wife of a great warrior, dress like a dirty slave in a slave market?” the inn keeper’s wife said to Horus, then she turned to Hathor “We also prepare a bath for you, go wash up and these two pieces of rob, are my gift for you.” The inn keeper’s wife said to Hathor

“Thank you” Hathor smiled sweetly and said

Horus smiled “My wife is young. I hope she is not taking advantage of your generous nature.” Horus said

The inn keeper’s wife smiled “Nonsense, young man. You got a good one. I know it is hard to see now, consider she is only the age of fifteen, but trust me, in a few years, when she got older, you will see, you got yourself a great woman and I am not talking about the fact, she is a blond. That is just an additional bonus. A blond girl, won’t bring you good luck, unless she also got a good heart. I am an old lady, sixty years old. I’ve seen many young couples, just like you two. Take good care of her. You won’t be sorry.” The inn keeper’s wife said

Horus smiled “Thank you, I will remember it.” Horus said

On April 24th 2014 Pope Francis Officially made up for the mistake of the church for re-writing Lucifer into such Christian demon, by including the name of Lucifer, within a prayer, despite such action outraged many Christian extremists.

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