I always think the Asian martial art fantasy fictions to be really interesting and thought it be fun to try bring it into a more western setting.

Hence, I present to you "The Egyptian Pharaoh" I hope you like it :)

Book One: The Legacy of Ishtar Mother of Heaven and Earth

~ Inspired by Egyptian mythology

(Genera: Fiction, Fantasy, Martial Art, Romance)

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Book 1 Chapter Six Part 2: Israel

Ma'at (ancient Egypt)

Horus walked towards the direction of Israel. Israel is geographically located along the west coast of the Mediteranian Sea, it geographically located upon Babylon and only a short distance away from Europe and Egypt and Persia only need to arrive to Babylon, to then arrive in Israel. This makes Israel the trade centre of the known world.

Once a year, Horus and Ishtar come to Israel to trade wheat for goods. This would be the first year that Horus comes to Israel without Ishtar. It is a six days travel from the abyss territory that Horus live in, to Israel, the travel is both by foot and by water.

Horus travelled along the road and saw an old man sitting underneath a tree, relaxing and drinking beer. In front of the old man there were three thugs that were harassing him.

“Didn’t you hear me, old fool? You need to pay us to be here.” The thug said

The old man continues to rest under the three, a thug knocked the beer out of the old man’s hand.

The old man stood up.

“You owe me some beer, boy.” The old man said

“Didn’t you hear me, old fool? You owe us money.” The first thug said

The old man started smiling and looked at the thugs “So, I owe you money, ha?” the old man said with a big smile on his face “Alright” the smile on his face got even bigger “but first...” without warning, the old man attacked the three thugs.

The three thugs combined was no match against the old man and started running away.

The old man started chasing after the thugs “Wait, you forget your payment” the old man said and tackle one thug to the ground and smashed his head apart with a rock “Rock number one is your payment” the old man said and then he chased after the second thug and tackled him to the ground and smashed his head open with another rock “rock number two is your payment and then he chased after the third thug and tackle him to the ground. The old man tied the thug up and started dragging him back under his tree, via his foot. The old man is very tall, he got short curly white hair and skin that is as dark as coal. The old man tied the thug up, upside down, with one end of the rope tied to the thugs left foot and the other end tied to a tree branch

“Hello” the old man said with that big smile on his face “You forget your payment.”

“Oh, no please, don’t worry about payment, please no.” The thug was terrified

“Nonsense, of course I will pay you.” The old man said

“No really, you don’t need to pay me, really.” The thug said

The old man ignored the thug, he tore off a piece of a dead thug’s flesh and force it into the mouth of the last surviving thug “here is a though, meat.” The old man said

The thug look terrified

“What, you don’t like it? Well, what about this.” The old man said and suddenly grabbed the thug’s head and smashed it against a rock. “Rock number three as your payment.”

The old man sat down next to the tree again and relax, he opened his canteen and started drinking beer again.

The old man noticed Horus looking at what happened.

The old man looked and Horus and smiled “Remember, son, a good thug is a dead thug. You cannot reason with a thug, the only way to deal with a thug, is to be a bigger thug towards them and make them your bitch or to neutralize them, by killing them. Better to kill them, when you can. You fist needs to be bigger than their, you must be more ruthless than they are, you must be more cold then they are and you must be more cruel than they are. That is the only way to deal with a thug.” The old man said


Horus arrived at Israel. One of the first things Horus did was to find an inn to stay in. Israel might be the biggest trade post of the world, but under the rule of Seth, even a place like Israel can be suffering, due to the high tax rate of Seth. It is due to a simple reason, the rising tax led to people getting poorer, people getting poorer mean less purchase capability, less purchase capability means businesses start going under, people start losing their jobs. Even in a place like Israel, every year, Horus see more and more homeless beggar on the streets. There is really nothing that Horus can do for them.

As Horus walked down the road with his horse and his wagon, Horus saw a dirty caucasian boy, age thirteen or fourteen years old running away, grabbing onto bread. A shopkeeper was chasing after the boy

“Wait! THIEF!” the shopkeeper said.

The boy is obviously homeless. He accidentally fall down, close to Horus’ cart, because he wasn’t looking. The shopkeeper was about to give the boy a beating. When Horus quick step in.

“Wait!” Horus said “Look at him, sir, he is obviously a homeless beggar that have not eaten anything for days. Let me pay the bread for him and we call it even.”

“Four bags of wheat.” The shopkeeper said

“Four bags of wheat, you honestly tell me, you sell your bread at such a high price?” Horus said

“Four bags of wheat.” The shopkeeper said

Horus gave the shopkeeper four bags of wheat “Now leave the boy along.” Horus said

The shopkeeper took the wheat and left

“Are you alright.” Horus said

“Yes, I am fine. Thank you sir, we really didn’t want to steal. But we got no choice. We haven’t eaten in five days.” The boy said

Horus took a look at the boy, he is a skinny as it can get.

“What are you doing here, there are not many people with milk color skin and blond hair in this area, except for traders. Are you traders from Europe, that suffered unfortunate such as robbery.” Horus asked

“We came here from Europe, we hope to find help from our relatives. Our village has been burned to the ground, leaving us close to nothing other than the clothes on our back. As we travel down to Babylon, we ran out of wheat to be used for trade. We don’t know where our relatives are, for we are still searching for their whereabouts.” The boy said

“So, where are you going?” Horus asked

“We are not sure yet, probably down to Egypt or maybe further East of Babylon might go as far as Persia, until we find out where our relatives are. We travel here, all the way from Vitalia, with almost nothing.” The boy said

Vitalia is the ancient name for modern Italy

Horus took another look at the boy

“Come” Horus said

The boy followed Horus, as they left, a group of bagger reached out their hand to Horus “Please, help us too, my Lord, please help us too.” The bagged. But Horus cannot help all of them.

The boy followed Horus to the inn. There is one particular inn that Horus and Ishtar always stay in, while coming to Israel to trade wheat for good and every year, Ishtar would pre-book the room, for next year. Horus paid the innkeeper eight bags of wheat, for his seven days stay in the inn and the innkeeper let the stable boy to lead Horus’ horse into the stable and put Horus’ wheat into his room. Afterwards Horus entered his room and let the homeless boy follow him in. There Horus gave the boy two large bags of wheat, enough for him to travel and gave the boy some clean cloth and send him on his way. 


The next day, Horus came to the marketplace, with many bags of wheat to trade for goods that is needed.

While in the marketplace, Horus again saw the same boy from the previous day, the shopkeeper is with another man this time.

“Where are you going boy?” One of the men said

A woman jumped out from behind and heavily threw a table at them.

“Come on, Lu, let’s go.” The woman said

The boy and the woman started escaping. But two more men showed up from behind

“Ha ha, buy one, get one free. The boy can be sold into the mine, the woman, sold into prostitution.” The shop keeper said

Horus jumped in between

“Hey, what’s going on there?” Horus yelled

“None of your business boy.” One of the four men said

Horus ignored the four men and walked towards the boy and the woman

“Are you stealing again?” Horus said

“I swear. I am not stealing anything.” The boy said

“These men want to sell us into slavery, after knowing we got nobody.” The woman said

Horus looked at the two of them. “If you steal anything from them, give it back and I will protect you out of here.” Horus said

“You, boy? I think you are dreaming.” One of the four men said. All four men are in their fiftieth or forties, normally, sixteen years old boy, would struggle in a fight against one fully grown men, but Horus is no ordinary boy.

“You want to try me?” Horus said

“I think you need to be taught a lesson in respecting your elders!” One of the men said he charged towards Horus.

Horus quickly dogged side way and threw him against the wall. The other three men were quick to come to reinforcement, but even combined, they were no match against Horus. After only a few minutes, the four men escaped, after they got beaten.

“Seriously, did you steal something from them again?” Horus asked the boy after the four men left.

“I swear, you can check, if you like.” The boy said, “Search both of us.”

Horus took a look at the both of them “That won’t be necessary.” He said

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