I always think the Asian martial art fantasy fictions to be really interesting and thought it be fun to try bring it into a more western setting.

Hence, I present to you "The Egyptian Pharaoh" I hope you like it :)

Book One: The Legacy of Ishtar Mother of Heaven and Earth

~ Inspired by Egyptian mythology

(Genera: Fiction, Fantasy, Martial Art, Romance)

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Book 1 Chapter Six Part 3: Baal

That night, Horus let the two of them to his room in the inn. The two of them seem to be extremely close. The woman reveals her name to be Diana, she seems a bit older than Horus, around nineteen to twenty years old.

They won’t reveal the name of the boy, fearing for his safety.

“Nobody would know we are missing. That is why slave traders target us.” Diana said, she is a beautiful and elegant woman, also Caucasian, with long blond hair, she seems a bit seasoned for her age, but still really beautiful

As Horus and that woman talk, they hear sound from outside the inn. Horus looked outside, it was that same four men, from this morning.

“Get out of here!” The four men yelled, this time, each of the four men are carry weapon.

“Not this again.” Horus said. Horus went out to meet the four men.

“You got something that belongs to us, boy.” One of the four men said.

Within the inn, Horus saw the same old man that killed those thugs a few days ago, relaxing, drinking wine and watching the fight.

“I got nothing that belongs to you.” Horus said

“Nonsense, those two slaves, I have claimed them!” one of the four men said

“Your slave? Since when?” Horus replied

“Since I decided they are my property!” the four men attack again.

Horus fought the four men, but he didn’t injure any of them. The four men ran away again.

The following night, they return with five men, Horus again defeated all five, the old man was still sitting there relax and drinking his wine.

The night that follow, they return with six men. This time around, the old man stood up.

“Boys, boys, boys. Relax” the old man said to the six men.

Then the old man turned around and looked at Horus “Boy, I told you, when you are dealing with thugs, you need to show them who's boss. Otherwise, they are just going to come again and again and again, just like the pest they are.” the old man said

The old man smiled and winked at Horus, then he attacked the six men. The old man, is a much better fighter then Horus, after only a few minutes the six men are on the ground. The old man snatched the hammer out of one thug’s hand and used it to kill that thug, on the spot. He cracked open the head of a second thug with the hammer. The four remaining men started running away. “See? Now they are scared. That is how you deal with thugs.” The old man said

The old man grabbed the spear that one of the thugs left behind and threw it, killing a third thug.

A little while later, a few men ran forward, “My Lord.” The men said, each man was equipped with a spear and a shield

“Find those slave traders and kill them.” The old man ordered

“Yes, My Lord.” The men replied

“Boy, there is one thing you need to learn about thugs. They don’t respond to kindness. Dealing with thugs, is like breaking a horse. You need to be the alpha and the omega. Your fist needs to be bigger. You need to be more ruthless and you let them know you mean business. You cannot reason with a thug, in their world, whoever got the bigger fist and won’t hesitate to use it, is the law and this is a lawless society, here. The next time, you want to save somebody’s life, don’t be afraid to get your hands dirty and kill the thug.” The old man said

The woman and the boy that was waiting inside came out

“My name is Baal, by the way.” The old man said, “Help me lifting this dead thug, we need to teach them a lesson, so they leave you along.”

Baal grabbed a stone knife and cut off the three dead thugs’ head and carve the word "slave traders" onto their head and body.

The next day, Baal grabbed the heads with one hand and dragged their bodies along by a rope with another hand and walked into the marketplace. Horus, Diana and the boy followed.

They arrived at the marketplace. Baal, hung the head of the three dead thugs in the middle of the marketplace, their bodies were hanged each on an independent poll next to the heads.

The three men of Baal, captured the remaining three slave traders that escaped.

Baal's men forced the three thugs to their knees.

Baal took a look at Diana and the boy.

"They want to make you slaves. What would you like to do with them?" Baal asked

Diana angrily grabbed the spear and pointed it at them. The three thugs closed their eyes, thinking they are going to meet their doom. But, Diana's hand stop, she is too kind, to kill a man.

Baal took the spear out of Diana's hand.

"You are very lucky that she is so forgiving. Because, I am not." Baal said to the three thugs.

The three frightened thugs started thanking Diana and the boy for sparing their life.

Baal, gave his men a hand signal and his three men each grabbed a hammer and started whacking the three slave traders to their death.

"Where are the two of you heading?" Baal asked

"We are not sure yet, we are searching for our relatives." the boy replied.

"Travel with me for a while. At least until you find out where your relatives are." Baal said

Baal turned to Horus "What about you?"

"I am just here to trade some wheat for goods and going home." Horus replied

"Alright" Baal said

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