I always think the Asian martial art fantasy fictions to be really interesting and thought it be fun to try bring it into a more western setting.

Hence, I present to you "The Egyptian Pharaoh" I hope you like it :)

Book One: The Legacy of Ishtar Mother of Heaven and Earth

~ Inspired by Egyptian mythology

(Genera: Fiction, Fantasy, Martial Art, Romance)

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Book 1 Chapter Six Part 1: Memory

Ancient city of Busiris
~6 years later

Horus grew to the age of sixteen. His skills in all major form of weapons including swords, spears, hammers and archery is excel beyond neither Nephthys or Ishtar can imagine. Horus is also an expert in melee combat and all other skills that are required for a warrior. Horus, also learn greatly about military strategy. He also mastered crafts of academics, including mathematical, witchcraft (science), history, geography, astrology, philosophy. The kid is an all-round genius.

To train Horus’ alert Nephthys would attack him at random times during the last one year. Nephthys want revenge upon Seth, for the destruction of the Amazons and for the death of her mother. To the best of Nephthys' knowledge her son Anubis died many years ago. Because, men cannot be trained by the Amazonians, when Anubis turned six years old, Nephthys' send Anubis to another school for his education been a warrior and an academic. But that school was destroyed by Seth and his army, only months later, due to not submitting to Seth's rule. Nephtyhs searched for three years, until she was convinced that her son is dead.

Horus was working in the wheat farm. Since Osiris’ days, the skill in farming has once again been improved upon.

Nephthys quickly attacked, Horus was alert, and his eyes are as sharp as a hulk and got the reflex of a cat. Horus quickly respond to the attack and blocked Nephthys attack, the two of them started fighting. Nephthys was not going easy on Horus, but the two of them are even matched. They exchanged over twenty moves, in hand to hand combat. Nephthys jumped back and gave Horus a hand signal to stop.

“Not bad kid.” Nephthys said

Nephthys throw Horus a wooden sword. Horus smiled he grabbed the sword and started using both the fighting style of Venus Sky and Serpent Strike against Nephthys. Another thirty-six moves were exchanged, between the two in sword fight, still, even matched.

Ishtar walked out to the field

“Mother” Horus replied

Ishtar looks amazing for a woman, with a sixteen years old son. But considering she gave birth to Horus at seventeen, it is not surprising. Back in the days, Osiris kept his word and came to the Amazons, on Ishtar’s seventeenth birthday. The two of them got married that day. The people of the world love Osiris so much that they made him pharaoh of the world. Within only seven months after marriage, Ishtar gone from merely the princess of the Amazons, to also been the princess of Heliopolis and suddenly, the Queen of the known world. Envoy of Osiris was travelling well into the abyss, which is places, unknown to Egypt. They were travelling as far as China, India and Northern Europe.

This only makes Seth even more jealous and angry. He dreams of being the great warrior that conquer the world and become the Pharaoh of the world, but now, Osiris without firing a single shot, was made into the world’s pharaoh, through love and admiration. Seth was furious when he heard the news. He had a massive rampage, within his palace. “Why? Why? WHY!” he yelled.

Osiris picked the city of Busiris, as his capital. At the age of twenty, Osiris is a very young pharaoh. He asked his childhood best friend, now a great wizard, in the arena of medicine, bronze, astrology and dream interpretation Thoth, to be his Chancellor. Osiris asked his other childhood best friend, Thoth’s wife, Ma’at whom is an expert of law, to help him create a set of law in accordance to the principle of the three Horae, to maintain peace, good order and justice between each city states. There is another reason Osiris appointed Thoth to be the Chancellor, Thoth is an expert in bronze, Osiris discover harvesting and cutting weeds, using hand is extremely ineffective within the farm. Osiris designed a form of question mark shaped knife, that make the process much easier, but this instrument needs to be made via bronze and bronze tools is so expensive to produce, only those whom are extremely wealthy can afford it and only in small number. If the cost of producing bronze tool can be decreased, first every village would be allowed to have at least one of such tools, afterwards every family and later, every farmer. It would mean fewer farmers is needed to work a farm, allowing more farms then needed and when there are more farms then needed, its free up people’s time, to specialize in other things that can create further advantages.

Osiris picked the city of Busiris due to it is located in the Lower Egypt region. The Lower Egypt region, is modern Northern Egypt, it is in the center of the then known world, including Southern Egypt, Mediterranean Sea, Spain, Greek, Italy and Gaul, Persia and Babylon, all of the places that picked Osiris to be the pharaoh of the world. The painters of the world, created portrait of their beloved pharaoh, but in the portrait, they make a few changes, both of his legs are of the same length and despite he doesn’t look like a masculine warrior, he doesn’t look as fragile, as he is, in real life.

However, with the rise of agriculture comes a new threat, the return of the Apep. Apep is a most feared, savage and ruthless tribe that once exist, laid ruin to many nations, it is with the rise of Apep, Osiris’ grandfather Ra, was able to unite the world, against the common threat, they pushed Apep into the Sahara Desert and kept them there. When the Apep returned, Osiris called for a single united army, to fight the threat, for the army of every city state, to unite in one. But Osiris appointed his brother Seth, to be the General of this army. Osiris got a level of blind trust, towards his brother, been away from home since the age of fourteen, Osiris never know his brother as an adult, but only as the big brother that once protected him, when he was a child and there is nobody he trust more, to lead his army. Ishtar, Thoth, Ma’at and even Nephthys advice Osiris against this decision, but Osiris won’t listen. The General of his army, would be the next in command, after Osiris and considering Osiris’ fragile physical state that disallow him to be a warrior, he wants to appoint a person that he can trust, but he never thought, his big brother, who protected him the most as a child, give him more reason to trust, then anybody else, is the last person, he should trust.

The new army of Osiris, is a gathering of all the army of the world, its commanders are all loyal to Osiris, there was little that Seth could do, but by being its General, he can increasingly put those that are loyal to him to more critical post, while those who are loyal to Osiris to none critical posts and when an officer that is loyal to Osiris retired, he can replace him with somebody that is loyal to him.

Osiris send his army South to fight the Apep and Seth did deliver his promise by pushing the Apep, back to the dessert. Osiris knows that the dessert climate of the Sahara meant it is impossible to grow food and that is the reason why the Apep is invading. Osiris sent envoy to the Apep, saying any Apep that would lay down his arms and surrender can come and live among them. Many Apep did surrender and Osiris deliver his promise. As for the rest that refuse to surrender and insist on war, is why the southern border against the Sahara Desert is where the majority of troops are located. For Seth, it is a great opportunity, he stations himself in Southern Egypt, close to the Sahara, within the city of Ombos and personally command the defense against the Apep along the border. By doing so, Seth was able to start putting those who are loyal to him, into critical posts in the defense line here, those who are not loyal to Seth, are been relocated away to other places or to none critical posts or he just won’t promote them. With the largest concentration of army located along the Southern border against the Apep, consisting of over 70% of the entire army and with all its commanders loyal to Seth, Seth only need to wait for his chance, to overthrow Osiris and he would be the pharaoh of the world as he always intent. "Ultimately, the world is still not going to be yours, Osiris. Even the gods will make sure, only the greatest warrior, will be fit to be the pharaoh of the world" Seth said

Seen the opportunity, to steal Osiris' throne, Seth gave up his place, to be the pharaoh of Heliopolis after the death of Geb and Nut. Osiris as the pharaoh of the world, cannot at the same time be the pharaoh of Heliopolis, so the throne was passed to the next in line.

Due to becoming pharaoh of the world, Osiris didn't complete his last of his six years quest, to spread the art of agriculture. After Ma'at completed writing the law of the world according to the principle of the three horae, to maintain peace, good order and justice, as requested by Osiris and Osiris agreed, Osiris decide it will soon be time, to spread this law to the world. At this time, Ishtar is pregnant with Horus. Osiris decide to wait till after the birth of Horus, to begin his journey. A few months after Horus is born, Osiris prepare for his journey to travel the world to spread the law of Ma'at, Osiris send out three envoys, one to spread the law of Ma'at to Europe, the second to spread the law of Ma'at to Babylon, the third will spread the law of Ma'at to Persia and he himself, will spread the law of Ma'at to all of Egypt and take the opportunity to spread the art of agriculture to one last place. Ishtar is worry about what might happen, if Osiris leave Busiris, especially considering Osiris is preparing to travel to Southern Egypt. Ishtar and Thoth have for a long time, been looking for evidence of Seth, planning to betray him. Ishtar already know the eight assassins sent to kill Osiris that day, in Abydos, is sent by Seth. But Osiris doesn't believe her. Ishtar and Thoth know, there is no way to get Osiris to believe them, unless they can find good evidence. The truth is, the last of Apep, has all either been defeated or surrender, the Apep of this generation, are not bloody and savage thugs, like their ancestors, they are just people that are starving due to the climate of the Sahara desert and seen how the art of agriculture is now turning the land north of the Sahara into a paradise rich with food, they just want to survive. So, when Osiris promise if they surrender their arms, all can come, nearly all Apep people surrender without a fight and moved to live in Egypt. What was left of the Apep that refuse to surrender, Seth defeated them with ease. But Seth doesn't want to lose this high concentration of army with its commander loyal to him, so he kept creating false sightings of Apep, still luring within then Sahara wanting to invade.

Before Osiris left the city of Busiris, he left it to Ishtar to rule on his behalf, with Thoth remain as Chancellor. "There is nobody I trust more, to rule in my absent" Osiris told Ishtar before he left.

Ishtar and Thoth thought they got years to prove for Seth to be the traitor. But it never occurs to them, this very journey would give Seth the chance to kill Osiris and take his throne. Ishtar never thought, that day when she farewell Osiris at the city gate of Busiris would be the last time she saw her husband.

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