I always think the Asian martial art fantasy fictions to be really interesting and thought it be fun to try bring it into a more western setting.

Hence, I present to you "The Egyptian Pharaoh" I hope you like it :)

Book One: The Legacy of Ishtar Mother of Heaven and Earth

~ Inspired by Egyptian mythology

(Genera: Fiction, Fantasy, Martial Art, Romance)

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Book 1 Chapter One Part 3: Thoth

Thoth (ancient Egypt)
Min was locked in the dungeon, chained by bronze chains. There are good reasons why they chain up Min. Min is a great warrior and this is over 5000 years ago, where guards are more limited in terms of equipment

Outside of Min’s cell there were two guards on guard duty.

A few minutes later, Thoth walked into the dungeon

“My Lord” The two guards got on their feet and said

“Leave us.” Thoth said

“My Lord, we got orders, to never leave the prisoner unsupervised.” One of the guards said

“Understood, if anybody asked, I’ll take responsibility.” Thoth replied

“Yes, My Lord” the two guards said and left

Thoth had a basket in his hand, he walked towards Min.

“TRAITOR!” Min yelled angrily, when he saw Thoth.

Thoth made no response, but took the food out of the basket. It included three pieces of bread, a bottle made out of clay with some goat milk inside it, a bow with wheat inside it, another bottle with water and an empty bow.

“You must be hungry. They can’t be giving you anything decent in here.” Thoth said, as he poured the milk into the bow of wheat and the water into the empty bow.

“They should give you something better, also, considering whom you are, the Captain of the body guard of the great pharaoh Osiris.” Thoth said, he washed his hands in the bow of clean water and used his hands to mix the wheat and the goat milk and then place the three pieces of bread upon the bow of wheat with goat milk and gave it to Min.

Min was originally planning to die with his men in that battle, but when he was the last man standing, an entire platoon of soldiers tackled him to the ground and took him prisoner

“If you are here to persuade me to surrender, you are wasting your breath, Thoth.” Min said

“I am not here to persuade you to anything. Just give you something to eat.” Thoth replied

“I cannot believe you betrayed Osiris, for Seth. You are the last I expect to turn into a traitor.” Min said

“I didn’t betray him. I am not a soldier like you, Min. I am a scholar and what good can a mere scholar do in a fight? I am just trying to survive all these.” Thoth said

Min still didn’t touch the food.

“Horus and Ishtar live.” Thoth said

“I thought they were dead.” Min said

“It is just fake news that the palace spread. Seth called off the search for them and found the corps a pair of mother and son that already died and claims it is Horus and Ishtar.” Thoth said

“Do the people believe them?” Min asked

“Who knew, there are rumors that the bodies are fake. The bodies are burned beyond recognition. But in a time like this, who dare to question Seth’s words?” Thoth said

Min finally took the food and started eating

“Seth is going to take the throne as pharaoh tomorrow.” Thoth said

“TRAITOR!’ Min yelled angrily

The guards ran back into the room, when hearing the scream.

“It is all fine, you can leave.” Thoth said to the guards

“My Lord, but…” the guard’s sentence was cut off

‘LEAVE!” Thoth yelled

“Yes, My Lord.” The guards said and left.

“We need to let the people know that the Queen and the Crown Prince still live. We cannot have Seth becoming the pharaoh.” Min said

“Bad idea, we reveal they are still alive, Seth would send his men to kill them. We ruin Seth’s lie, right now, all be lost.” Thoth said

“If Horus lives, people can be rally as one, under the real supposed to be pharaoh.” Min said

“And if we reveal Seth’s lie, he would find and kill Ishtar and Horus, in no time. For now, their identity must remain hidden and when the time is right. That is when we strike.” Thoth said

“Why did Seth claim for Horus and Ishtar to be dead and why did he stop searching for them?” Min said

“I convinced him to it.” Thoth said “Under the pretense that if Horus and Ishtar are dead, it makes Seth the legitimate pharaoh. It is the best way to keep them alive.”

There was a moment of silence.

“Seth orders the killing of all baby boys under the age of two, anyway. Hopefully, Ishtar and Horus can survive it.” Thoth said

“Ishtar is an Amazonian. She can take care of herself.” Min said

“By herself, she will be fine. But with a baby…who knew.” Thoth said

Which actor is best to play Thoth

Sendhil Ramaurthy

Alex Desert

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