I always think the Asian martial art fantasy fictions to be really interesting and thought it be fun to try bring it into a more western setting.

Hence, I present to you "The Egyptian Pharaoh" I hope you like it :)

Book One: The Legacy of Ishtar Mother of Heaven and Earth

~ Inspired by Egyptian mythology

(Genera: Fiction, Fantasy, Martial Art, Romance)

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Book 1 Chapter Two Part 1: Nephthys

Nephthys (ancient Egypt)
Today is Seth’s coronation. Nephthys was in a room along, she refuses to attend the coronation leaving an angry Seth, going there himself. Within the room was her four years old son, Anubis. The room got two soldiers standing guard. Nephthys got all her handmaid relief from duty.

Nephthys took a look at the two guards.

“What are you doing here?” Nephthys asked

 "The pharaoh Seth, asked us to protect you.” One of the two soldiers said

Nephthys laughed “Protect me? I am an Amazonian. Do you think I need your protection? Are you here for my protection or as my keeper?” Nephthys said

Nephthys took a look at the two men, “alright, bodyguards. I am going out for a stroll, you coming?”

“My Lady, the Lord Seth got orders, you are not to leave the lower palace.” A soldier said

Nephthys smiled “So, you are my keeper” Nephthys said, “If that is the case…” before finishing the sentence, Nephthys launched a surprise attack and kicked one soldier. The soldier fell down. The other soldier came to try arrest Nephthys. But Nephthys quickly used the soldier’s strength against him and threw him to the ground and snatched his spear, out of his hand.  When the other soldier stood up, Nepthys threw the spear and killed the soldier. Nepthys grabbed the dead soldier’s spear and killed the other soldier. Amazonian fighting style got great focus upon using the enemy’s strength against them. This is because, women are physically smaller and weaker, it is just a law of nature, even with training, a man with the same amount of training, would still be way bigger and stronger than you. So, Amazons, focus on learning how to use the enemy’s strength and size against them. But it also means Amazon fighting style, is not that effective against people that are smaller, usually other female or young teenagers.

Anubis was crying. Nephthys hold Anubis into her arm and grabbed a spear and started walking down the hallway. Every time a soldier comes to stop Nephthys, Nephthys used the spear to kill him, all the palace guards are those loyal to Seth. Seth got no intention of leaving palace Yahweh, after becoming pharaoh.

Nephthys walked to the dungeon and killed the unsuspecting guard with her spear and walked towards Min. Anubis was still crying. Nephthys untied Min from the bronze chained.

“Are you alright?” Nephthys asked

“I am fine, thank you, my lady” Min said, everyday Thoth order his men to bring Min good food and water, so Min is still in good health.

“We got a bronze sword.” Nephthys said, looking at the dungeon guard’s weapon.

Min is a much greater warrior, to Nephthys. So, Nephthys gave the bronze sword to Min. They started walking out of palace Yahweh. Palace Yahweh is like a maze to those that don't live here, so, outsiders can easily get lost. But Nephthys know this palace like the back of her hand and Min follows her. Whenever they come across a guard, Min or Nephthys killed the guard. They reached an outer wall of palace Yahweh and easily jumped the one storage tall wall and got out.

Outside the wall, there were two Amazonian women waiting with four horses.

“Mistress Nephthys” the two Amazonian women bowed.

“One of horses is your’s, consider it a gift.” Nephthys said.

Nephthys chose today, for her escape. She knows the palace Yahweh would be low on guard, with Seth been crowned as pharaoh, along the Nile river. Seth’s coronation is much different from that of Osiris’. Osiris became pharaoh with the love and admiration of the people, for his research into agriculture brought peace to the land and ends the long-lasting famine. It is with this admiring that the people made him pharaoh of the world, there was no need for much protection, he was surrounded by those who welcome and love him. When Seth becomes pharaoh, the people hated him and without the protection of many soldiers, he would be killed by the angry mob.

“What is your plan for the future, My Lady?” Min asked

“Back to the Amazons, prepare for war.” Nephthys said. “What about you?”

“I will go north, to the Mediterranean Sea.  I was once a sailor there. My father is a fisherman and taught me the ways of the waters. I hope to find Queen Ishtar and the prince Horus. I am still the Captain of the body guard of the pharaoh and I hope to see my oath fulfill.” Min replied.

“Then I leave the safety of my sister and my nephew, in your hand.” Nephthys said, she is now on her horse, Anubis was with her. The Amazons got a rule, it can contain no men, but boys are allowed to stay, if he is the son of an Amazonian. But, by the age of sixteen, that male must leave the Amazons and never to return. It is the law of the Amazons, never to teach the warrior skills of the Amazons to a man, not even to her own son. It is the most sacred law of the Amazons and by law if any Amazons teach the fighting skills of the Amazons to her son, it is the duty of any other Amazons that found out, to kill all sons, of the Amazon who broke this law.

“Fair well, My Lady.” Min said

Nephthys and the two Amazons both already on horseback rode off, towards the direction of the jungle of the Amazonian warriors. Min got onto his horse and started to ride North to the Mediterranean Sea

Which actress is best to play Ishtar
(base on Babylonian version of Ishtar)

Danica Mckellar 
Aishwarya Rai

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