I always think the Asian martial art fantasy fictions to be really interesting and thought it be fun to try bring it into a more western setting.

Hence, I present to you "The Egyptian Pharaoh" I hope you like it :)

Book One: The Legacy of Ishtar Mother of Heaven and Earth

~ Inspired by Egyptian mythology

(Genera: Fiction, Fantasy, Martial Art, Romance)

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Book 1 Chapter Nine Part 2: Hathor

Hathor (ancient Egypt)

Horus returned to his inn and prepare to leave. The Gaul girl followed.

“You are not my slave. You are free to go. Ten begs of wheat, one beg of gold and one beg of bean. Should be enough to pay your way, back to Gaul. I recommend you to leave soon. These goons, I don’t know for how much longer would they remain submissive, to my command” Horus said

“I think it be alright, their former boss doesn’t pay much and honestly, if there are so much money in the slave trade, they won’t leave it so willingly.” The Gaul girl said

"They agree to leave it, because I scared them, but it won't take long for them to figure out, about joining forces against me." Horus said and with that Horus walked out of his room in the inn. The Gaul girl followed


“My Lord” the giant from a while ago came to meet Horus in front of the inn.

Horus remain careful “What is it?” Horus said

“Do you prepare to leave, my Lord.” The giant guy said

“I have my own duties to complete. Here, I leave you in charge.” Horus said “Your names, I have given to the local authority, you and your men would be pay, your worth in wheat, if you do a good job, protecting the people of the marketplace. In addition, take three steps back, I like my personal space.”

The giant guy took three steps back, Horus know these goons are only been submissive right now, partly because they fear him and partly due to the promise of food that is more than they can have, been slave traders. But one wrong move on Horus’ part and these goons would whack him. It is not Horus’ intention to have any long-term liaison with them.

Fearing the gathering power of the member of the gang, Horus split the gang members apart, into ten teams. Each team only got two members. Their job is to assist the local Town Mayors to enforce security and for that, they will be paid. Horus told the sergeant, after he left and all the thugs been split apart, if he felt necessary, he can kill them and all the riches that Horus promise them, would be given to him and his men, the payment would be for five years, straight.

“Good luck” Horus said to the giant guy and left the inn with all of his luggage, the Gaul girl followed


Horus left the city of Memphis. He realized the Gaul girl is still following her. She is a pretty girl, also. Her clothes were ripped and her body, hair, face, clothes and arms and legs are slightly muddy. Exactly what you expect from a slave.

Horus took a look at the Gaul girl “Are you following me?” Horus asked “If you are, there is no need for you to do so. You are not my slave. You are free to leave. Free to go home. You can return to Gaul if you like.” Horus said

“I’ve been a slave since I was ten years old. I got nowhere to go. I would like to travel with you, if you like. I can be your assistant. Sure, you can use some help. I won’t take much of your food and I can be a great help. You already pay good money for me. So, why not let me travel with you and help you?” The Gaul girl said

“I pay those money to help you, not to keep you as a slave. You are a free woman. Free to do as you please, providing you not hurting anybody.” Horus said

“Which means I can come with you if I like” the Gaul girl said with a cheeky smile “Please, I won’t be a trouble to you, I promise.”

“Where I am going, you cannot come with me. I am on a very dangerous quest and cannot guarantee your safety nor do I have the time to spare to ensure your safety, when the worse is to come.” Horus said

“I don’t really care. I’ve been a slave since I was ten years old. After what I’ve been through, you think I really care? I can be your assistant. Sure, you can use some help. I won’t take much of your food and I can be a great help.” the Gaul girl said, continue to follow Horus as he walks

“Don’t you want to return home to Gaul.” Horus asked

“I don’t want to return there. They are the ones that made me a slave in the first place. That is how I get to Egypt to begin with. If I return to Gaul, they made me a slave again, for certain. To be more precise, I got sold from Gaul to Greek and from Greek to Babylon and...” the Gaul girl’s sentence was cut off

“I don’t really care.” Horus said

The Gaul girl stopped talking

Horus took a look at her “What is your name?” Horus asked

“Hathor” the Gaul girl replied

“How old are you, Hathor.” Horus asked

“I am fifteen, but I will be sixteen soon.” Hathor replied

“Sixteen that is an adult. I am sure you will be fine, on your own. It is unwise for you to travel with me, as I said before, my quest is dangerous.” Horus said and then he started walking

Hathor quickly follow him from behind “You know? Some people consider those with blond hair to be good luck, if you are on such a dangerous quest, you can use some luck on your side, maybe I can be your good luck charm.” Hathor said

“Good luck, really? In that case, why did you end up as a slave?” Horus said

“And then you saved me. So, did you save all the slaves in the slave trade that day. See? Not only am I good luck, my luck even rubs off on everybody else!” Hathor said

Horus smiled “You should not be following me.” Horus said

“You know there are also those who believe, blond hair brings good fortune in terms of wealth, because it is the same as the color of gold. It makes you faster, because it is the same color to the coat of a cheetah and give you strength, because it is the same color to the coat of a lion.” Hathor said

“And some of those people also think if kill a person with blond hair and drink the blood from their head, you will also get much riches, speed of a cheetah and strength of a lion. It is nonsense, of course and even if it is real, completely unjust. They also believe, if the girl is still a virgin, the person that took her virginity, can absorb all the good luck, from within her virgin blood. You are lucky those slave traders didn’t sell you to those people.” Horus said

“Because, I am lucky!” Hathor smiled and said “You need me as a good luck charm.”

Horus laughed “That is nonsense, if any of those superstition is true, why aren’t you are strong like a lion, fast like a cheetah or have much riches? You got blond hair, yourself and very long ones.” Horus said

“Look, gold! You just gave it to me.” Hathor said

Horus smiled “What about the strength and speed.” Horus asked

“I might get it one day.” Hathor said

“It is just superstition nonsense.” Horus said

“So, you don’t believe in witchcraft? How else do you explain why the rain fall from the sky? Why wood can create fire? And why wheat grow in the farm?” Hathor said

“Some witchcraft is real. Other are nonsense. Real witchcraft is about observing and discovering the magical rule of nature, understanding it, recording it and use it to our advantage. Just like how our ancestors discovered the magic of fire. Now, we all know that enough heat would generate fire and it is a form of magic, everybody knows.” Horus said

“And you know how to differentiate between real witchcraft and fake ones?” Hathor said

“For a start, I actually studied witchcraft and I am not talking about basic ones, such as how to start a fire.” Horus said

“Really?” Hathor said

“I know how to fight, read and write, math, trade, business, ways of the sea, you think I don’t know anything about witchcraft?” Horus said

“Show me some.” Hathor said

Horus thought for a second “Alright, this is an easy one. He went to his bag and grabbed out three bottles, the bottle includes inks of three different colors, red, yellow and blue. Horus put a bit of ink, of all three colors together and started mixing, soon, it turned into a black ink.”

“What sort of magic is that?” Hathor said

“When the universe began, it was pitch dark, the gods doesn’t like it, so they decided to split it into different colors. So, they turn the black into three colors red, blue and yellow and by mixing different proportion of the colors, it creates more color, mix again more color was created, until the world is full of different colors. So, by only using the three colors, we can create all the colors of the world.” Horus said, then he took out his notes, it was color coded “Different color mean different thing, using this, I map the most efficient trade route, of Egypt. Europe and Babylon. I haven’t been to Persia yet, so that region remain as a gap. Trade is all about demand and supply, one town demand something they don’t produce, but another town can supply it, by knowing it, you can purchase things from one town and sold it at higher price, within another town. That is what trade is all about.” Horus said “After that, it is all about your sales technique, to make sure you able to persuade your potential customer, to come and buy the goods.”

“But, Hathor, I am serious, it is unwise for you to travel with me. It is a dangerous task.” Horus said as he continued walking.

Hathor followed.

Horus felt reluctant to let Hathor come with him, but Hathor insist on following, as Horus walked along. As much as Horus hates to admit it, it is more enjoyable to have this cheeky little girl around him.

Which actress is best to play Hathor

Sophie Reynolds

Kaitlyn Dever

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