I always think the Asian martial art fantasy fictions to be really interesting and thought it be fun to try bring it into a more western setting.

Hence, I present to you "The Egyptian Pharaoh" I hope you like it :)

Book One: The Legacy of Ishtar Mother of Heaven and Earth

~ Inspired by Egyptian mythology

(Genera: Fiction, Fantasy, Martial Art, Romance)

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Book 1 Chapter Nine Part 1: tournament

Today is the terminate. The middle of the marketplace, was full of people that are here to see the show.

Horus walked into the ring.

“It is your doom, kid!” The slave trader laughed.

The slave trader’s first champion walked into the ring. The guy is extremely huge and masculine at least twice the size of Horus.

The crowd laughed, when seen the size of Horus opponent.

“I told you, you are doomed kid” the slave trader laughed

Horus smiled, Amazonian fighting style is all about how to take on opponents that are bigger and stronger, the bigger you are the harder you fall.

Horus prepared for the fight and wait for the big guy to attack. The big guy attacked charging Horus, but Horus quickly grabbed the big guy’s arm and threw him to the other side of the ring. Speed, weight and gravity make a bad combination and the big guy fall with a big crashing sound and find it difficult to climb back up.

The giant guy attacked again, Horus grabbed the giant guy by his cloth, he did a perfect split and while doing it, again threw the giant guy aside.

Horus got back to his feet. The giant guy was again in pain struggling to get up.

“Do you yield?” Horus asked

“No” the giant guy said still on the ground.

“Alright, I want to give them a good show, anyway.” Horus said and moved back, waiting for the big guy to get back on his feet.

The giant guy rest on the ground for a few seconds until he finally got back up, he attacked again, but Horus quickly grabbed him by under his two arms, while doing so, Horus quickly kneel down, and lean backwards to the ground, while doing so, Horus pulled the giant guy with him and threw him over his head, the giant guy land heavily on his back, it was painful.

Horus got back on his feet. The giant got angry and he tries attacking Horus from behind. Horus smiled, he was counting on that, when the giant guy got close, Horus quickly slid to the big guy’s right, the giant try punching, Horus bow down and grabbed the giant by his waist with his left arm and grabbed him by the back of his right leg’s ankle and threw him down again.

The giant struggle to get back up,

“I am sorry, friend, but now I need to finish this fight.” Horus said and walked forward to attack the giant

“wait, wait, wait” the giant guy said “I yield, I yield” the giant guy said.

Horus smiled and helped the giant got back onto his feet. The giant bow to Horus and got off the stage slowly and painfully.

The slave trader is no longer laughing, he looks worried, “What are you waiting for, get up there!” he yelled at his second champion.

The second champion grabbed a wooden spear, Horus smiled and prepare to engage.

The man with the spear charged, but Horus dogged side and quickly grabbed his arm and threw him, while doing so, the man dropped his spear and was flipped to the ground, Horus turned him around and pressure the bones of his arm close to breaking point. The man screamed in pain and yield.

Horus let him go. The man painfully gotten back on his feet and walked off the stage.

The third champion of the human trafficker walked onto the stage, but, before he even started the fight, the third champion was already frightened and wanted to yield.

“At least put on a show for the audience. I promise to be gentle.” Horus said

The champion attacked, Horus toyed with him a little bit, keeping his promise not to hurt him, the champion threw punches left and right, but Horus quickly and easily dodged the attack, finally Horus fought back and in one move, flopped him to the ground. “Do you yield?” Horus asked

“I yield, I yield.” The third champion said

Horus stood in front of the audience as the audience cheered for Horus.

The slave trader looked angrily “Kill…kill him!” The slave trader yelled.

The slave trader’s men hesitate “Kill him! NOW!” the slave trader yelled

The slave trader’s men charged, Horus quickly grabbed his bow and killed two and charged forward, with his hammer in one hand and spear in the other hand, he easily killed two thugs, and knocked down a third, Horus quickly pointed his spear at the neck of the slave trader.

“I suggest you call back your men.” Horus said “Or I will kill you, already killed four of your men. Don’t think I won’t kill more.”

"Get back! Get back!" the slave trader said

The audience was booing the slave trader for not keeping his word.

The slave trader looked angry. Horus remember what Baal taught him, when dealing with thugs, you need to show them who's boss. Horus thought for a second "Do you boys want to join my crew? or stay with this weakling?" Horus yelled. Horus remember one thing, gangsters are like animals, once weakness has been sensed in the alpha, the rest of the male challenge it via force and rule with brute force. Horus has now successfully challenged the gangster's dominance and force him into a submissive position, but this also mean, his male ego is hurt and he would later challenge him, possibly use his goons. So, while holding the alpha status over his pack, the first thing for Horus to do, is to make him lose his pack.

"What you say my friend?" Horus said to the giant guy that he threw to the ground, a while ago. He is planning to tame him, taming a gangster is like taming a horse, you need to show strength and establish your dominance and subject to that, sometimes you need to use a gentler approach.

To make it more convincing, Horus established his dominance over the slave trader again, he threw the slave trader to the ground and used his hammer to heavily slam down on the slave trader's hand. The slave trader screams in pain.

"You want to work for this weakling, boys? Or work for a real man." Horus said, Horus left feet stood upon the slave trader's hand whose bone is now shattered "Now, let my girl go."

"Let her go." the slave trader said weakly "LET HER GO!" this time he is screaming in pain.

The thugs let the Gaul girl out of her cage.

"From now on, you boys are my crew, understood?" Horus said to the thugs.

Horus took a look at the giant guy that he defeats in the tournament. The giant guy finally got on his knee "Yes, my Lord", once the giant guy got on his knee, the rest followed,

"Yes, my Lord" they all said

"Kill that scum" Horus said

The thugs killed the slave trader.

"Obey me and I will make it worth your while" Horus said, he took out a bronze plate, it was a plate of a servant of Seth.

Horus, is not really a servant of Seth, but he got this plate through the connection of Min. Seshat is the daughter of Thoth and Ma’at. Despite Thoth and Ma’at pretend to be on Seth’s side, in secret they are always doing what they can to make life better for the people. After Min took power in the Mediterranean Sea, an island call Nelson island become a point of power struggle between Min and Seth. Nelson Island is upon the Mediterranean Sea, but extremely close to Egypt. If Min and Seth start fighting over control of the island it will cause a great deal of death and blood for the people. As a result, Thoth and Ma’at decided to make a compromise. For Seth to send somebody that both Min and Seth can agree with to be the Prefect of Nelson Island, Thoth and Ma’at recommend their daughter Seshat.

When Min heard of what Horus is doing, Min is aware of the possible danger involved and the task can be harsh, especially after seeing what happened to Lucifer and Diana. Horus is much tougher than Lucifer and Diana, but Min doesn’t want to take any risk, with Osiris’ son. Baal, asked for Seshat’s help. So Seshat gave Min a badge of the servant of Seth, to give to Horus. It is a lower ranking official badge, but it give Horus the authority while entering a city state, any wheat storage, must supply Horus wheat, at least once per month, the amount is according to the law, of Seth, for officials of such level and he can give orders to regional guards, ranking sergeant or lower.

During his last trip to Israel, Min gave the badge to Horus, through Resheph. Horus is a good trader and never needed to use the badge for himself, but he uses it to gain wheat in storage, to be given to the starving beggar living on streets, resulting from the 90% tax rate of Seth and sometime to help those who would be executed, due to not able to afford paying the minimum amount of tax. Now, Horus is using the badge to scare the slave traders.

Once Horus showed the badge, everybody on sight was terrified and got down on their knees and bow, nobody dares to look Horus in the face.

“Guards!” Horus yelled

“My Lord” the guards replied.

“How many men this slave trader got.” Horus asked

“Twenty-three, they usually kidnap girls from villages, to be sold as slaves, my Lord.” The guard said

“And you do nothing?” Horus said

“Our job is to serve the servants of Seth, not the peasants.” The guards said

Horus turned to the giant guy that he defeated a while ago. "Release the slaves." Horus said

"My Lord?" the giant man ask with question

"You dare question me!" Horus yelled.

"No, my Lord." the giant guy said and quickly instruct the other goons, to set free the slaves.

"From now on, you take order from me, your order is simple, protect the peace, good order and justice of the people. Follow my order and respect me and you will be paid well and show you respect just as you respect me. Disobey me or disrespect me and I shall kill you myself and don't think, I won't know." Horus said, he turned to one thug and fired an arrow and killed him "Just like this one."

"If you lie to me, I will know. Follow my orders and I will pay you well and show you respect, just as you respect me, disobey me or disrespect me and I shall kill you myself. Have I made myself clear?" Horus said

"Yes, my Lord" the goons replied.

"This should be enough to deal with the goons, at least for now." Horus thought

“let’s go.” Horus said and with that Horus and the Gaul girl left.

Which Actor is best to play Horus?

Eka Darville

Brennan Mejia

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