I always think the Asian martial art fantasy fictions to be really interesting and thought it be fun to try bring it into a more western setting.

Hence, I present to you "The Egyptian Pharaoh" I hope you like it :)

Book One: The Legacy of Ishtar Mother of Heaven and Earth

~ Inspired by Egyptian mythology

(Genera: Fiction, Fantasy, Martial Art, Romance)

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Book 1 Chapter Eight Part 3: Slave Trade

Diana (Ancient Rome)
This day Horus travel to the city of Memphis, it is still full of poverty, but a bit better than Edfu. Horus like always found an inn to stay and prepare to travel to the marketplace, to find things to trade. This town got little reason for Horus to stay in, other than trade. There are no corps of Osiris, here. Horus has gathered a few pieces of Osiris's body, it is not easy for Horus to travel with so much luggage, he got help from the people of Min, located in Israel, whenever he gathered two pieces of the body of Osiris, Horus would return to Israel, where the body would be stored with the people of Baal, upon the land of Israel, he would also conduct trade with them, where he sells goods to the Mediterranean Sea and purchase goods from the people of Min to be sold in Egypt. So far, Horus has gathered four pieces of Osiris’ corps.

After been trading in the city for three days, Horus had traded enough and is preparing to leave the next day. In the middle of the marketplace is a slave trader. These slave trades are illegal under the law of Osiris, where only prisoners of war and criminals that violate the law of the three Horae can be sentenced to serve a set number of years as slaves. But Seth cannot be bother to care less. Horus ignored the slave auction, in the middle of the marketplace. Horus find it sickening, but he is not here to free slaves.

As Horus was prepare to leave that day, he saw a skinny young Caucasian girl with blond hair, been dragged onto the stage, she was around the age of fifteen or sixteen. Consider Caucasians girls are rare in Egypt, they can be sold for a good price by these slave traders. They are no good for outdoor hard labor, as their pale color skin easily sun burn, but those with blond hair, their hair can be thought of as good luck, the thugs love to capture Caucasians and let their hair grow long and then, sell it, in term of young girls, they were made into house slaves, having a young Caucasian with blond hair as a slave, is a status thing, for those who are loyal to Seth, because they are so rare, these women are more often been used as more than just house slaves, but sometimes, also sex slaves, by his master, what make matter worse is that some of those masters, even lease them out, to others and when they got old and their hair turn from blond to grey, the thugs and servants of Seth killed them. It is a sickening practice that make Horus outraged.

“Not only is this beautiful young girl from the Gaul, got a head full of blond hair, but also, she is still a virgin!” The slave trader said to those in the auction “Where do we start the bidding!”

The girl, looked slightly dirty, she was wearing no cloth, it is obvious the slave trader wants to make her seem more erotic, her long slightly curly blond hair, only cover her breast and her hand cover her private part, down under. Horus hold his tongue against these slave traders for three days, but today, he had seen enough.

“Why don’t we make it interesting?” Horus yelled to the slave trader “A bet that can generate you more money than you can think of”

Horus walked onto the stage “What you say” Horus smiled and said “First here are five bags of wheat, enough to cover your lost, for purchasing this girl.” Horus said

“This wheat is for you to keep regardless of whether I win or lost the bet, my good friend!” Horus yelled loudly so everybody in the crowd can hear.

“What you got in mind?” The slave traders asked

“A tournament! To fight!” Horus yelled loudly, so everybody could hear “Three round! If I won all three rounds, I win, otherwise, consider you as the winner! Your champions are for you to choose. The price! If you won, I give you this bag of gold! Two bags of wheat! And one begs of bean! If I won, the girl, is mine! What say you!” Horus yelled, Horus placed the bag of gold upon the table in front of the slave trader and also the two bags of wheat and one bag of bean

The crowd cheers

“Obviously, you have no idea who you are up against, son.” The slave traders laughed

Horus isn’t worry, he knows about thugs like these, they are no match against him, but he won’t be arrogant.

“You really think you can beat me?” The slave trader said

“Just think about how much money you can generate, just by announcing this fight and the audience that comes with it. Spend five days promoting the tournament and think of how much money you can make, just from that.” Horus said “And if you are so confident, why are you so worried about?”

The slave trader thought for a second “Fine” he finally said

“The tournament should be grand!” The slave trader yelled and announced.

The people in the crowd cheered

"And you make sure nothing happens to my prize, otherwise, when I win and you lose my prize, I'll have your head." the slave trader whispered to Horus

"And you make sure my prize is well fed and well taken care of." Horus said

"Hey, I am a businessman, I always keep my word." the slave traders said “But, it is your funeral, child.” The slave trader whispered to Horus


The slave trader wasted no expense trying to promote the tournament.

Horus know the thugs are no match against him, but he is not taking the competition lightly and he trained every day for the competition.

This night, Horus came to the cage, of where the Gaul girl that is supposed to be his prize, if he wins.

“What is your name?” Horus asked the girl

“Why do you care? I am just a thing for you, isn’t it?” the girl said angrily

“You do have a name, right?” Horus said

“Her name is whatever you want it to be, if you won, kid” the slave trader said

The slave trader walked forward “So, tell me kid, what you want this girl for, maybe a little bit of ha ha ha?” The slave trader laughed, showing a motion that indicate sex.

“Tell me kid, how are you planning to keep this girl in line once you got her, only one of you, how do you stop her from escaping? But, if you manage to win, I guess you have no problem keeping the little Gaul girl in line, right?” The slave trader laughed

“It is a pretty cold night and she isn’t wearing much clothing, what if she got sick? You agree to take good care of her, for me, remember?” Horus said

“Alright, alright, I’ll get her a blanket.” The slave trader said and walked into the house.

Horus smiled “Hi, I am Horus.” Horus said

“Look, I don’t know what sort of game you are playing. But, if you think you can win this competition, you are wrong.” the Gaul girl said

“Well, hopefully, you are wrong.” Horus said

“Do you think this is a game? This is my life!” Gaul girl said angrily

Horus said nothing, he just stood there are relax

“Alright, alright, here is a nice blanket for the slave girl, very good treatment for a slave.” The slave trader said and gave the blanket to the Gaul girl “Far too lucky for a slave.”

Horus smiled and then he left.

The Smiling, Proud Wanderer, is base on a novel written in 1967. Unlike today, in ancient days in most countries there weren't State run warrior training academy to train military officers and police officers, the military only train ordinary enlisted soldiers, not officers. Those that wish to make a living as a warrior, goes to private warrior training schools and then passed state run exam to become a cop or military officer. (Same as how people become civil servants today.) The Smiling, Proud Wanderer set its story in one of the warrior academies, where Linghu Chong a talented orphan boy, whose talent was been wasted, been training by a crappy warrior school, with crappy professors. He was cast into a chaotic underbelly of ancient China and was fortune to be retrain by a former professor of that school, when that school was still one of the best warrior training academy in China, so he can defeat his former master from the school that turned evil and also defeat the most powerful crime lord of ancient China. 

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