I always think the Asian martial art fantasy fictions to be really interesting and thought it be fun to try bring it into a more western setting.

Hence, I present to you "The Egyptian Pharaoh" I hope you like it :)

Book One: The Legacy of Ishtar Mother of Heaven and Earth

~ Inspired by Egyptian mythology

(Genera: Fiction, Fantasy, Martial Art, Romance)

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Book 1 Chapter Four Part 3: Bodyguard

Ra (ancient Egypt)
Ishtar and Seth, was in the school of the Amazons. In front of them there was twelve Amazonians training, with shield and spear.

“Why can’t Osiris be a great warrior like you?” Ishtar asked

An envoy of agriculture was once been sent to the Amazons, to teach them the art of agriculture, also. But, living in the jungle, learning how to cultivate wheat, had little contribution to the Amazons. Plus, the jungle of the Amazons, are plenty with fruits, the hunter gatherer lifestyle is more effective for them, than the life of a farmer, the Amazons only need knowing how to defend this territory, from those that come to steal their lands. The Amazonians is only five hundred in number. In addition there are those that seek the Amazons for protection and they provide the Amazons with various services, in exchange for their protection.

Growing up in the Amazons, Ishtar got no idea, how important is Osiris’ work to the rest of the world.

The marriage between Osiris and Ishtar was been proposed on Nephthys and Seth’s wedding day. On the day of Seth and Nephthys wedding, Ishtar saw what a huge and masculine warrior Seth is and all of his heroic story leading the army of Heliopolis. Ishtar, image Osiris whom is his brother must be a great warrior and general, just like his brother. When the arranged marriage was proposed, Ishtar excitedly agreed, without a second thought. For the next three years, Ishtar await with excitement for the days she gets to meet Osiris for the first time, with all sorts of fantasy what sort of warrior he must be. So, you can imagine Ishtar’s shock when she met Osiris, for real.

Now, Ishtar is crushing on Osiris’ brother Seth, all the feeling Ishtar once had for Osiris, within her fantasy is now been transferred to Seth and Seth can see it. Ishtar has the reputation of being the most beautiful woman in the world and now, seen Ishtar for the first time, after so many years, Seth is impressed by Ishtar’s beauty and with Ishtar crushing on Seth right now, for Seth, it is like a dream come true. Seth want this woman, to possess this woman.

“I got an idea” Seth said “What if we get married instead?”

“Us? But you are married to my sister.” Ishtar replied

“So? Polygamy is not a none existing practice. If it is consensual and all parties enter it, out of their own free will, in a clear mindset, what is wrong with it?” Seth said, he is not going to give up on his chance to seize the most beautiful woman in the world, to be as his own.

“The arranged marriage, only say for you to marry a prince of Heliopolis, but never say, which one and Osiris already say that he wants to annual the agreement of the arranged marriage. If your mother and my parents agree to the union and your sister agree for me to take a second wife, what else are there to consider?” Seth said with excitement

After hearing it, Ishtar was excited also. They quickly ran to the great hall, where Osiris, Geb, Nut and Sin, was still discussing the problem.

“Father, mother, Mastress Sin, we got an idea that might help to resolve the conflict of interest.” Seth said.

“Really? What is it?” Geb said.

Ishtar and Seth got down on their knees in front of Sin “With your permission, My Lady, I would like to ask for Ishtar’s hand in marriage, to take her as my second wife, if my first one Nephthys agreed.”

“How dare you insult your brother’s honor this way. I…I am too disappointed in you Seth.” Geb replied

“Father, brother Osiris already claim to renounce the arranged marriage, didn’t him? How is what I did, an insult on his honor?” Seth said

Geb sighed “Ask your brother” he said

At this time, even Osiris felt a bit insulted, but he said nothing about it “If the lady wishes so, so be it.” Osiris looked at Ishtar and said

“Of course, I wish so, what do you expect?” Ishtar said

Ishtar handed her bow to Osiris “If you can fire an arrow with this bow, then you can ask for my hand in marriage” Ishtar said

“Ishtar, do not dare to speak to Master Osiris that way.” Sin said

Osiris smiled “If the lady Ishtar, has made his intentions so clear, then there is no reason for me to disagree, right? I wish the lady Ishtar and my brother the Lord Seth, many years of happiness.” Osiris said

Osiris only return home, for the suppose to be wedding of his, he would need to resume his journey, to spread the art of agriculture. After Ishtar agree to the wedding with eager, Geb and Nut send an envoy to the then sixteen years old Osiris, about the news of the arranged marriage and if he agrees, he should take a trip home, when he was eighteen, so he and Ishtar could be married the following year, when Ishtar turned sixteen. Osiris hesitated at first, he knows of how tiring long distance apart can put on a marriage, in his travels, Osiris saw too many affairs, due to the lonely of marriage, where the couples are apart. Would Ishtar be willing to join him in his travels, if she married him? If no, he got three more years of travels, can arrange a marriage with a woman that he never met, survive the loneliness of a wife, whose husband spend years apart, maybe won’t see him again for at least three years, after their wedding night? The six years rule is created by Osiris, each envoy must travel for six years, to six nations. One person can replace another as the envoy, but as the founder and the first envoy, Osiris see it important for him, to complete the six years travel, himself. Of course, he was a bachelor in that time, with no wife at home, to consider, but when hearing Ishtar was willing to join him, in his travels, Osiris was quick to agree to the arrange marriage. However, now seen Ishtar’s reaction, Osiris regraded his decisions.

“Well, I disagree.” Sin said “Ishtar, you are a princess of the Amazons and it is about time you act like one. You are sixteen years old, no longer a child and you will learn to show some respect, discipline and maturity!” Sin was really angry

Sin turned to Osiris “I must apologize to you for how my daughter is acting.” Sin said

“The Lady Sin got no need to apologize. If the Lady Ishtar is so against this marriage, of course it is important for her to speak her mind. Not having to marry somebody you don’t like, should not be a privilege, but a right for all young women.” Osiris said

“Lord Osiris, you are too kind.” Sin said.

Sin then turned to Ishtar “No, princess of the Amazon should be a secondary wife to any man, whether it is a King or peasant or a nation far or near. It is about the pride of the Amazonians.”

“But mother…” Ishtar’s sentence was cut off

“That is enough” Sin cut off Ishtar’s sentence.

Sin took a look at Geb and Nut “Lord Geb and Lady Nut, if even master Osiris wants to annual the marriage, I wouldn’t force it. But to compensate for how we insult your honor, please let me give you a proposal that can help to make up for it.”

“Mastress Sin, please speak.” Geb said

“I heard that for the three years of Master Osiris’ travel, it is the warrior Master Min that protected him, from all the danger. But since returning to the city of Heliopolis, the Master Min, now serve as a Lieutenant General, within your army, isn’t that correct?” Sin said

“It is correct, if our son Osiris, insist on returning to his travels, it is our intention to dispatch a team of best servants and a team of best body guards to protect him this time.” Nut said. “But it is our wish, for Osiris to stay at home for longer, so we can better prepare for it, it is unfortunate, that Osiris had every intention, to leave for another city, right after the wedding.”

During his travels, Osiris has met many dangers, not excluding cannibals, bandits and slave traders, it is always Min that protected him, throughout those dangers.

“If you are to leave for a new city, right away, bodyguard, can’t be dispatched in time. My daughter, Ishtar, might be stubborn, due to her youth, but she is a great warrior, with her sword, she can fight ten men, all by herself. With her bow, she can kill a pack of wolves, faster than a speeding cheetah. Why not let her be the Master Osiris’ bodyguard for a while? As the repayment, of how she insulted the master Osiris’ honor” Sin said

Geb and Nut thought for a second and talked silently amount themselves “We would be honored” Geb said

“Ishtar, you don’t want to marry the Master Osiris? Fine, do this for him and we can call it even, considering, the master Osiris has already agreed to annual the arranged marriage. But, if you fail in this task, you are expecting to make it up to the master Osiris and the city of Heliopolis, via another method. As for the request to be a second wife that is out of the question.” Sin said “What do you say, Ishtar?”

“Thank you, mother, your daughter I accept.” Ishtar replied

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