I always think the Asian martial art fantasy fictions to be really interesting and thought it be fun to try bring it into a more western setting.

Hence, I present to you "The Egyptian Pharaoh" I hope you like it :)

Book One: The Legacy of Ishtar Mother of Heaven and Earth

~ Inspired by Egyptian mythology

(Genera: Fiction, Fantasy, Martial Art, Romance)

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Book 1 Chapter Four Part 2: Osiris

Osiris (Egyptian God)
Geb and Nut, felt extremely insulted by what transpired here today. Geb might not be a great pharaoh like Ra, but nevertheless he is not a bad pharaoh. His two sons, Seth and Osiris, made Geb felt a sense of pride, Seth a great warrior and general, able to protect his country, Osiris, despite not capable of war, is a great wizard that serve his country and his people well.

Osiris is only nineteen years old he is much younger than is his older brother Seth, which is twenty-eight. Not able to be a warrior, Osiris tend to be laughed at by other children, when he was young, it was considered the duty of every man, to be able to hold a weapon and protect his nation, as a soldier, when the time calls for it. Seth was extremely protective of his baby brother, since they were kids.

Osiris is born in the era of the great famine. It is a natural disaster nobody can do much about, as a result, war took place, every day. Each nation started fighting each other for land. Osiris was saddened by this and hopes to resolve it. When Osiris was five, he saw how plants grew from the seed, his mother said, it is magic from the gods and if we can harness this magic, there will be enough food and no more war. This inspire Osiris wanting to learn more, to discover how to use agriculture to end the great feminine. From that day forward, Osiris and his best friend Thoth study every day to discover and learn more about the art of agriculture. Osiris might be a prince, but children doesn’t care and he get pick on in school, by other children, due to his inability to be a warrior and must sit aside, when other male children are been trained in the way of war. As they got older, Thoth and Osiris grew to study different discipline, Thoth study the art of bronze, astrology and medicine, Osiris continue his study in plants, by the time Osiris reached the age of thirteen, he discovered the art of agriculture and created his first farm, using the water of the Nile river, a field of wheat. Osiris was overjoyed and showed his parents Geb and Nut, his farm and how he can use the power of earth and water from the sky and Nile river, to make wheat to grow from seeds. By the age of fourteen, Osiris started teaching the people of Heliopolis how to grow wheat, on the first day, he first prey to the sky and the earth, wishing for their gift. He prey to the goddess of the three Horse for peace, good order and justice, so the farmers can grow their crops in peace and the seasons can help the growing of the crops, he pray to the goddess of the waters and to the Nile river, for putting their magic and kindness into the water. On the second day, Osiris started teaching his people how to plant the field, how to grow crops, how to harvest it, but also the importance of when every twelves’ days, prey to the gods of the earth, the soil, the sky and the Nile river and water for their kindness and the magic. He created a song for the farmer to chant while farming, as it would make the earth happy and make the plants grow better and the funny thing is five thousand years later, biologists discovered that for some unknown reasons, plants grow better while being exposed to rock n’ roll. After the harvest, some of the grass needed to be burned upon the soil that the plant was grown on, not knowing it is to fertilize the soil, Osiris said it is an offering to the god of the earth, the god of the soil that the wheat grew on and the god of the sky, so they would allow crops to continue to grow on this land. No land should be used as a farm, every year, each farmland can only be used once every three years, so the land can rest and sleep or the god of the soil will grow angry and refuse to give us more crops. So, Osiris divided each farm into three sections and to be used in turn, on a three years rotation.

With the guidance of Osiris, wheat farms emerged throughout the city of Heliopolis and for the city of Heliopolis the great feminine ended. Osiris wrote everything he learned about farming into three scrolls and handed it to his father Geb.

Seth, see this as a great opportunity, without having to worry about food, Seth claims it is time for Heliopolis to conquer the world. It is Seth’s dream to conquer and rule the world. But Osiris disagree, he seen enough bloodshed due to the great famine and want to create peace. At the age of fourteen, Osiris began his journey to spread the art of agriculture to the world, been protect by only two body guards that choice to come with Osiris as volunteers. Seth convinced Geb not to spread the art of agriculture to other nations, as a way to protect their borders from threat. Seth, do have a point, but Osiris think, nobody wants the constant warfare and if the art of agriculture is spread to the world, the war would stop and the people of Heliopolis wouldn’t have to spend every day in fear of war, as too many men of the city has died due to the warfare and too many women has been widowed by it. Despite Osiris discover the art of agriculture, he was still just a child, thus, Geb took the advice of Seth. So, without the permission of his father, Osiris sneaked out of the palace. When he traveled to a country, Osiris only ask for one thing, once they learn the art of agriculture, the pharaoh send envoy to spread it to six more nations. To better the name of his father, Osiris lied to the pharaohs of the other nations that he is send there as an envoy of his father. The other pharaohs find it strange why the pharaoh of Heliopolis would send his own son to such hard and dangerous quest, with only two bodyguards, which are also children that are no older than fifteen, especially considering Osiris’ weak body and that he is merely a child. But they think not much of it, when Osiris taught the first nation the art of agriculture, it rescue them from the great famine, the Pharaoh kept his words, and send envoy to six more nations, but only send it to his allies, he hopes to keep Osiris here, afraid that Osiris might spread the art of agriculture to his enemies, Osiris first use the name of his father, to threaten the pharaoh who wants to throw him in the dungeon, the pharaoh agreed not to throw Osiris into the dungeon and let Osiris stay as their honorary guest, but won’t let him leave. But within a few months, Osiris was rescued by a young warrior that is only twenty-two years of age that warrior is Min. Min, a victim of the great famine himself, believe in what Osiris is doing and decided to help him and Min protected Osiris to go from one city state, to the next. Osiris travel from nations to nations and only returned home to Heliopolis at the age of eighteen.

Seen what Osiris accomplished, Geb and Nut was overjoyed and proud of their son. The only person that is unhappy is Seth, once a proud warrior, Seth now got less war to fight, as fewer nations would want to invade Heliopolis, his dream of conquering the world, is left in dust, as more nations, convert to agriculture, there is no reason to fight other nations, for the security of Heliopolis, nor going to war, for more land to hunt and gather food. Geb, has seized all waring activities, the people loved Osiris more than they love Seth, who has been defending the city of Heliopolis from invaders and led them to fight for more land to hunt and gather food. But Osiris remain oblivious to how his success is making his big brother that once love and protected him, growing jealous and grow to hate him. Osiris’ best friend Thoth married Ma’at when he was seventeen. Osiris, Thoth and Ma’at are best friends growing up. Osiris also met Nephthys, Seth’s new wife. The hero welcome that Osiris received only made Seth, angrier and more jealous, inside.

As the most powerful nation in the world, Sin the chief elder, of the Amazons, hopes to create a lasting alliance with them and proposed an alliance via marriage, with the of the city state Heliopolis. Geb and Nut also find it a good idea, the Amazons is the best school to train elite female warriors. The alliance also means the women from Heliopolis get the first pick by Amazonian masters to be trained as an Amazonian, from all the candidates, Heliopolis also want to see their women to become warriors, so they can have a stronger army, where both men and women can fight, but they don’t know how to overcome women’s weak physics compared to men.

Osiris, Ishtar, Nephthys and Seth, all agree to the arrangement, when hearing the news. But Ishtar was only fourteen when she agrees to an arranged marriage. Ishtar never met Osiris before and she knows little about what Osiris’ work in agriculture mean for the world. When Ishtar was still awaiting the arrival of Osiris the other day. Ishtar image Osiris to be a great warrior. So, when Ishtar saw Osiris, it is not hard to imagine her disappointment. And that brought us to what is happening here today

The wedding party to come take, Ishtar’s hand in marriage, include both Geb and Nut, many servants and soldiers of Heliopolis and many gifts, from the city. Yet, Ishtar, isn’t happy. She was shocked to see what Osiris is like. And her impression towards him get worse, in gatherings, where she discovered, Osiris doesn’t even know how to use a spear or to fire a bow and arrow. Ishtar’s angry outburst, is something, Osiris understood, he felt awkward, but unlike Geb and Nut, he is not angry. Sin, Geb and Nut, is in the great hall of the Amazonians, Geb is furious. Sin, is really unhappy also, she has been forceful, trying to force her daughter into this arrangement. But now, in this great hall, it is Osiris that is speaking for Ishtar

“My Lady” Osiris bow to Sin “I can understand how the Lady Ishtar, want to marry a warrior. I don’t blame her. If it is truly her highness’ wish not to marry, I wouldn’t want to force it upon her.”

“Master Osiris, your reputation as a gentleman really is, as people say.” Sin said “But, a promise is a promise, Amazonian doesn’t go back on their word.”

“None sense!” Geb said angrily “Osiris, do you know who you are? You are the prince of Heliopolis, third in line to the throne, to the most powerful nation in the world. Your grandfather is Ra, respected by all, defender against Apep. You, yourself, save the world from the great famine. All of your accomplishment, all of your noble birth, you would let a girl from some mere school insult your honor?”

Sin was a bit offended “Lord Geb, we might just be a school, but we train the finest female warriors the world has seen.”

Osiris was quick to step in “Mastress Sin, my father is just saying stuff he doesn’t mean out of a moment of rage.” Osiris said and then he turned to his father “Father, how did the lady Ishtar insult my honor? We mutually agree, this union is not suitable for us. If anything, it is us, who make a laughing matter out of you.”

“A laughing matter? Until yesterday, you were still excited to see your new bride. The only reason you are saying what you are saying now, is how Ishtar is acting right now.” Geb replied

“Either way, father, if I too, don’t want this marriage, how, did the lady Ishtar insult my honor?” Osiris said

“You…” Geb angrily pointed his finger at Osiris “Push over” Geb sighed and said

“I don’t care, this wedding must happen.” Geb replied

“Mastress Sin what is your opinion on all this?” Osiris said

“If Master Osiris, reject the arrange marry my daughter Ishtar, under normal circumstances, we Amazonian will feel insulted. But consider we are at fault at first, that is a different story. Having said that, if the Master Osiris no longer want to marry my daughter, we the Amazon would for certain understand and respect your decision. But considering the reason for Master Osiris’ decision is my daughter went back on her word, I Lady Sin Chief of the High Council of the Amazons, will not allow my daughter to go back on her word and insult your honor in such manner.” Sin replied

“I would hope that the Lady Sin, would reconsider. The matter of the heart, cannot be forced, an unhappy arranged marriage, is no good for anybody.” Osiris replied

Which actress is best to play Sin 
(In actual mythology Sin is Ishtar's father, not her mother)

Roxann Dawson

Terry Farrell

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