I always think the Asian martial art fantasy fictions to be really interesting and thought it be fun to try bring it into a more western setting.

Hence, I present to you "The Egyptian Pharaoh" I hope you like it :)

Book One: The Legacy of Ishtar Mother of Heaven and Earth

~ Inspired by Egyptian mythology

(Genera: Fiction, Fantasy, Martial Art, Romance)

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Book 1 Chapter Five Part 1: Abydos

Ancient City of Abydos
Osiris and Ishtar walked down the road together. Osiris due to having one leg shorter than the other cannot walk very fast and his heart condition mean, he needed rest, every half hour. Ishtar was equipped with bow and arrow, a bronze sword and lance.

They didn’t have horses, which would make it easier for Osiris. This is Ishtar’s first solo mission out of the Amazons. Ishtar is not so jerky to Osiris now, considering he made it clear about annulling the marriage.

Osiris and Ishtar rested under a tree.

“How did you travel the world for three years, like that, you are so fragile?” Ishtar said

“I've learned to deal with it.” Osiris laughed

“Why? You are the prince of Heliopolis. You can live a comfortable life?” Ishtar said

“Since the Great Famine, there are draught everywhere, not everybody got the privilege of living in a fruit abundant forest, like the Amazonians. I think the Amazons must have sense, how foods are few, since the great famine, more people try to invade your land for your abundant of fruits, right?” Osiris said

“Well, either way, I think you are stupid, to take on such dangerous task, with such a fragile body.” Ishtar said

Osiris didn’t say anything.

“So, where are we going?” Ishtar asked

“Abydos” Osiris replied

Osiris is targeting city states that are less likely to receive the art of agriculture.

Despite every nation that received Osiris’ teaching and menu in the art of agriculture, agree to obey the law of Osiris, to send out six envoys to spread it to six more nations, every year, for six years. Most nations sent the envoy to their allies, sometimes, sending the envoy to those that got no need of learning the art of agriculture, such as the Amazons. What that means is, nations with fewer allies or are not ally with any existing nations that already received the art of agriculture, are least likely to receive the art of agriculture.

Osiris doesn’t want that.


As Osiris and Ishtar walked, they arrived at a small dry up valley. There were some human bones there. Flesh was still attached to the bones.

“Cannibals, we should leave as soon as possible.” Osiris said

“What sort of evil savage would do such a thing?” Ishtar said

“Not savage, but desperate, desperate for food. I don’t blame them.” Osiris said


Ishtar and Osiris kept walking, this time they came across a group of bandits, eight of them, nothing Ishtar cannot handle. Ishtar quickly draw her bow and killed three and grabbed her lance to fight the remaining five, it only took her a few minutes to kill four bandits. The last one started running away. Amazonian training, in a situation like this, killed all enemies on the scene, in case they went to call for reinforcement. Ishtar grabbed her bow and aimed it at the last bandit and shot and killed him.


Osiris and Ishtar arrived at the city state of Abydos.

Like many countries still surviving as hunter gatherer, Abydos got not enough food, due to the great famine. Abydos got no choice but to try launching war on nearby nation for their land, as their neighbor been launching war on them, before the art of agriculture come to their land. Of course, their neighbor’s border is now strengthened with the art of agriculture, enough food for soldiers to eat and not having to send so many people out to be hunter gatherer mean more men to defend the border. But, when asking for help, Abydos also receive no aid.

Osiris and Ishtar entered the great hall of the pharaoh of Abydos. The pharaoh of Abydos is cold to them.

“And why should we learn from you?” the pharaoh asked coldly.

“To help end the great famine, for your people” Osiris replied

“The Great famine, hit our people hard, but after our enemies, receive the art of agriculture, they seem to have more time to try invading us. Tell us, Master Osiris, you are the prince of Heliopolis. The last I check Heliopolis, got no alliance with Abydos. Why would you want to help us?’ the pharaoh asked

“The Great Famine hit not only Heliopolis, but the entire world. We once lived in a peaceful land, under the table of Aten. The great famine changed that, food is scarce, people grow desperate, war continued, it only helps to create a negative cycle, the war, but was the only choice the people got. Agriculture can change all of that.” Osiris replied

“I’ve been a pharaoh for many years, young man. I am much older than you. I am old enough to be your father. I once too, believe in peace, the three Horae.” The pharaoh said

“Peace, such a fragile concept, when all is good, people speak of it, but when things get tough, they reveal their true colors. Each man is for himself. Abydos once fought for your grandfather Ra, against the Apep, we won, and we survived. My father used this exact spear.” The pharaoh touched the spear and said “We thought every nation are friends, a global alliance. Then, the great famine teaches us that is all an illusion. No, don’t believe you are here out of the kindness of your heart. So, you either tell me what you are doing here, for real or I kill you.”

Soldiers rushed into the room, each with a spear and a shield and surrounded Osiris. They aim their spears at Osiris and Ishtar, in a fighting pose. Ishtar quickly grabbed her lance in one hand, bronze sword in the other.

Osiris counts at least forty soldiers. Ishtar might be a good warrior, but she can’t be that good.

“My Lord, I am worth more to you alive, then dead. You know that I am the prince of Heliopolis. If you keep me alive, as your captive, sure, my father will pay you a lot of money, to rescue his son from his kidnappers. However, if you kill me, you really want the wrath of the Heliopolis army, at your doorstep? I am not trying to threaten you, my Lord, it is simply good business.” Osiris asked.

The pharaoh of Abydos thought for a while and decided that Osiris make sense “guards, arrest him” Ishtar was about to fight the soldiers that come to arrest him, but Osiris told her to lower her weapon. The guards grabbed Osiris and was about to drag him away. “However, my Lord. One more thing” Osiris said

The pharaoh signal for the guards to let Osiris speak “What” the pharaoh said

“If you kept me as a captive, it is still just a matter of time, till my father sent the warrior of Heliopolis to rescue me. Once I left your fine city, Heliopolis would no longer pay you in food, in exchange for my safety. If I die on your land, you know what my brother Seth is like, would he not claim for you to be the killer and avenge my death? So, eventually, you are going to have to let me go. What will happen to your fine city then? Its people would starve, again. But, if I spread to them the art of agriculture and it works, your people will have food that last forever, if it doesn’t work, there are always time to keep me as your captive and hold me for ransom, for money.” Osiris said

The pharaoh of Abydos thought for a second and sighed “fine” he finally said

“Release him.” The pharaoh of Abydos said “I give you one year, Osiris, but if what you say doesn’t work, I will hold you for ransom, in exchange for food.”

“As you wish, My Lord” Osiris replied

“Prepare a room for the Master Osiris treat him well with good food and wine. Give him the treatment, worthy of a prince, how a prince of Abydos, is well treated and women for his pleasure.” The pharaoh said to the servants.

“Yes, my Lord” the servants within the room said

Which actor is best to play Osiris

Kunal Nayyar

Kal Penn

LOL Danica Mckellar and Kunal Nayyar in the big bang theory

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