I always think the Asian martial art fantasy fictions to be really interesting and thought it be fun to try bring it into a more western setting.

Hence, I present to you "The Egyptian Pharaoh" I hope you like it :)

Book One: The Legacy of Ishtar Mother of Heaven and Earth

~ Inspired by Egyptian mythology

(Genera: Fiction, Fantasy, Martial Art, Romance)

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Book 1 Chapter Five Part 2: The God of Agriculture

Geb (blue/Sky) and Nut (brown/earth)
(ancient Egypt)
“This is a mistake. We should go.” Ishtar said.

Osiris was in his room. He was calmed and relaxed.

“You know, for a warrior you don’t seem very brave right now.” Osiris said

“Don’t get me wrong. If I fail in my mission to protect you, mother will try to force me to marry you. The only men I like are warriors.” Ishtar said

Osiris laughed “for a second, I thought you were worried about me.” Osiris said “relax, what is the worst that could happen?”

“Have you seen that pharaoh of Abydos? He wants to kill you, for now, he is keeping you alive, what if he changed his mind? You ever think about that? Take a look at your body. I’ve never seen a man as fragile as you and I highly doubt there are any magic that can make your shorter leg become as long as your longer leg. Do you think there are some magic spells that can cure your heart? Such magic doesn’t exist.” Ishtar said

“So? You don’t need to worry about marrying me, if I die.” Osiris said

“This is not a laughing matter.” Ishtar said

“Wow, you really care about me, do you?” Osiris laughed

“What? No, you are my first assignment. I don’t want to fail?” Ishtar said

Osiris laughed

“Fine, I give a damn about you. But not because I like you romantically. I only like…” Ishtar’s sentence was cut off

“I know, you only like warriors.” Osiris said “Look, it is troubling time, mission like this is always going to be danger. I was only fourteen, when I started doing that, the first pharaoh I helped, try to throw me in the dungeon. It is fortunate that Min saved my life. I always know about the danger involved, especially considering I can never become a warrior. I wouldn’t be doing this, if I don’t believe in its importance.” Osiris said


“Should we trust him?” an advisor of the pharaoh of Abydos asked

“Keep him alive for now.” The pharaoh replied

“He is a wizard, who knows what he can do.” The advisor said

“His power is limited to the plants. It cannot threaten us.” The pharaoh said

“My Lord have you heard of story where plants beyond the dessert, that can poison, even kill a man? Create smokes that make you hallucinate and crave it so much, if you don’t smoke it, you will be in so much pain, but if you smoke too much you will die.  What makes wizards so dangerous is that, we don’t know the extent of their power, who knows what this wizard can do, with his power over the plants? He can rescue a starving city, using it, what if he can destroy a city, using it, also.” The advisor said

“The kid is right, if we don’t harvest the power of agriculture, we will all die from the great famine, our population drop, every day, with people starving to death on the streets, cannibalism has been reported, again and again, this famine, will destroy us all” The pharaoh said, he thought for a second “Who is that bodyguard with him”

“Rumor has it that she is an Amazonian. Their princess, Ishtar.” The advisor said

“Keep an eye on those two. Remember, if they die on our watch, we might be at war, with both Heliopolis and the Amazons. Do not hurt them, but if they do anything that is suspicious, kill them.” The pharaoh said

“Yes, My Lord” the advisor replied.


When the advisor left the room of the pharaoh, he met a mysterious man.

“Well?” the man said

“Your brother, is very persuasive.” The advisor said

The mysterious man, is Seth. “You make sure my brother dies and there will be much reward for you.” Seth said

“What is his power over plants?” the advisor said

“Only to create fields of wheat, nothing to be scared of.” Seth said

“He rescued your city from the great famine. Why you hate him so much?” the advisor asked

” He robbed me of my destiny, as a great warrior. He made me a useless and redundant warrior, so now, he is going to pay.” Seth said


The following day, Osiris met up with a group of apprentices that the pharaoh of the city gathered for him. First, as always, Osiris began with a prayer to the god of the sky and the god of the earth. Then a prayer facing towards the Nile river, to show respect to the god of water and the Niles river. He then started instructing the apprentices how to find the ideal land to be the farm for wheat and when that land was found, he praying to the god of the soil of that piece of land.

Afterwards, he started giving the apprentices an introduction course, an overview of the process, starting from sowing to harvesting. He told them how to fertilize the soil, which in Osiris’ understanding as a person lived five thousand years ago, is to make the god of the soil, god of the earth and god of the sky happy and not to overuse a piece of land, for farming purposes and his believe of praying to the gods, once per twelve days, to thank them for their magic. Osiris even taught them the song he created, to grow more wheat.

The grand advisor that been taking food from Seth, tried to find anything within the action of Osiris, to convince the pharaoh that he is using his power over the plants to destroy the city, but cannot find anything convincing.


One day, Osiris once again finished his work in instructing the apprentices. He let the servants brought over a torch and started to write on a piece of cloth. Osiris got sixty apprentices and each apprentice need to have a copy of his menu, about the art of agriculture, each menu contains three scrolls, this is over five thousand years ago, there was no printing press. Osiris carefully copy from his original menu, word by word, to create the duplicate menu. Osiris would create twelve duplicate menus and hand the menu to his apprentices, six apprentices share one menu, they are expected to each copy this menu to create their own duplicate menu. The twelve duplicated menus, six would be present to the pharaoh for his private library, the remaining six, belongs to the envoy that would be sent to other nations, to teach the art of agriculture.

Ishtar walked into the room.

“Still working?” Ishtar asked

“I want to get these apprentices ready. After they completed learning what is being taught here, they need to again teach it to their people, how are they going to do it, without a menu?” Osiris said

“You work too hard, for far too little.” Ishtar said

“It is far too hot, tonight. I can’t sleep anyway.” Osiris replied

Suddenly, a spear flew into Osiris’ room.

“Careful” Ishtar was quick to pull Osiris aside. Osiris fell to the ground. Osiris’ room was on the second floor of the palace of the pharaoh. Eight masked men jumped into the room, they are well trained, they only laid a bamboo stick against the wall of the palace and climb up the bamboo stick, quickly like a monkey and jump into the room.

“Inform the guards.” Ishtar said to the servant

“Yes, my Lady” the servant said

Ishtar grabbed her bronze sword and face the eight masked men, that jumped into the room, each wearing a mask made of clay that look like a ghost.

The eight assassins, each of them held a bronze sword. Bronze, a most expensive instrument only those who are extremely rich can afford. Ishtar knows, whoever send the eight man, must have much resource and wants Osiris dead, very much.

“Charge” the leader of the eight men said

Ishtar engaged the eight swordsmen. The eight swordsmen are good, but Ishtar is better and is even match against all eight of them. The eight men surrounded Ishtar from all side, attacking her from all angle, but somehow, Ishtar is able to anticipate each move and was quick to engage each swordsman, she kept them at arm length, in a circle around her. The servant started yelling for the guards calling there are assassins. Ishtar killed two assassins that leave six left. All of the six assassins charged together trying to stab Ishtar, Ishtar dodged downwards and hold her sword behind her back, blocking all six swords. She thought for a second and did a perfect split to the ground and did one spin that tripped all six men to the ground. She quickly jumped to her feet again, before the six men can get back to their feet, Ishtar quickly killed two more, leaving only four left, as the guards came running towards the room, each with a wooden shield and spear in their hand, the leader of the assassins realized they failed their mission.

“Retreat” he said, the four assassins started jumping out the window.

Ishtar quickly grabbed one assassin by his shoulder, and trip him to the ground, before he can move, Ishtar pointed her sword at him. The captain of the guards and many other guards ran to the window and saw the three remaining assassins already escape via sliding down their bamboo stick and ran away.

“Who send you?” Ishtar asked the capture assassin, but the assassin said nothing but made a sudden move forward, so Ishtar’s sword would stab through his throat and the assassin died.

The pharaoh also rushed into the room.

“Get men onto the streets, catch them. Lock down the city.” The pharaoh said

“Yes, My Lord” the captain of the guards said, many guards ran out of the room, only a few remain, protecting Osiris.

“Master Osiris, you need to believe me. I did not send those assassins.” The pharaoh said, by now, Osiris has also earned the pharaoh’s trust.

“I know, My Lord” Osiris replied.


The three remaining assassins escaped to the outside of the city wall. They took off their mask and kneel before a man standing there, not surprising, the man is Seth.

“My Lord” the leader of the assassins said

“How it goes?” Seth asked

“I am sorry My Lord, the Amazonian, she is better than we expected.” The leader said

“Ishtar?” Seth said to himself. “First you stole my honor, now, you want to steal my woman? I will see you dead, Osiris.”


It is time to harvest the wheat, the pharaoh was overjoyed to see the field of wheat. This field along, can stop so many people from starving to death and with only a few more fields, the entire nation would be saved.

The pharaoh was overjoyed and had tears in his eyes.

“Thank you, Master Osiris, thank you.” The pharaoh said

Osiris smiled “Alright apprentices, now, it is time for the most exciting part, harvesting.” Osiris said to his apprentices.

Osiris teach the apprentices how to harvest the wheat followed by all the post-harvest procedures, including religious rituals.

Before Osiris left, he received news of the coming of a platoon of bodyguards, sent by his father from the city of Heliopolis and a group of servants.

The captain of the bodyguards, not surprising was Min.

“What is all these. I never had this many bodyguards before.” Osiris laughed

“Well, many people love you. It was hard for your father to pinpoint your location, until now. Plus, the body guards, are from many different nations, that your teaching saved, many applied, but only the most elite warriors was chosen, they all consider it a great honor to serve the great Lord Master Prince Osiris.” Min said

“That title is a bit too long.” Osiris laughed.

With the bodyguards are many squires to assist the warriors in logistic tasks.

“You been taking care of the world, it's time, somebody will take care of you.” Min said

The pharaoh of the city of Abydos personally send Osiris and Ishtar to the city gates, along with all of the nobles of Abydos and many peasants. Outside the city, was Osiris new party of bodyguards, led by Min.

After all the goodbyes, Osiris and Ishtar prepared to leave, Min gave the order and the bodyguards started marching, behind Osiris and Ishtar, whom are now on horsebacks.

Osiris now having many bodyguards to protect him, Sin recalled Ishtar back to the Amazons. Ishtar traveled with Osiris’ party for a while, until it is time to part.

“Goodbye, Osiris” Ishtar said

“Goodbye Ishtar.” Osiris replied

“And one more thing, in a few more months, it will be my seventeenth birthday. If you come to the Amazons and ask for my hand in marriage, I will say yes and I shall be your bride.” Ishtar said

“That is a funny joke” Osiris replied

“I am not joking. I meant every single word.” Ishtar replied

“I thought you only want to marry a warrior.” Osiris said

“I think I can make an exception.” Ishtar said “If you are not intimidated by a girl that is an Amazonian.”

Osiris smiled “Then I shall return to the Amazons that day” Osiris said

“It is a deal” Ishtar smiled and replied and then she started to turn her horse to the direction of the Amazon and started riding away.


Back in the city of Abydos, that same advisor that took the food of Seth to try convince their pharaoh to kill Osiris, met up with Seth, in a dark street of the night.

“You disappointed me.” Seth said

“I am sorry, but you cannot denier his result.” The advisor said

“Are you changing side to support Osiris? Don’t forget who fed your family, from starvation, not that long ago.” Seth said

“Prince Seth, let go, you are still a great warrior, your country still needs you, So, there are no longer so much war to fight, isn’t peace a good thing? Your people still love you. They still need the soldiers to protect their city.” The advisor said

This only made Seth angrier and he grabbed the advisor by his throat, the advisor starts gasping for air “There are two things, I never tolerate that is failure and betrayal” Seth said and then he started squeezing the advisor’s throat tighter, until he died from suffocation.

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