I always think the Asian martial art fantasy fictions to be really interesting and thought it be fun to try bring it into a more western setting.

Hence, I present to you "The Egyptian Pharaoh" I hope you like it :)

Book One: The Legacy of Ishtar Mother of Heaven and Earth

~ Inspired by Egyptian mythology

(Genera: Fiction, Fantasy, Martial Art, Romance)

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Book 1 Chapter Eleven Part 2: Return to Israel

city of ancient Israel

After one months of travel, Horus, Hathor and White Ox reached Israel. Horus is surprised that White Ox is willing to travel with them, for so long, considering the entire journey, White Ox has been tied to the cart. Reaching Israel, which is Horus’ turf, Horus isn’t worry about White Ox trying anything funny and untied him. Here, Horus again met with Resheph, the two of them are now old friends.

“It's been too long, my friend.” Horus said, when he and Resheph met

“Likewise.” Resheph replied.

“How have you been?” Horus asked

“Me and my team already gather six pieces of the body of Osiris. The great pharaoh should be properly buried.” Resheph said

“I only gathered five, consider this is my father, I should be doing better.” Horus replied

“Nonsense, young Master Horus is doing this all by himself, while we, on the other hand, work as a team of three.” Resheph said “But these two travel companions of yours are?”

“Oh, I almost forgot to introduce you. This is Miss Hathor. This is her servant White Ox.” Horus replied

Horus turned to White Ox “White Ox, go to the stable and tend to the horse.” Horus said

“Yes, master” White Ox said and left

“White Ox, is actually a thug. He claims that his gang will kill him and insist to follow us. I wanted to kill him, on the spot. But Hathor wanted to keep him alive. Thinking he can be rehabilitated.” Horus said

“Once a thug always a thug, miss Hathor, if you don’t kill them, they will kill you. Kill or be killed, you need to protect yourself.” Resheph said

“Master Resheph, everybody has kindness in their heart, even a thug, if we can bring out their goodness, who says that they cannot be rehabilitated?” Hathor said

“Miss Hathor, if thugs can be rehabilitated, Seth, wouldn’t be in power right now and the pharaoh Osiris wouldn’t be dead. The only reason this thug is behaving, himself, is because he has been forced into submission. Master Horus is a great warrior, the thug is afraid of him, so he behaves. But, if today, Master Horus lost a leg or an arm and can no longer force that thug into submission that thug, would have rape you and sold you into slavery, already. I’ve been a security officer before. You cannot reason with a thug.” Resheph said

“it is a pity you felt that way. But, I believe, all people have nature of kindness and evil and when possible, I rather rehabilitate the thugs, wouldn’t it be better if we can bring out the kindness in them and change them, rather than killing them?” Hathor said

“Miss Hathor, is for certain merciful.” Resheph smiled and said

“I also hope to ask you for a favor, Resheph” Horus said “Hathor, actually used to be a slave and now with nowhere to go. I am hoping that it is possible to arrange employment for her.”

Resheph nodded “I cannot promise anything, but I will see what I can do. I will keep an eye on White Ox also.” Resheph said

“If it isn’t too much to ask. I don’t believe that White Ox, would currently return to the way of thug, he got no gang left, given him an opportunity to be a farmer or a labor, might be an advantage. He is strong, sure there are places where his talent can be used.” Hathor said

“Miss Hathor, the best thing to do, with a gangster, is to kill him.” Resheph said

“A gangster with no gang, isn’t a threat, isn’t it?” Hathor said

Resheph thought for a second. “I will see what I can do, but, if I find him trying anything suspicious, I will kill him, myself.” Resheph said “That reminds me, there is another person, I am sure, you would want to meet that happens to be in town.”

“Who is it?” Horus asked

“You forgot what month it is, kid?” a familiar voice emerged

Horus turned around. It is Nephthys.

“Bet, you didn’t expect to see me kid.” Nephthys said “You forgot this is the month we come to Israel to trade wheat for goods.”

“How is mother?” Horus replied

“Your mother misses you. But she is very proud of you.” Nephthys said

“I’ve been away from home for a long time.” Horus said

“Nonsense, what you are doing is important. Nobody would blame you, for being away from home.” Nephthys said

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