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Horus and his first love interest Serket (ancient Egypt) |
Hathor continues to cry “I killed them. I killed them all. I killed them all”
Neith hold Hathor like a big sister and finally she pushed Hathor from her arms and hold her two arms with her two hands “Hathor, you listen to me. You did nothing wrong. Those men, are going to sell you into slavery and they won’t stop, until they are dead. You had no choice. You did nothing wrong.” Neith said “Alright?”
“Alright” Hathor said
Neith smiled “Do you know what you need? A makeover.” Neith said looking at Hathor’s original beautiful blond hair that has now been cut into a total mess and that part of her head is bold “Tomorrow, we are going to give you a complete makeover.”
The next day, Neith gave Hathor the makeover she promises. Neith might be a feisty female warrior, but she is also a woman. Neith took a look at Hathor’s now disastrous head of hair and try to get her a new hairstyle. But it is almost impossible, she ended up, having to shave nearly all of Hathor’s hair off, but brought along a number of different wigs, for Hathor to try one and found three that look beautiful on her.
There weren’t too many fashion choices here, in terms of clothing. But Hathor’s blond hair means good luck. Neith was quick to stitch beautiful golden flowers, upon Hathor’s cloths, using her hair and a handkerchief, with a beautiful golden phoenix. The rest of Hathor’s hair, Neith put it into a bag and return it to Hathor
“Blond hair means good luck. I know you got none right now, but it will grow back. For now, you still got a lot of blond hair with you. To keep your good luck.” Neith smiled and said as she gave the bag of blond hair to Hathor
“I want you to keep it, the hair.” Hathor said giving her bag of blond hair back to Neith. “I can have blond hair anytime. But I wish that it would bring you good luck, as well.”
Neith smiled “Thank you”
That same next day, Horus became well enough to walk around. He found Serket to be a very beautiful woman. Serket is twenty-one years old, a little bit older than Horus, which is only eighteen years old. Horus, did suspect that Hathor might have feelings for him, but the last time Horus saw Hathor, she was still fifteen years old, so he won’t return those feelings, as it can be inappropriate.
It is commonly agreed upon by most people that pedophile behavior is sickening and inappropriate. But, while some people might say the reason it is inappropriate is due to it is sickening, it can be argued that theory is both wrong and problematic.
The law of Australia and Taiwan make it clear, why such behavior need to be illegal. The principle of good and evil, is determined base on whether you violate the principle of Peace, Harmony or Justice. The principle of peace is not to cause harm to others, the principle of harmony is good order and the principle of Justice is not to screw over other people. The principle of harmony cannot violate the principle of peace and the principle of justice cannot violate the principle of harmony. People that are far too young are more likely to be far too innocent and/or immature, making them more vulnerable to be taken advantage of by those that are much older, including sexually and by taking advantage of that immaturity and innocence, it is causing harm to them or screw them over big time, thus violate the principle of peace and justice. This is why people under a certain age, got a legal guardian and is why, pedophile behaviors need to be illegal.
But it is not an exact science, there are some adults that are way more immature and/or innocent then some teenagers and can more easily be taken advantage of, including sexually, while some teenagers are way more mature compare to some adults and are less likely to be taken advantage of, including sexually. For example the western world got the highest rate of abuse to women, one of the main reason is due to in the west there is a high ratio of women so obsessed with having a man, some might even put up with abuse, it even result in high ratio of child sex abuse, with mothers, as old as in their 20s, 30s or 40s, knowingly married a thug, just to have a man, resulting in their daughters been victim of child sex abuse. And there are many thugs that target these western women and take advantage of them, as a result. In the none west, the rate of women obsessed with having a man is lower, especially with Buddhist influence, that is all about letting go of your obsessions, Asian female that have trouble finding a man, are significantly less likely to grow desperate compare to western women, Asian women are also significantly less likely to settle, compare to western women and as a result, in comparison to western women, Asian women that got trouble finding a man, are less likely to ended up in an abusive relationship and are more likely to chose artificial insemination to have a baby, then to settle for a thug. And to such extend many Asian teenagers, as young as 14, 15 or 16 are way more mature compare to some western women that are in their 20s, 30s or 40s. Also for example, mentally disable people are usually more immature compare to people of their own age, thus, they are more easily be taken advantage of. On the other hand there are teenagers that are wiser and more mature compare to the average adult in their 40s, 50s and 60s. For example, Queen Elizabeth the first that took the throne at the age of 16, was a competent and wise ruler right from the beginning and at the age of sixteen she was a much wiser and more mature ruler compare to many modern world leaders whom are in their 40s, 50s and 60s. China Emperor Zhende 正德 took the throne at the age of fifteen and proven to be way more competent and wiser then any world leader of the early 21st century, whom are mostly over the age of 40, while becoming a leader. He was such a wise and competent ruler people of his time sometime forget that he is only fifteen years old and attack him for acting like a child, due to during his spare time, he like to do what most teenage boys like to do.
However, generally speaking, most people under a certain age, are more likely to be far too innocent and mature making them more vulnerable to be taken advantage by those much older, while people over a certain age are more likely to have the maturity and wisdom not to be taken advantage of. This is why, despite not all people that are romantically involved with a minor, is trying to take advantage of them sexually, there is a need to make pedophile behavior illegal.
If it is simply due to the fact it is sickening, what constitute as sickening is subjective. A 70 years old man marrying a 25 years woman is consider as disgusting also, is that sufficient to make it qualify as doing something wrong? No, because they are not hurting anyone.
This is also why, during the ancient days, where people normally get married as teenagers, arrange marriage was the norm, most young teenagers might not have the maturity to make good decision regarding to their love life, thus, their parents were heavily involved in the decision making process. The reason people use to get married as teenager is due to, there was a high death rate amount new born babies. The vagina of mammal female is not design to be suitable for the exit of the large head of human babies, resulting in high death rate amount new born babies, by 1910, 1/10 of all new born babies died while been born and uncover grave from China over 3000 years ago, 1/2 grave belongs to new born babies. So, there was a need for girls to get married young, unless they got no intent to have babies and because most girls that young, doesn't have the maturity to make good decision regarding to their love life, the parents are highly involved thus, arrange marriage.
Despite Hathor is now sixteen and he is only two years older then Hathor, considering the fact Hathor is only fifteen when they met and she is still under the age of seventeen, Horus do fear he would be taking advantage of the innocent of her young age, if he enter a romantic relationship with her. Thus, Horus won't return any romantic feelings to Hathor, regardless to whether he like her or not. If Hathor is sixteen by the time they met or she has now reached an age that is seventeen or older, Horus wouldn't fear it might be a situation where he is taking advantage of her, due to she is far too innocent and immature due to her young age.
“I know my time here wouldn’t be long and considering we just met, of course I won’t ask for your hand in marriage, considering been together with a complete stranger is stupid and reckless. But, if you don’t mind, miss Serket. I do hope that we can be friends and only just friends and socialize sometime, just as friend and nothing more, of course.” Horus told Serket
Serket are normally not interested in men younger than her and Horus is three years younger, but Horus is rather mature and he did say just to be friends and nothing more, Serket see no reason, to refuse Serket smiled “of course” she smiled and said
That night, Horus met Serket in the small courtyard, they were surrounded by the jungle. Some people might argue for this to be a date, because this is a dating relationship. But even if it is a Dating relationship, it is not sufficient to make it a date. Much like there are many people, mostly those in de facto relationship, are in a marital relationship, but until they goes into they church (or court house) and stand in front of that priest (or judge) and say "I do" they are not married. Same applies to dating. Dating is two people socializing, due to mutually agree to be socializing with romantic intent. Thus, unless two people agree for it to be a date, it cannot count as a date, just like it cannot count as been married, without mutual consent out of own free will, in a clear state of mind.
“I travel here to Egypt from Greece when I was thirteen. I was hoping to be a witch doctress. We got not witch doctress in my home, since Seth took power, he has never been too kind to witches, other than those who are one of his own men. He is terrified of what they can do. I think most people overestimate the power of witches, if we really can create a magic dragon that destroy a kingdom out of thin air, don’t they think we would have used that to destroy Seth?” Serket said, Serket smiled “I don’t often meet another person my same age, that know witchcraft and that I can talk witchcraft with. You are one of the few, it is nice.”
Horus smiled "Speaking about witchcraft, I want to show you something" Horus said
Horus went back to his room and took out a needle.
"What is this needle made of. It isn't made via bird bones, like most needles." Serket said
"It gets more interesting, if we put it in a bowl of water" Horus said
When Horus put the needle into a bowl of water, it starts spinning around for a little while and then one end started pointing to the north, the other point to the south.
"This sort of needle, after we rub it in some cloth, one end will forever point to the north, the other end forever point to the south. I had this needle for years. It is made of a material, not yet been categorized, but imagine if we can have a huge number of it. Right now, we rely completely on the sun and the stars to tell directions, sometimes, even one city to the next. But, during nights that we cannot see the stars, we are blind. If we can have a large quantity of this, navigation would become much easier. We can also map out what is going on in the abyss, to greater detail. The land beyond the eastern mountain of Persia, South of the Sahara Desert, North of Gaul, it is rumor there is a great piece of land to the far east, called Asia, just waiting to be explored." Horus said
"I got something that is also very interesting" Serket said
Serket took out a book, the book got two serpents wrapping around each other like two strings of DNA. "There is a theory amount witch doctor. All living been are made up of tiny organisms. The organisms all look the same in the beginning, but they shift, to form various parts of our body, muscles, blood, hair, and eyes. These organisms know what you are supposed to look like and shape shift, to form that part of your body. How they know about it? Some believe, there are two tiny serpents, within each of these organisms, the information about what you are supposed to look like is recorded within these two serpents and they tell the organism what they should form into. If, we can control these serpents. We can shape shift and when we lost an arm, a leg, an eye or even a heart, we can grow a new one, for replacement. Can you image that?" What Serket is talking about, is what we thousands of years later, would come to be known as stem cell research and the two intertwined serpents she talks about, is what we now know as DNA. The tiny organism she speaks of, is what we today would come to know as cells
"Too bad, there is no way we can test whether this theory is correct. But imagine how exciting it would be, if we can have an experiment that test the theory and if we figure out how to control those serpents." Serket said
Horus and Serket spend hours just exchanging ideas about witchcraft.
“Where you learn witchcraft from?” Horus said
“Everywhere, Seth killed so many witches, it is hard for me to find a master. So, I travel, Greek, Egypt, Babylon, I’ve even been to Persia, been to the abyss once. When I learn enough about the treating of poison and wounds, I start my travel, learning and practicing, at the same time. When I came across master Khnum and his rebels, I know I can do something greater, with what I learn. So, I stay.” Serket said
“I learn witchcraft, mostly from my mother. She is a wise woman.” Horus said
“Your mother seems to know a lot.” Serket said
“Warfare, math, witchcraft, combat, reading and writing, she knows a lot and she taught me all she knows.” Horus said
Serket took a look at the position of the moon “It is getting late, you just recover from your injury, you should rest and tomorrow, I still got more patient, to visit.” Serket said
Serket started to walk away, but she suddenly remembers something “Horus.” Serket said
“Yes?” Horus said
“Our friendship. I think it is better to keep it from Hathor. She obviously got romantic feelings for you. If you are not able to return those feelings, the least we could do is be considerate of her and not let her know about this. I know there is nothing that needed to be said, considering she is not your wife and we are merely just friends, but, still and especially after all the danger she put herself through, for you.” Serket said.
“Of course, I understand.” Horus said “I do own Hathor a great debt of gratitude and consider I am not able to return those feelings for her, if she got those feelings, that is a debt of gratitude I should need to find some other reasonable way, to repay one day.”
Horus would never recommend is to return romantic feeling to a person, out of gratitude, especially if you have no real feelings towards that person, as that would be a lie and manipulation upon that person, you own the debt to.
As Horus watched Serket walked away, he prepares to return to his room, but it is during this time, Horus saw Hathor, standing in a corner. Hathor was wearing her black wig and her cloth with beautiful golden flower and was coming to show Horus, her cloth, now with beautiful golden flowers, stitch upon it.
“Hathor.” Horus said, for a second there, Horus is not sure what to say or do.
Instead, Hathor was quick to smile “Hi, what are you still doing up so late?” Hathor said
Horus didn’t say anything.
Hathor smiled again “You and Serket thought too much. I only came to your aid, because you saved me from slavery. That is all.” Hathor lied
“I understand.” Horus said
“I am really honored that you and Serket are so considerate of my feelings. But, you two thinks too much. I am fine.” Hathor said, she turned around and had her back to Horus, so Horus won’t be able to see the tears in her eyes.
Hathor quickly wiped away the tears in her eyes and turned around to face Horus, putting on a fake smile “Really, you think too much. I mean you got to be at least a billion years old, gross.” Hathor said
“Alright, my mistake.” Horus smiled and said
“Yeah, gross.” Hathor smiled and said, as she prepares to walk away "You are Serket seem to have lots in common, you both know so much about witchcraft, unlike me. I can’t even read and write." Hathor said
"Thank you" Horus said
“And get some sleep, it is too late.” Hathor said
Hathor walked away from where Horus can see and hear her and the smile upon her face started disappeared, she returns to her room and burst into tears.
Neith hold Hathor like a big sister and finally she pushed Hathor from her arms and hold her two arms with her two hands “Hathor, you listen to me. You did nothing wrong. Those men, are going to sell you into slavery and they won’t stop, until they are dead. You had no choice. You did nothing wrong.” Neith said “Alright?”
“Alright” Hathor said
Neith smiled “Do you know what you need? A makeover.” Neith said looking at Hathor’s original beautiful blond hair that has now been cut into a total mess and that part of her head is bold “Tomorrow, we are going to give you a complete makeover.”
The next day, Neith gave Hathor the makeover she promises. Neith might be a feisty female warrior, but she is also a woman. Neith took a look at Hathor’s now disastrous head of hair and try to get her a new hairstyle. But it is almost impossible, she ended up, having to shave nearly all of Hathor’s hair off, but brought along a number of different wigs, for Hathor to try one and found three that look beautiful on her.
There weren’t too many fashion choices here, in terms of clothing. But Hathor’s blond hair means good luck. Neith was quick to stitch beautiful golden flowers, upon Hathor’s cloths, using her hair and a handkerchief, with a beautiful golden phoenix. The rest of Hathor’s hair, Neith put it into a bag and return it to Hathor
“Blond hair means good luck. I know you got none right now, but it will grow back. For now, you still got a lot of blond hair with you. To keep your good luck.” Neith smiled and said as she gave the bag of blond hair to Hathor
“I want you to keep it, the hair.” Hathor said giving her bag of blond hair back to Neith. “I can have blond hair anytime. But I wish that it would bring you good luck, as well.”
Neith smiled “Thank you”
That same next day, Horus became well enough to walk around. He found Serket to be a very beautiful woman. Serket is twenty-one years old, a little bit older than Horus, which is only eighteen years old. Horus, did suspect that Hathor might have feelings for him, but the last time Horus saw Hathor, she was still fifteen years old, so he won’t return those feelings, as it can be inappropriate.
It is commonly agreed upon by most people that pedophile behavior is sickening and inappropriate. But, while some people might say the reason it is inappropriate is due to it is sickening, it can be argued that theory is both wrong and problematic.
The law of Australia and Taiwan make it clear, why such behavior need to be illegal. The principle of good and evil, is determined base on whether you violate the principle of Peace, Harmony or Justice. The principle of peace is not to cause harm to others, the principle of harmony is good order and the principle of Justice is not to screw over other people. The principle of harmony cannot violate the principle of peace and the principle of justice cannot violate the principle of harmony. People that are far too young are more likely to be far too innocent and/or immature, making them more vulnerable to be taken advantage of by those that are much older, including sexually and by taking advantage of that immaturity and innocence, it is causing harm to them or screw them over big time, thus violate the principle of peace and justice. This is why people under a certain age, got a legal guardian and is why, pedophile behaviors need to be illegal.
But it is not an exact science, there are some adults that are way more immature and/or innocent then some teenagers and can more easily be taken advantage of, including sexually, while some teenagers are way more mature compare to some adults and are less likely to be taken advantage of, including sexually. For example the western world got the highest rate of abuse to women, one of the main reason is due to in the west there is a high ratio of women so obsessed with having a man, some might even put up with abuse, it even result in high ratio of child sex abuse, with mothers, as old as in their 20s, 30s or 40s, knowingly married a thug, just to have a man, resulting in their daughters been victim of child sex abuse. And there are many thugs that target these western women and take advantage of them, as a result. In the none west, the rate of women obsessed with having a man is lower, especially with Buddhist influence, that is all about letting go of your obsessions, Asian female that have trouble finding a man, are significantly less likely to grow desperate compare to western women, Asian women are also significantly less likely to settle, compare to western women and as a result, in comparison to western women, Asian women that got trouble finding a man, are less likely to ended up in an abusive relationship and are more likely to chose artificial insemination to have a baby, then to settle for a thug. And to such extend many Asian teenagers, as young as 14, 15 or 16 are way more mature compare to some western women that are in their 20s, 30s or 40s. Also for example, mentally disable people are usually more immature compare to people of their own age, thus, they are more easily be taken advantage of. On the other hand there are teenagers that are wiser and more mature compare to the average adult in their 40s, 50s and 60s. For example, Queen Elizabeth the first that took the throne at the age of 16, was a competent and wise ruler right from the beginning and at the age of sixteen she was a much wiser and more mature ruler compare to many modern world leaders whom are in their 40s, 50s and 60s. China Emperor Zhende 正德 took the throne at the age of fifteen and proven to be way more competent and wiser then any world leader of the early 21st century, whom are mostly over the age of 40, while becoming a leader. He was such a wise and competent ruler people of his time sometime forget that he is only fifteen years old and attack him for acting like a child, due to during his spare time, he like to do what most teenage boys like to do.
However, generally speaking, most people under a certain age, are more likely to be far too innocent and mature making them more vulnerable to be taken advantage by those much older, while people over a certain age are more likely to have the maturity and wisdom not to be taken advantage of. This is why, despite not all people that are romantically involved with a minor, is trying to take advantage of them sexually, there is a need to make pedophile behavior illegal.
If it is simply due to the fact it is sickening, what constitute as sickening is subjective. A 70 years old man marrying a 25 years woman is consider as disgusting also, is that sufficient to make it qualify as doing something wrong? No, because they are not hurting anyone.
This is also why, during the ancient days, where people normally get married as teenagers, arrange marriage was the norm, most young teenagers might not have the maturity to make good decision regarding to their love life, thus, their parents were heavily involved in the decision making process. The reason people use to get married as teenager is due to, there was a high death rate amount new born babies. The vagina of mammal female is not design to be suitable for the exit of the large head of human babies, resulting in high death rate amount new born babies, by 1910, 1/10 of all new born babies died while been born and uncover grave from China over 3000 years ago, 1/2 grave belongs to new born babies. So, there was a need for girls to get married young, unless they got no intent to have babies and because most girls that young, doesn't have the maturity to make good decision regarding to their love life, the parents are highly involved thus, arrange marriage.
Despite Hathor is now sixteen and he is only two years older then Hathor, considering the fact Hathor is only fifteen when they met and she is still under the age of seventeen, Horus do fear he would be taking advantage of the innocent of her young age, if he enter a romantic relationship with her. Thus, Horus won't return any romantic feelings to Hathor, regardless to whether he like her or not. If Hathor is sixteen by the time they met or she has now reached an age that is seventeen or older, Horus wouldn't fear it might be a situation where he is taking advantage of her, due to she is far too innocent and immature due to her young age.
“I know my time here wouldn’t be long and considering we just met, of course I won’t ask for your hand in marriage, considering been together with a complete stranger is stupid and reckless. But, if you don’t mind, miss Serket. I do hope that we can be friends and only just friends and socialize sometime, just as friend and nothing more, of course.” Horus told Serket
Serket are normally not interested in men younger than her and Horus is three years younger, but Horus is rather mature and he did say just to be friends and nothing more, Serket see no reason, to refuse Serket smiled “of course” she smiled and said
That night, Horus met Serket in the small courtyard, they were surrounded by the jungle. Some people might argue for this to be a date, because this is a dating relationship. But even if it is a Dating relationship, it is not sufficient to make it a date. Much like there are many people, mostly those in de facto relationship, are in a marital relationship, but until they goes into they church (or court house) and stand in front of that priest (or judge) and say "I do" they are not married. Same applies to dating. Dating is two people socializing, due to mutually agree to be socializing with romantic intent. Thus, unless two people agree for it to be a date, it cannot count as a date, just like it cannot count as been married, without mutual consent out of own free will, in a clear state of mind.
“I travel here to Egypt from Greece when I was thirteen. I was hoping to be a witch doctress. We got not witch doctress in my home, since Seth took power, he has never been too kind to witches, other than those who are one of his own men. He is terrified of what they can do. I think most people overestimate the power of witches, if we really can create a magic dragon that destroy a kingdom out of thin air, don’t they think we would have used that to destroy Seth?” Serket said, Serket smiled “I don’t often meet another person my same age, that know witchcraft and that I can talk witchcraft with. You are one of the few, it is nice.”
Horus smiled "Speaking about witchcraft, I want to show you something" Horus said
Horus went back to his room and took out a needle.
"What is this needle made of. It isn't made via bird bones, like most needles." Serket said
"It gets more interesting, if we put it in a bowl of water" Horus said
When Horus put the needle into a bowl of water, it starts spinning around for a little while and then one end started pointing to the north, the other point to the south.
"This sort of needle, after we rub it in some cloth, one end will forever point to the north, the other end forever point to the south. I had this needle for years. It is made of a material, not yet been categorized, but imagine if we can have a huge number of it. Right now, we rely completely on the sun and the stars to tell directions, sometimes, even one city to the next. But, during nights that we cannot see the stars, we are blind. If we can have a large quantity of this, navigation would become much easier. We can also map out what is going on in the abyss, to greater detail. The land beyond the eastern mountain of Persia, South of the Sahara Desert, North of Gaul, it is rumor there is a great piece of land to the far east, called Asia, just waiting to be explored." Horus said
"I got something that is also very interesting" Serket said
Serket took out a book, the book got two serpents wrapping around each other like two strings of DNA. "There is a theory amount witch doctor. All living been are made up of tiny organisms. The organisms all look the same in the beginning, but they shift, to form various parts of our body, muscles, blood, hair, and eyes. These organisms know what you are supposed to look like and shape shift, to form that part of your body. How they know about it? Some believe, there are two tiny serpents, within each of these organisms, the information about what you are supposed to look like is recorded within these two serpents and they tell the organism what they should form into. If, we can control these serpents. We can shape shift and when we lost an arm, a leg, an eye or even a heart, we can grow a new one, for replacement. Can you image that?" What Serket is talking about, is what we thousands of years later, would come to be known as stem cell research and the two intertwined serpents she talks about, is what we now know as DNA. The tiny organism she speaks of, is what we today would come to know as cells
"Too bad, there is no way we can test whether this theory is correct. But imagine how exciting it would be, if we can have an experiment that test the theory and if we figure out how to control those serpents." Serket said
Horus and Serket spend hours just exchanging ideas about witchcraft.
“Where you learn witchcraft from?” Horus said
“Everywhere, Seth killed so many witches, it is hard for me to find a master. So, I travel, Greek, Egypt, Babylon, I’ve even been to Persia, been to the abyss once. When I learn enough about the treating of poison and wounds, I start my travel, learning and practicing, at the same time. When I came across master Khnum and his rebels, I know I can do something greater, with what I learn. So, I stay.” Serket said
“I learn witchcraft, mostly from my mother. She is a wise woman.” Horus said
“Your mother seems to know a lot.” Serket said
“Warfare, math, witchcraft, combat, reading and writing, she knows a lot and she taught me all she knows.” Horus said
Serket took a look at the position of the moon “It is getting late, you just recover from your injury, you should rest and tomorrow, I still got more patient, to visit.” Serket said
Serket started to walk away, but she suddenly remembers something “Horus.” Serket said
“Yes?” Horus said
“Our friendship. I think it is better to keep it from Hathor. She obviously got romantic feelings for you. If you are not able to return those feelings, the least we could do is be considerate of her and not let her know about this. I know there is nothing that needed to be said, considering she is not your wife and we are merely just friends, but, still and especially after all the danger she put herself through, for you.” Serket said.
“Of course, I understand.” Horus said “I do own Hathor a great debt of gratitude and consider I am not able to return those feelings for her, if she got those feelings, that is a debt of gratitude I should need to find some other reasonable way, to repay one day.”
Horus would never recommend is to return romantic feeling to a person, out of gratitude, especially if you have no real feelings towards that person, as that would be a lie and manipulation upon that person, you own the debt to.
As Horus watched Serket walked away, he prepares to return to his room, but it is during this time, Horus saw Hathor, standing in a corner. Hathor was wearing her black wig and her cloth with beautiful golden flower and was coming to show Horus, her cloth, now with beautiful golden flowers, stitch upon it.
“Hathor.” Horus said, for a second there, Horus is not sure what to say or do.
Instead, Hathor was quick to smile “Hi, what are you still doing up so late?” Hathor said
Horus didn’t say anything.
Hathor smiled again “You and Serket thought too much. I only came to your aid, because you saved me from slavery. That is all.” Hathor lied
“I understand.” Horus said
“I am really honored that you and Serket are so considerate of my feelings. But, you two thinks too much. I am fine.” Hathor said, she turned around and had her back to Horus, so Horus won’t be able to see the tears in her eyes.
Hathor quickly wiped away the tears in her eyes and turned around to face Horus, putting on a fake smile “Really, you think too much. I mean you got to be at least a billion years old, gross.” Hathor said
“Alright, my mistake.” Horus smiled and said
“Yeah, gross.” Hathor smiled and said, as she prepares to walk away "You are Serket seem to have lots in common, you both know so much about witchcraft, unlike me. I can’t even read and write." Hathor said
"Thank you" Horus said
“And get some sleep, it is too late.” Hathor said
Hathor walked away from where Horus can see and hear her and the smile upon her face started disappeared, she returns to her room and burst into tears.
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