I always think the Asian martial art fantasy fictions to be really interesting and thought it be fun to try bring it into a more western setting.

Hence, I present to you "The Egyptian Pharaoh" I hope you like it :)

Book One: The Legacy of Ishtar Mother of Heaven and Earth

~ Inspired by Egyptian mythology

(Genera: Fiction, Fantasy, Martial Art, Romance)

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Book 1 Chapter Twelve Part 2: Return to Egypt

ruins of an ancient city of Babylon
Hathor woke up from her bed screaming. What happened still terrified her. Hathor is now sixteen years old, but still never killed a person in her life, until now.

Hathor start sobbing uncontrollably.

Neith ran into the room

“I killed them! I killed them!” Hathor started crying

Neith grabbed hold of Hathor to comfort her, “It’s alright, it’s alright” Neith sang.

“And White Ox, White Ox is dead because of me.” Hathor continue to cry

“It’s Ok, Hathor, it’s OK” Neith continue to sang song.

After knowing of Hathor’s story, Resheph knows that Hathor cannot return to Gaul and helped her find a job in Israel. The great thing about Israel, been the central of the world is that even in horrible time, such as that been rule by Seth, a girl can find a job. Resheph helped Hathor to find employment making bread. Hathor is good at making bread, as for White Ox, Resheph seen him looking big and strong as an ox, he can make a good blacksmith. A blacksmith can make good money, bronze is still in its early days and knowledge on this art form is limited, the cost of making bronze tool is still extremely high, but every day, blacksmiths are looking for ways to improve upon the art form, to make it cheaper and more accessible.

Every morning Hathor wake up early at 3:00 am to bake bread and then must go sell it in the marketplace. It is this one day, when Hathor again is selling bread in the marketplace, she heard of the story of two by standard.

“You heard? Somebody is stealing the corps of the pharaoh Osiris, whoever he is, is a great hero.” One man said

“Keep the volume down, if people hear you, Seth’s men would have your head.” The second man said

“But it is rumor, Seth is furious and is planning to capture him, he got soldiers stationed in every city in Egypt that a piece of Osiris’ corps has been hung. Preparing to catch him.” The first man said

“How do you know about it?” the second man ask

“I use to be a soldier.” The first man said “But who wants to serve Seth, the only reason I signed up, is so I don’t need to pay his insane tax rate, now I have enough money, I want nothing to do with him or his army. Do you know that we spend up to half of our day just praying to Seth, like he is some sort of god? But I still got friends in the army, they told me”

“Excuse me, sir. Did you just said that Seth are sending soldiers to capture whoever is stealing the corps of Osiris?” Hathor asked the first man

“Keep your volume down, little girl. But, yes. But don’t try to be a hero, keep your head down and just work hard. The old fool, cannot live forever.” The first man said

After hearing about it, Hathor was eagerly worried about Horus’ safety. She packed her table selling bread and rushed to the place of White Ox.

Hathor told White Ox what happened.

White Ox might be an ex thug, but he is still much older and more mature then Hathor “Mistress, whatever happened, don’t do anything stupid. Let’s go talk to Master Horus’ friends first. See what is happening and go from then.”

“No, I have to go to Egypt right now.” Hathor said

White Ox quickly grabbed Hathor “Mistress, that is a bad idea, calm down a bit.” White Ox said

“I need to go find Horus!” Hathor said, Hathor got training from Horus and quickly free herself from White Ox’s grasp.

“Mistress, please calm down!” White Ox said “Let’s go and find Master Horus’ friends first and start from there.”

“Alright, alright.” Hathor said

Hathor and White Ox went to find Resheph.

“We are aware of it, we got our intel from Qadesh, who send her people to us, informing us this is happening. That is why we didn’t return to Egypt. But unfortunately, Horus already left for Egypt. We send our people to go find him. But we don’t know whether he can get the info.” Resheph said

“I need to go and find him, myself.” Hathor said, she rushed for the door and try to leave

“Mistress no!” White Ox said, quickly grab hold of Hathor

“Let go of me!” Hathor said and use the Amazonian fighting skills she learned to throw White Ox away.

Hathor took a look at White Ox “I am sorry, White Ox, but…I…I need to go.” Hathor said, she prepared to leave for the door

“Miss Hathor!” Resheph quickly hold Hathor down.

Hathor tried to threw Resheph out of her way. But it was no use, Hathor is not a professional warrior, she only got enough training to protect herself from one or two average thugs. Resheph on the other hand is a professional warrior.

“Miss Hathor, Horus is like a brother to me. There is nobody that want to find him more than me.” Resheph said

“Then why are you not there looking for him!” Hathor said

“We already send people for him. He can be anywhere right now. But you cannot run back to Egypt like that, you will get yourself killed!” Resheph said, even if Resheph wants to go find Horus, he cannot, he got responsibility here.

Hathor left the place of Resheph and return to her home. It was just a small room in an inn. She quickly packed her belongings and rush off to Egypt, late in the night.

A few days later, White Ox realized Hathor is gone. White Ox know that Hathor would for certain be in danger if she returned to Egypt and was quick to pack his bags, to return to Egypt. White Ox’s wife was furious. After White Ox made a life for himself in Israel he wrote to his wife, so she brings his mother and his two children here, with her. Now, White Ox is going back to Egypt

“Without mistress, we would all be dead by now. Even Horus, I know if it wasn’t because of mistress, Horus would already have killed me, when we were still in Egypt. A good thug is a dead thug, his exact words. Master Horus might be a good man, but he sees all thugs as his enemy and need to be killed. Only mistress think, thugs can have goodness within them that can be brought out.” White Ox said


Hathor traveled to Egypt, she traveled day and night, she only knew one person with all the right connections. The Prefect of Esna that consider Horus as a friend and know that he has been stealing Osiris’ corps. Hathor got nothing to sell for trade, except her long blond hair. She used a knife, cutting strings of her hair and sell it in the marketplace, in exchange for wheat for her travels.

As she traveled one day, she was again been spotted by two thugs that wants to kidnap her for her blond hair. The thugs grabbed Hathor, but this time, Hathor remember what Horus taught her, bow down and flipped the thug away, when the second thug came Hathor quickly tripped the thug’s foot and threw him to the ground. But Hathor isn’t an elite warrior, with both thugs gone, Hathor started running away. But a while later, the thugs return. Hathor finally realized she had no choice but to kill the thugs, she grabbed her short lance and hammer. But the thugs came with reinforcement, of two more thugs, Hathor is not good enough to handle four thugs, she is lucky able to take on two thugs, a while ago.

“Mistress!” White Ox jumped one thug and started tackling him from behind. Hathor quickly grabbed her weapons. She remembered the foot movement Horus taught her and she has been practicing. Hathor slide to the side and block the attack of one staff and killed one thug, stabbing him with her lance, she quickly killed the second thug, with the same lance. The other two thugs, started going up against White Ox, one thug, threw White Ox off the second thug’s back and started beating him with their staff. Hathor stabbed him with her short lance and stab the next. All four thugs are dead. But Hathor is not used to the killing, she falls to the ground and started weeping uncontrollably.

“I killed them, I killed them, I killed them” Hathor said

“Mistress, look at me mistress, you got no choice. You had no choice.” White Ox said

“I killed them, I killed them, I killed them” Hathor was still crying

“Mistress, listen to me. We need to go.” White Ox said “Come on”

White Ox helped Hathor to her feet as they start moving away. But one thug suddenly stabbed a spear into White Ox from behind, it turns out, this thug, isn’t dead yet, just seriously injured.

“That is what you get for disrespecting us.” The thug said

White Ox struggle with his dying breath. “Mistress, you…you can’t let him live or…or he will…return with ... reinforcement.” White Ox said

Hathor still with tears in her eyes grabbed her short lance and stabbed the thug, in the throat and killing him.

The thug is dead, Hathor is now safe. White Ox seen it with his dying breath, finally relax and died.

Hathor kept crying, but she knows that she needs to leave and continue to run, before she draws more thugs, to her attention.

Which actress is best to play Serket?

Emma Watson

Laura Marano

(Originally this story is totally set on making the character base on the Egyptian goddess Serket black, consider, this story already set the character base on the Egyptian deity Hathor white, due to the mother of the Egyptain goddess Hathor got the head of a lion and the coat of a lion resemble European blond hair. So, originally the story is so set on making the character base on the Egyptian goddess Serket black, but, after seen this statue...not sure why an ancient African deity would have face feature more common amount Euroasians and consider it is unlikely ancient Egypt would have people of Asian ethnicity, during that era...got to go white.)

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