I always think the Asian martial art fantasy fictions to be really interesting and thought it be fun to try bring it into a more western setting.

Hence, I present to you "The Egyptian Pharaoh" I hope you like it :)

Book One: The Legacy of Ishtar Mother of Heaven and Earth

~ Inspired by Egyptian mythology

(Genera: Fiction, Fantasy, Martial Art, Romance)

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Book 1 Chapter Seven Part 3: Home

(ancient Canaanite God)
(ancient Egyptian God)
(Judaism Bible Demon)

~One year later

One year has passed. As the intelligent person he is, Horus excel in the apprentice program. He was offered a position within Min's fleet.

However, working within the fleet of Min, was not the original intention of Horus. The job is three years of service. Horus told Baal, he would like to first return home, to ask for his mother's permission.

Baal understood and send Horus home and let him onto a ship to Israel.

Horus hasn't been home for over a year.

When he returned home, he found a Caucasian male age around fourteen or fifteen and a Caucasian female age around late teen to early twenties. Both of them got blond hair.

Horus find the two of them look extremely familiar, but cannot remember where he had seen them before. But they recognize Horus and once they saw Horus they got down on their knees "Savior, thank you." and bow "My husband and I, we own our life to you." the woman said

It took Horus a minute to remember them, they are Diana and the boy she was with, one year ago, the ones Horus and Baal saved from those slave traders, in the marketplace, in Israel.

At this time, Nephthys and Ishtar also walked forward.

"Mother." Horus said

Ishtar was happy to see Horus. Ishtar took a good look at Horus "You grew up a lot in the last year. Grew up a lot."

"Mother these two are?" Horus asked.

"Let me introduce to you. This is Prince Lucifer, of Rome and his wife, the Princess Diana of Rome." Ishtar said

Horus took at the two of them and smiled. "When the two of you said you are looking for your relatives over one year ago, I never thought you be talking about my mother or my aunt." Horus said, like most people from Egypt, Horus, his mother Ishtar and his aunt Nephthys and his father Osiris, all got brown skin. Horus decided it must be a long distance relative, consider he heard that his great grandmother, is also Caucasian travel all the way from Greece to Africa, in the hope of becoming an Amazonian.

"You met before." Nephthys said

"We met one year ago. He is the one that saved us from the slave traders. But I never thought that our savior, is also the son of our distance relative." Diana said

Horus is a bit confused about what is going on.

So, Ishtar start explaining to Horus about what is going on.


It happened during the year where Horus was thirteen years old. For the first two years, where Nephthys lived with them, Ishtar was always suspect Nephthys might want to kill Horus and looked carefully. It took Ishtar three years, to finally decided she could trust Nephthys with her son and on the other hand, with Horus' talent in martial arts, by the age of thirteen, Horus was a match against Nephthys. But most important of all was the arrival of Wadjet.

Wadjet is a woman who is once from the tribe of the Apep. She deflected soon after Osiris promise any Apep that lived in the dessert can return to Egypt if surrendered. Wadjet was grateful to Osiris, she is born in the Sahara Desert after Apep tribe was driven into the dessert by Ra. Since arriving to Egypt Wadjet and her sister Nekhbet has been loyal to Osiris. When she was thirteen years old, Wadjet became one of Horus' nannies. She was not a warrior back then and was seriously injured trying to protect baby Horus, when the soldier of Seth invades the palace. She was thought to be dead and after seen Ishtar rescuing Horus and left with him, Wadjet pretend to be dead, until the soldiers of Seth left, since then she trained to become a warrior, for seven years. When Wadjet finally located Osiris' body, it was her intention to retrieve it. Osiris was still at the bottom of the Nile river, inside that golden coffin, Wadjet hopes to give Osiris a proper burial. But the place was loaded with soldiers, making it impossible for her to enter. Wadjet travel the land to find warriors that dare to pick up the task of helping her to retrieve Osiris' body and find him a place for burial, but nobody dares. Eventually, Wadjet decided to go seek help from the Amazons, in the hope of finding Nephthys. But Nephthys was gone, Wadjet heard the news that she travels to the land beyond the red sea to uncover a rumor story that a boy is being taught the fighting style of the Amazons. Wadjet left the Amazons, waiting for Nephthys' return, in a nearby village. But when the news of the Amazons was been destroyed came to the ear of Wadjet, she decided to travel beyond the red sea herself, to find this Amazonian woman, in the hope she would join Wadjet on the quest to uncover Osiris' body. It is to the shock of Wadjet that this Amazonian woman is Ishtar.

Ishtar wanted to recover Osiris' body for many years. But her priority needs to be, her son, in addition, Ishtar fear whether Nephthys would try to kill Horus. But Ishtar decides to let Nephthys stay, on the one hand, if Nephthys is trustworthy, Ishtar could use the help of another adult, if she is not trustworthy, it is better for Nephthys to remain at a place where Ishtar can keep an eye on her.

Ishtar got no idea where Wadjet learn how to fight, Wadjet's fighting skill is significantly inferior to Ishtar, but is more than enough to protect Horus, against any possible thugs, that might appear, in this area.

Thus, Ishtar seek the help of Nephthys and the two sisters return to Egypt to retrieve the body of Osiris, leaving Horus in Wadjet’s care.

Ishtar and Nephthys sneaked into the military camp of Seth, late at night, close to Seth's palace Yahweh. Within the Nile River, they found Osiris' body. As Amazonian Princesses, Ishtar and Nephthys are elite warriors. Both Ishtar and Nephthys were average students, while in the Amazons, but never the less Nephthys was a Level Three Amazonian and when the Coup of Seth took place, Ishtar was studying to achieve Level Four status. In addition Nephthys know the palace Yahweh and its surrounding land, like the back of her hand.

Isthar completed her level six training in five years and completed her level five training in five years. She started her Level Four training at the age of sixteen, she major in physical fitness and medical science minor in advance weaponry combat, where she mastered the sword fighting style of Venus Sky, within three years. But after becoming queen, she hopes to change discipline to major in military strategy, so to later replace Seth, but there weren't a vacancy to be the apprentice of a master teaching such art form. However, Ishtar already learn much about military strategy, during her basic training, as Amazonian basic training is level six academy and level five academy and combined can last up to ten years and is way more in depth, even compared to modern military. Ishtar continue her study using the scroll she brought with her from the Amazons, those scrolls were lost, during Seth's military coup, but she was able to complete her studying using scroll that Nephthys brought her, from the Amazons and Ishtar got her abs to prove, she has become proficient in the knowledge, in physical fitness.

After Seth destroyed the school of the Amazons, Nephthys took what Amazonian scroll is left that Seth's men didn't take with them and brought it with her to join Ishtar in the abyss. It was a good thing that Nephthys came, because Ishtar was running out of stuff to teach Horus, Horus completed his level six studies in only three years and completed his level five studies also in three years. By the age of twelve Horus was ready to study for level four knowledge. By the age of fourteen, Horus without a doubt already got the education of a Level Four Amazonian, where he majored in military strategy and philosophy and minor in advance weaponry combat, where he not only master the sword fighting styles of Venus Sky within one year, but also develop his own sword fighting style, Serpent Strike. By the age of sixteen, Horus got another Level Four Amazonian study complete, he major in physical fitness and medical science, taught by his mother and minor in witchcraft, which he self taught through reading the Amazonian scroll in this discipline.

Ishtar and Nephthys attacked the guards in the dark, so they can enter the Nile River. When they found the locations of Osiris' body, Ishtar and Nephthys tied one end of a rope, to a tree and the other end of the rope to Ishtar's waist. Then they tied a second rope to the same tree and Ishtar grabbed the other end of that rope and jumped into the water and tied it to the coffin. Ishtar and Nephthys repeated the process five times and tied five ropes to Osiris' coffin, afterwards, with the help of four horses, the coffin got dragged out of the water. The blacksmith that made the coffin was forced to make the coffin against his will, but the coffin was made via a strange formula from a wizard that gives the coffin its golden color, but due to the formula Osiris' corps won't decompose, instead the body turn green. Not able to carry the heavy golden coffin with them, Ishtar and Nephthys putted Osiris' body into a bag and secretly left. They were expecting a pile of dead bones, not a body that has not yet decomposed.

Ishtar and Nephthys travelled to Europe, until they met the Chieftain of a tribe that calls themselves the Romans. This is not the mighty Roman Empire, we later know, during this era, these people haven't even entered the bronze age.

Ishtar and Nephthys' grandmother is from this region, she travels for years till she reached Egypt, just to compete for a position to join the school of the Amazons. She became a level two Amazonian, but never become one of the twelve elders of the senior council. Her daughter Sin, after becoming a Master, got onto the council and was eventually elected to become the Chief of the Council. When the Amazons receive the knowledge of agriculture, Sin and most of the Amazonian that are not born as Amazons, understand how important it is, for the world. An Amazon was sent to spread the art of agriculture to Europe and hence, the art of agriculture was spread to Rome. Despite the fact that they never met Osiris, the Chieftain was so grateful, he sends the Amazons with many gifts and a letter saying if the pharaoh Osiris or the Amazonian ever need any help from the Romans, if Rome can help, they would help. Before Ishtar and Nephthys went to retrieve Osiris' body, they first went to find those who are willing to give him burial and the Chief of the Romans say they would give Osiris burial. Ishtar and Nephthys originally want to take Osiris back home to be buried here. But the land North of the Red Sea are mostly desert and is seen as not dignified for the burial of a Pharaoh, considering the dessert was considered bad luck, due to its lack of food and water and easy to get lost. The Roman Chieftain agree to give Osiris a proper burial, in their land, believing there is no way the men of Seth can find out about it, if they kept it a secret.

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