I always think the Asian martial art fantasy fictions to be really interesting and thought it be fun to try bring it into a more western setting.

Hence, I present to you "The Egyptian Pharaoh" I hope you like it :)

Book One: The Legacy of Ishtar Mother of Heaven and Earth

~ Inspired by Egyptian mythology

(Genera: Fiction, Fantasy, Martial Art, Romance)

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Book 1 Chapter Seven Part 2: Apprentice

Mediterranean Sea
Horus followed Baal, back to his fleet of ships in the Mediterranean Sea. Min is obviously a person of high status here.

Despite only a merchant in name, Min is obviously, the King of all these waters, everybody here, listen to him. Min's fleet control all of the island upon the Mediterranean Sea, including Cyprus, Sicily, Corsica, Sardinia and the Balearic Island. Many of their Pharaoh has been killed by Seth, now with the rising power of Min's navy, they consider Min as their Pharaoh, despite it is not official.

Min set the island Cyrus as his capital, this is because, Cyrus is the closest to Egypt, when Seth's navy invade, Baal plan to be on the first line, fighting to defend the Mediterranean Sea.

For the last five years, Min's naval power upon these waters, has already out grew those of Seth and is able to push the navy of Seth out of these waters. Seth and his army are great at fighting on land, but he knows nothing about naval warfare, nor does his Generals. Min grew up at sea, he knows the waters very well and he is a great warrior, so, as time went by and as Min's fleet of ships grow, he is able to also create a navy powerful enough to push Seth out of the water and keep them at land and declare independence from Seth. In response, Seth declare for Min and his fleet to be rebel pirates.

"Our fleet, we are both merchants and a navy and is some people's opinion, pirates." Min said to Horus, as they reached the island of Cyprus.

Surrounding them, there are people busy working, it is a busy harbor, the people here live a much better life, compared to those on the mainland.

"As merchants, we buy and sell goods, trade between islands and despite it is illegal, we still smuggle illegal trade, with the mainland, working with our smugglers on the mainland. From Cyrus we smuggle trade with Israel and Turkey. From Sicily we trade with Vitalia and Sardinia and Corsica we smuggle trade to remote regions, such as Gaul, Algeria and Spain. Seth's economic sanction upon us, got a weakness, the defense line is too long. but the problem is further west, the tribes are more primitive and got little to offer in trade." Min said

"We control these waters, the people of the island pay us tax, for our protection and we protect them, we install our self as its government, hence, in some way that make us pirates, But we install benefiting rule, based on the principle of the three Horae Justice, Good Order and Peace. The people are happy paying us tax. Our tax rate is 25%. When Seth rule this region, the tax rate is 90%. But in exchange for our protection, we reserve the right to hold all authority to the water trade of the region." Baal said

"My Lord." a man walked up to Min and said, he handed a scroll to Min.

"Come, you need to see our justice system at work." Baal said to Horus.

"My personal life is none of your concern, son. I got five wives, each of them is only with me only for the money. They are young and beautiful woman. I don't care. We married and then divorce, after a few years, I give them a handsome alimony in the divorce. Everybody is happy this way." Baal said

Baal walked to the justice center and here Horus saw a man on trial for assaulting another man.

The first man claims that the second man slept with his wife and is the reason for the assault, however, the second man claim that the woman is not rightfully his wife.

During the era of Seth's rule, those who are loyal to Seth got the privilege, whenever he saw a beautiful woman, by the law of Seth, he can kill her husband or father and force her to be his wife against her will, if her father or husband is not one of Seth's men.

After the rule of Min, some of Seth's loyalists never leave the region. The first man is a man of Seth that never leave the island. This man of Seth killed the woman's father and force her to be his wife, against her will. The woman due to having no money, didn't dare to leave this man of Seth.

The judge trialing the case, after hearing all evidence, decided this woman did nothing wrong, because she didn’t marry this man of Seth out of her own free will, thus, he is not her legitimate husband and the man that slept with her did nothing wrong either. The judge annulled the marriage between this man of Seth and this woman, however, because this man of Seth forced the woman to be his wife, against her will, the judge also gave all the property of this man of Seth to the woman and sentenced this man of Seth for his crime. And as the woman and the other men she slept with requested, the judge married them, in the court that day.

"Thugs, would not be tolerated." the judge said

"People commit crime out of different reason, our justice system, put the reasons into consideration. But if the person that committed the crime is a thug, his punishment to be double. If an ordinary person should be sentence to ten lashes for committing a crime, a thug would receive twenty lashes. If an ordinary person is to be executed by beheading. A thug would be executed via been striped naked, tied up in public, for public display and be only given water, but denier food, until they starve to death or freeze to death. Thugs, need to be shown who is boss." Baal said

This man of Seth would not be executed, he would be a slave for the rest of his life, because the judge also found him guilty of been a thug. By law all male thugs after been found guilty of a crime, would be public humiliated by been tied up in public and have his penis, his manhood been cut off. But, no male criminal that is not found guilty of been a thug, should have their penis cut off as punishment.

Male thugs would remain under the custody of the state, as men are harder to control and serve as a state own slave, if the prison guards consider the thug to be far too tough to handle, they can chop off one of his leg, to make him easier to control. Female thugs that is found guilty of a crime, would be sold off to be house slaves, the beautiful one usually become sex slaves, the ugly ones are usually send to work the farm. When been found guilty of a crime, a thug must remain as a slave for at least ten years, until they can regain their freedom and if they are guilty of rape, murder or treason, they will be slave for life. Criminals who are not thugs, can be slave for no more then three years, before their freedom is regained, unless they are guilty of crime such as rape, murder or treason, then he must be a slave for at least ten years, but no more then ten years.

As slaves thugs can be sold to do any form of dangerous task and can be sold to become sex slaves, but those who are not thugs, can only be sold to become slave performing not dangerous tasks and cannot be sex slaves.

"Come, I sign you up for the naval officer training. A person with your skill, should not be an ordinary sailor." Baal said "But to get into the training, isn't easy, you must pass the test first."

Min introduced Horus to Resheph, one of the officer cadet trainers. "Even if you are a prince, you don't become an officer, unless you get into this school and pass the training."

Horus enter the school, with his letter of recommendation.

Reshep took a look at Horus' letter "Your letter of recommendation is straight from Lord Baal, you got high connections." Reshep said "But you still need to pass the test. Come."

Reshep stood up to the altar, "Come and fight me." Reshep said

There were many candidates standing in line, each with his letter of recommendation, but only those who can hold at least ten moves with Reshep in a fight can pass the first round of test.

Horus stood on the altar.

There was a judge standing there, between them, he would determine whether Horus can enter the school, not Reshep. "Fight" the judge said

Horus and Reshep started fighting in hand to hand combat. Horus and Reshep engaged over twenty moves, Reshep cannot defeat Horus. Horus managed to push Reshep down the alter, but before Reshep fall down, Horus quickly grabbed his arm and pulled him back up.

"Hold" the judge said

"Horus, passed the first round." the judge said

Reshep is impressed, there was some cadets that are able to fight for over ten moves with him and get into the school and others fail, but so far, none of them is able to defeat him.

"Congratulations." Reshep said politely

"Thank you." Horus replied.

The second round, the person needs to know how to read and write. The third round, demonstrate math skills, each are presented with an assessment that require demonstration of math, leadership and business skills. Amount those who passed, the best would be selected into the school.

After entering the school, the cadets would go through eight weeks of training, in the way of the waters, six week training learning how to be a sailor and eight training in naval combat, after completing the training, they will spend six months at sea as an apprentice, afterwards, they could be offered an offer a job within the fleet of Baal.

Horus passed all exam easily and began his apprenticeship.

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